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Goodbye Jesus

Fundamentalist Christianity: The Worship Of An Evil God


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It really makes complete sense when you look at the statistics.


Hmm, a primarily Christian world, and a world filled with war and evil- that they have created. So who's evil? Yeah, let's just blame it on the Devil so we don't have to take responsibility.

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God comes across as a bratty kid with great power. Would any sane person want to be stuck in the same place with him for all eternity?

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Some similar conclusions that I reached concerning the god I learned to believe in explain why I left Christianity. The article does conflate a wide array of theology, so that practically any Christian could refute it by pointing out his or her particular denomination's route around the conclusion that the Fundamentalist god is evil. For example, certain parts of the argument depend on omniscience including complete knowledge of the future. Calvinists believe this, but Wesleyans and others don't necessarily. As such, the argument remains polemical, but it's still useful.


I'm rethinking the significance to begin with of the claim that the Christian god is loving and good. Other mythologies including destructive and evil gods haven't always hesitated to regard them as such. Christian sermons frequently include an open oscillation between fear tactics and reward tactics, so why paste over the fear with the claim of infinite goodness? Why not simply portray god as mighty and sometimes merciful? If you read some early American puritanical sermons, like "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," you can find thinking along these lines. As one of the key ingredients to the problem of theodicy, omnibenevolence strikes me as a claim maybe more problematic than it's worth. Why not jettison it? That Fundamentalists consider an argument for an evil god heretical is maybe worth some consideration.

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