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Goodbye Jesus

Here's A Great Bit Of Religious "tolerance"


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That picture is of the rear glass of my car, taken about two months ago.


Yesterday, as I often do, I rode my bicycle to work rather than driving. Last night, as I went out to put my new proof-of-insurance into my car, I noticed, much to my dismay and annoyance, that my "God save us from your followers" sticker was gone. Upon closer investigation, I could see scratch marks in the remaining adhesive, and basically someone picked at the upper-right corner of the decal and then pulled down and left to peel it off. Oddly enough, all of the gay pride decals (there are more than the photo shows) were untouched, and there was no damage to the rest of my car.


This got me thinking. WHO would fuck with a decal poking at religion? And what does that say about them and their religion?


I'm definitely replacing it, possibly with something a bit more direct this time.

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I'm definitely replacing it, possibly with something a bit more direct this time.


I'd go with one that says

"Christ - 2 billion believers can't be wrong, can they?

Umm...can they?"

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My windows aren't tinted, so I tape my stickers inside the window. I only have one related to religion and it says something like "If religious groups want political power than they should pay taxes." or something like that.


It's funny that someone was willing to commit a small crime by removing your sticker. Breakin' the law for Jesus!

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Oddly enough i carry one of the most controversial bumper stickets of all time "9/11 was an Inside Job" ...in the dirty south no less, and i work at the VA freaking HOSPITAL....they are magnetized stickers so they would be simple to just take off with...and never, not one time has anything ever happened to them. I am still amazed...


though occasionally whilst walking to my car from work i get stares or i walk up and there is a crowd gathered around..pretending to just be going inside...never have they messed with it though...


so im suprised someone messed with yours




btw...i just got my FSM put on the back of my car yay

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This time add a sticker with: "Don't remove this sticker... God can see you stealing!"


Or maybe even better: "Thou shalt not steal -- If only Christians could obey it, this sticker would be left alone."

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That's why I don't display such things on my truck. I'm sure something would be ripped off of it, and/or the truck would be damaged. And come to think of it, I've never seen anything displayed on another vehicle like that in my area.

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Oddly enough i carry one of the most controversial bumper stickets of all time "9/11 was an Inside Job" ...in the dirty south no less, and i work at the VA freaking HOSPITAL....they are magnetized stickers so they would be simple to just take off with...and never, not one time has anything ever happened to them. I am still amazed...


Well, most people would just think you were a whack job and not be offended. :grin:

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someone peeled the "born again atheist" sticker off my car.


if i had the money, i would have a sensor on my car, and if someone TOUCHED the bumper sticker, they would be maced.


stupid effin religious nuts!

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I had a Darwin fish disappear from my car years ago...

Are you sure it didn't just evolve or go extinct?



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Ha! I wish it were that simple! No, about a week prior to me noticing it was gone, I was putting my groceries in my trunk at Publix when I was approached by a preaching fundie making his rounds in the parking lot. He thought he had a bunch of stumper questions for me, like "If humans evolved, how come there are no sub-species like you see in the rest of the animal kingdom?"


He thought that question was so smart, so smug, he even said that "races don't count, they are still modern humans and can interbreed."


Aside from asking him if he was sure that every sub-species cannot interbreed, I brought up Neanderthals, and how they are a pretty good answer to his question; they are/were a sub-species that just happen to not be alive right now.


He didn't like that, or any other answer I gave him. I'm sure he saw my car in the parking lot in the following week, and removed it for me...however, I never saw him again after that one time.

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"If humans evolved, how come there are no sub-species like you see in the rest of the animal kingdom?"


He thought that question was so smart, so smug, he even said that "races don't count, they are still modern humans and can interbreed."


As far as I know I think that a sub-species requires some sort of isolation to form or some deliberate breeding. Save for a few dozen tribes people in the Amazon humans are hardly isolated anywhere.

