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Shrooms, They're Good For You!


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Study finds long benefit in illegal mushroom drug



AP Science Writer


NEW YORK (AP) -- In 2002, at a Johns Hopkins University laboratory, a business consultant named Dede Osborn took a psychedelic drug as part of a research project.


She felt like she was taking off. She saw colors. Then it felt like her heart was ripping open.


But she called the experience joyful as well as painful, and says that it has helped her to this day.


"I feel more centered in who I am and what I'm doing," said Osborn, now 66, of Providence, R.I. "I don't seem to have those self-doubts like I used to have. I feel much more grounded (and feel that) we are all connected."


Scientists reported Tuesday that when they surveyed volunteers 14 months after they took the drug, most said they were still feeling and behaving better because of the experience.


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I whole-heartly agree with this...I became the universe once wjile on mushrooms. Still affects me today.


I love those things, they are the true mana from heaven...

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For spiritual, I recommend mescaline or ibogaine. Not something you really party with.

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No, def. not party drugs. I always go to the beach, camping, a park, always as deep into nature I can get at the time. Mostly I like to be alone too, but I do have a few "Partners" that understand the sacred-ness of the experience.

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I always wanted to try shrooms. They use to be in all the pastures around growing in cow piles until they put something in the feed. It's not something I would want to do all the time, but I would like to experience it once, under the right circumstances.

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Keep in mind that not every one knows if they are allergic to mushrooms, psychedelic ones or not. If you have an allergic reaction to mushrooms, you may be in need of a liver transplant within days, depending on how many you had and what kind they are. Don't get into mushrooms thinking they are as harmless as marijuana. Think things over first, educate yourself before jumping in. If you have had shrooms in the past without harmful effects then you may do alright with psychedelic shrooms. If you have a history of food allergies, I would not even try one.

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I usually don't like to eat mushrooms, but a few months ago I went out to lunch with some ladies at work at a culinary school which served mushroom-sherry soup with a dough ball in it as an appetizer. I actually found the mushrooms in the soup tasty along with the sherry added to the soup. As I've never had the psychedelic kinds of shrooms I'm wondering if you can make a soup out of those ones as well.

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I usually don't like to eat mushrooms, but a few months ago I went out to lunch with some ladies at work at a culinary school which served mushroom-sherry soup with a dough ball in it as an appetizer. I actually found the mushrooms in the soup tasty along with the sherry added to the soup. As I've never had the psychedelic kinds of shrooms I'm wondering if you can make a soup out of those ones as well.

To make a soup with mushrooms, it takes a lot, perhaps more than one would eat for a psychedelic experience. Eating some foods cooked is a whole new experience from eating them raw. What goes down well raw may not go so well cooked. I personally would avoid a culinary disaster of psych mushrooms.

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I tired mushrooms three times over a six month period back in the early 1980s when I was in my early twenties. Except for a short initial phase of nausea* where I found it difficult to hold the shroomies down, the overall experience each time was positive. I found normal barriers to communication broken and my partner and I learned a great deal about each other that we did not know before. The visual effects were just as striking. Our brain filters out most of the visual information we receive from the eyes and it just focuses on what we are doing. Mushrooms allow you to SEE so much of what we normally ignore and the results were personally profound. I also felt a great sense of belonging to life on earth and that I was part of it and connected to every other living thing. One odd recollection was that everything appeared scrunched or flattened somehow; very reminiscent of Aztec hieroglyphics. I am glad that I had the experience and feel that my outlook on life was changed for the better, but I have no desire to do it again, it is hard to explain why.




*My partner at the time had a weak stomach and tried something innovative. He ground the mushrooms in a coffee grinder and then mixed the mushroom dust with water. He then sucked up the muck in a turkey-baster and squirted up his ass. It worked great and more quickly than eating the mushrooms. It did however have the side effect of wanting to be fucked in the ass NOW, so be careful! :lmao:

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I never liked the taste of mushrooms since having them forced on me as a kid at school dinners.


A bad trip with hallucinogens can be very bad and as Marty points out, they can affect you years later. That's one way of becoming a schizophrenic.

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I never liked the taste of mushrooms since having them forced on me as a kid at school dinners.


A bad trip with hallucinogens can be very bad and as Marty points out, they can affect you years later. That's one way of becoming a schizophrenic.

Actually, schizophrenia is not caused that way. People claim LSD and marijuana causes schizophrenia too. They may make it noticeable by reducing a person's self control, but they do not cause the disorder. That is anti-drug use propaganda, not the facts.

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I think shrooms or LSD can bring out schizophrenia for people who are susceptible to it. The drummer I used to jam with in high school is a schizophrenic now, and he took ALOT of acid. It also seems to me that the people that do it the most have some deep problems that they are trying to escape from, thus it looks like the acid is the cause.


It doesn't cause it, but it can bring it out sooner, or worsen it. But only if you have a family history of the crazies.

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