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Goodbye Jesus

Not Agaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiinnnnn!


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So I recently added someone to my MySpace friends list. Before this (months before this) she had told me she was agnostic. Now?


She spammed my bulletin with Jesus-spam. I can't delete but I can't ignore it either. She knows I am an atheist, everyone who has seen my rpofile can see that I am an atheist. So I've decided to bite back.


Is this a good idea?

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So I recently added someone to my MySpace friends list. Before this (months before this) she had told me she was agnostic. Now?


She spammed my bulletin with Jesus-spam. I can't delete but I can't ignore it either. She knows I am an atheist, everyone who has seen my rpofile can see that I am an atheist. So I've decided to bite back.


Is this a good idea?

Well, if she wasn't soliciting you, it wouldn't be a good idea. But since she decided to start the shit storm, you have every right to do so. I say go for it!

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Are you sure she did it?


I ask because Myspace is notoriously easy for spammers to hack. I've had my own account hacked once and bulletins posted from it, when it wasn't me at all. Similar has happened to a couple of my own friends. So I'd say, make sure it was really her before you start a board war.


If it was really her, then if it was me I'd probably just send her some crabby inbox telling her I didn't appreciate the gesture and please don't try to contact me again, then I'd delete her from my Friends list and put her on block.


But that's just me.

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Another reason to hate MySpace. I only have an account because my sister does and so does my friend Bill. You can't delete the bulletins? I've never tried.

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Are you sure she did it?


I ask because Myspace is notoriously easy for spammers to hack. I've had my own account hacked once and bulletins posted from it, when it wasn't me at all. Similar has happened to a couple of my own friends. So I'd say, make sure it was really her before you start a board war.


If it was really her, then if it was me I'd probably just send her some crabby inbox telling her I didn't appreciate the gesture and please don't try to contact me again, then I'd delete her from my Friends list and put her on block.


But that's just me.


I'm quite sure it was her. She's consistently asked me to church several times even though we're not really personally close at all.

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Where do you guys find the time to do the myspace thing? I'd consider it, if I were to get paid for it, but such a huge investment of time with questionable returns seems illogical to me.

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I wouldn't sweat, and I don't think getting back at her is worth it. She's the one wasting her time spamming on Myspace, given that I imagine that even if you were to give a calm rational response it would fall on deaf ears.


Better yet quit Myspace, sites a frackin chore to keep up with.

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The answer is to join Facebook instead ;).

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Where do you guys find the time to do the myspace thing? I'd consider it, if I were to get paid for it, but such a huge investment of time with questionable returns seems illogical to me.


I just ignore mine and read my friends updates when I get notified of them. Very little time at all.

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The answer is to join Facebook instead ;).


Just my opinion, but I think its better to forgo both. I think that all that constant communication tends to cheapen your interaction. It seems to turn a lot of communication into telegraphic superficial soundbites.


I quit both, and while I fell out of touch with some people I find that I have more time and talking seems a bit more meaningful. But thats just me, I don't even like talking on the phone I much prefer face to face.

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I wouldn't sweat, and I don't think getting back at her is worth it. She's the one wasting her time spamming on Myspace, given that I imagine that even if you were to give a calm rational response it would fall on deaf ears.


Better yet quit Myspace, sites a frackin chore to keep up with.


Yeah, true. But what can I say, I'm 16, jobless, and it's summer. I've got nothing else to do.


And it did fall on deaf ears. *sigh*

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