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Goodbye Jesus

Truth Seeking

Guest consciencebound

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Guest consciencebound

Truth Seeking


Something I have been thinking about as a result of the conversations that I have had with some people lately.


1. I do not know everything

2. My teachers do not know everything

3. The teachers of my teachers do not know everything

4. The ancients do not know everything

5. It is acceptable to question and doubt everything that everyone tells you about anything in order to verify it’s truth.

6. Any person who agrees with the first 4 points should have no problem with you questioning them on what they teach you or what they believe.

7. In fact, they should encourage you to question what they tell you.

8. Anyone who does not encourage you to test and question what they and other authorities say should be approached with caution.

9. Any person who prohibits doubt and questions is not interested in the truth but only their own opinions.

10. A fallible person HAS to acknowledge the possibility of their own error and should seek to be examined or the fact that they are not interested in truth is only reinforced.

11. Talking to such a person about truth will most certainly be a waste of time.


The above truths applied to religion’s with scripture authorities




1. All books that are reported to be revelations from god come through the hands, minds and experiences of men

2. Men do not know everything

3. Men (and women) are shown to embellish, exaggerate, change information to suit their interests, and have faulty memories

4. Authors of “revelations†from God should be doubted, questioned and critically examined just like anyone else.

5. Authors of “revelations†from God should encourage doubt, questioning and critical examination of their writings.

6. Anyone who does not encourage you to doubt, question, and critically examine what they and other authorities say should be approached with caution.

7. Every religion HAS to acknowledge that their revelation was originally given to fallible humans and that the subsequent transmission of their scriptures is also subject to even more fallible human interaction.

8. Any religion that prohibits doubt, questions and critical examination is not interested in the truth but only in it’s own opinions that are not based in truth.

9. No religion possess original autographs of their revelation

10. Even if they did possess such autographs, given the second and third premises above, it would in no way guarantee that they were free from error.

11. Talking to such people about truth will most certainly be a waste of time.



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Very good post. The thing with science is they don't know everything but they do try to understand as much as they can. Science is ever changing with more and more information coming in on a daily basis. Compare to religion. They don't know everything, yet they claim they do. They want you to believe as they do their fantastic, impossible to prove claims. When something comes up that challenges their beliefs, they don't re-evauluate them, they just dismiss them as automatically wrong from the get go. Science, on the other hand, looks into this new information, studies it, tests it and sees if it holds up. Science has far more going gor it as opposed to religion. Science is rooted in reality while religion is rooted in superstitious make believe.

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Some christians do accept that Man wrote the bible and not god, but they believe it was written by infallible men. Certainly everything should be questioned, including the bible.

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