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Goodbye Jesus

Some Of My Song Lyrics


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Here and There


I am a traveller of both here and there

Leaving my prints all over the world

Near and far, the moon, the sun and the stars

Never get second place

On my journey across time and space

I am a traveller of both here and there


I am a nomad of no mans land

An explorer of the 7 wonders

A searcher and seeker of the other 10,000

Here and there and everywhere

Take a walk and take in the air

I am a traveller of both here and there


Take some time to sit

Get a cup

And enjoy the sip

Reflect on your thoughts

Vacation in your mind

No need to travel to go on a far away trip


I am but a mere blip in history

Still i sail all its rivers and seas

Unlocking its mysteries all for me

Stepping into the pages of lore

Opening the door to anywhere

I am a traveller of both here and there


I am a wanderer of both now and then

The author and composer of the greatest book and song

Director from beginning to end

Here, there and nowhere

And vacationer of all places inbetween

I am a traveller of both here and there


Take some time to sit

Get a cup

And enjoy the sip

Reflect on your thoughts

Vacation in your mind

No need to travel to go on a far away trip




My son of 24


(verse 1)

My son of 24

On all that is sweet and pure we swore

My son of 24

Our minds grow so numb and sore

My son of 24

How can you be once more

My son of 24

My son of 24

We heard you fought a great war

My son of 24

We don't know you anymore

My son of 24

You're not the same to us no more

My son of 24

My son of 24



What do you mean daddy, what do you mean mommy?

I'm still your son for thats all i can be

Have been through the years, 1-24, 1-24

Maybe i am different than before

But i'm still your son of 24

Your son of 24

Your son of 24

Do you wish for me to darken this door no more?

To sleep not in my bed again?

To never dine from your table with friends?

To be gone and come back no more?

Do you wish for me to darken this door no more?

Your son of 24?


(verse 2)

My son of 24

Saw you come in and not open the door

My son of 24

Why are you clothed all in gore

My son of 24

How can you walk and not touch the floor

My son of 24

My son of 24

We put you to rest to rise no more

My son of 24

No, not the one we knew before

My son of 24

You're not the one we buried 3 days before

My son of 24

My son of 24



What do you mean daddy, what do you mean mommy?

I'm still your son for thats all i can be

Have been through the years, 1-24, 1-24

Maybe i am different than before

But i'm still your son of 24

Your son of 24

Your son of 24

Do you wish for me to darken this door no more?

Your son of 24

To be gone and come back no more?

Your son of 24

I can't find the passage back to were i was before

So i'll pull up a seat

And kick my shoes in the floor

For i am here for evermore

Your son of 24

Your son of 24

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