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Goodbye Jesus

Disgusted By The Respect Religon Gets

Guest YoungandBroken

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Guest YoungandBroken

Everytime someone openly talks about their so called beliefs a.k.a self delusion which is better known as religon, and ask people to respect it i get disgusted. Because it's like they are looking for a reaction. I have a friend at school who openly said he is very religous and will argue about it if he has to, i just think that's very immature because he's asking for respect for his so called beliefs when i know if i announced mines i would probably have him and tons of people publicly insulting me for it. Even when i was an Xtian the subject of religon has always been kind of weird to me. Overall i disliked the idea that i was brought to earth, never asked to be here yet i have to do all this weird boring stuff and the only one responsible for all this is invisible. To me Religon (Xtianity to be more specific) is a disgusted perveted insane idea and im tired of people defending it and seeing themselves as good in doing so. Another thing that annoys me is what's up with all the Rappers and singers always talking about god. At the grammys it's always god did this or god did that. I do have a love for music but it just disgust me that even these people are giving respect to religon.

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Actually, I'd rather have someone respect me for who I am as a human being, than for my worldview.

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