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Goodbye Jesus

Debates On Homosexuality


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I saw a few idiots there, but most of them (surprisingly) seem pretty level headed about the topic.

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Guest DashBlades

*sigh* homosexuality and Christianity...such a war. It almost makes me wonder sometimes...I'm bi, and believe in non-traditional bisexual-polygamy. I wonder what Christians would say about that? Ha!

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I have real problems with attending functions, religious or not, that bash homosexuals and anyone else that is not of the religion. I never understand why gays and lesbians attend christian churches ...

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I have real problems with attending functions, religious or not, that bash homosexuals and anyone else that is not of the religion. I never understand why gays and lesbians attend christian churches ...


I have been to a wedding or two recently (Catholic weddings) where the sermon has included some offhand slur against gays (I am bi). It makes me so angry, and I want to ask my friends why would marry in the church when they KNOW what the party line is on gays and that the priest will most likely say something offensive.

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  • Super Moderator

The hallmark of Christianity is to deny progress and understanding. Sexual orientation is not a choice any more than eye color.


Makes me wonder how long believers insisted there was no such thing as mental illness or epilepsy to explain away the obvious work of demons.

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To admit that sexual orientation is genetic is to admit the bible is wrong.This like many of us know breaks down the pedestal from under the world of the believers.A great many have no self-worth or purpose in life but the church.To end that is something they will not do no matter the cost to society.Fanatics can not live without a mission!

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