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My sticker which is inside the window is a beauty....Nuke an unborn gay baby whale for Jesus... it makes at least 3 people mad per day.That is cause they can't peel it off! I "meet" fundies by the truck load with it LOL.I post them inside the window after replacing at least a dozen to date. :grin:

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I have quite a few bumper stickers. They are all on magnet strips, so I can rotate them and remove them and lock them in the vehicle when vandalism seems at all likely.


God is Just Pretend

Freedom = the Distance between Church and State

Born O.K. the First Time

Militant Agnostic: I don't know and you don't, either

Science, not Superstition


I get the finger sometimes on the road; I just blow the outraged fool a kiss.


Here's a nice site for such stickers and the handy magnet strips I use:



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I have quite a few bumper stickers. They are all on magnet strips, so I can rotate them and remove them and lock them in the vehicle when vandalism seems at all likely.


God is Just Pretend

Freedom = the Distance between Church and State

Born O.K. the First Time

Militant Agnostic: I don't know and you don't, either

Science, not Superstition


I get the finger sometimes on the road; I just blow the outraged fool a kiss.


Here's a nice site for such stickers and the handy magnet strips I use:



Evolvefish is a great site, actually where I just ordered my replacements. Once I have them on the car, I'll take some pics :)

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we should find a way to make it so that tampering with stickers on someones car gives you AIDS or kills your firstborn child...



any of you science types think you can get on this?

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This is why I don't leave bumper stickers on my car. Too many fundies in my state. I'm afraid I'd find slashed tires and/or broken windows one day. And all for expressing an opinion some people disagree with.


So much for "God is love" and "God is peace." I suppose it works if you mean the Orwellian definitions of love and peace.

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we should find a way to make it so that tampering with stickers on someones car gives you AIDS or kills your firstborn child...



any of you science types think you can get on this?


I don't believe in harming them physically...that only brings us to their level of hate. What I would love to see though, is a bumper sticker/magnet that gets the fingerprints of anyone who tries to remove them who isn't the car's owner, and sends the info straight to a police database along with an alert of the car's location. Possibly even like the fire alarms that spray your hands with paint so they know who pulled them.



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This is why I don't leave bumper stickers on my car. Too many fundies in my state. I'm afraid I'd find slashed tires and/or broken windows one day. And all for expressing an opinion some people disagree with.


So much for "God is love" and "God is peace." I suppose it works if you mean the Orwellian definitions of love and peace.

You know, I actually take the opposite approach. I've had a lot of people tell me that I shouldn't put stuff on my car, and theoretically, they have a good point. Yet, every time something happens, I actually add more to the car. I got pulled over and harassed by a cop last fall just because I had a Pink Triangle sticker on my car, so I added the "God save us from your followers" sticker. My car got keyed last Thanksgiving (still haven't gotten it fixed, either, since the damage came in just under my insurance deductible), and now I've added a gay pride variant of the Canadian flag (in Canada-hating Michigan, no less). Now someone's peeled off my "God save us" decal, so I've ordered replacements.


My thought, and call it silly idealism if you wish, is that if I suddenly pull all the decals off of my car, THEY win. If I am so terrified, so cowed into submission by their terrorism that I am afraid to even express myself on my own personal property, they've won. That's what these Christofacist Religious Reich knuckle-dragging neanderthal fucks want, is for everyone to be like them and conform to their piss-poor book's black-and-white no variants loving god that'll roast your ass in an instant image of the Universe, and in their minds it seems that if they don't see Atheists or gay people or whatever other group they've decided to hate that day, then we either don't exist, or we've conformed.


And I won't have it. I've come too far and struggled for too long and cried far too many tears to let barbaric savages shove me back into a closet.

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You should make a custom sticker:


"Going to key my car or steal one of my stickers? What would Jesus do?" or something like that.

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Guest Zenobia
My thought, and call it silly idealism if you wish, is that if I suddenly pull all the decals off of my car, THEY win. If I am so terrified, so cowed into submission by their terrorism that I am afraid to even express myself on my own personal property, they've won. That's what these Christofacist Religious Reich knuckle-dragging neanderthal fucks want, is for everyone to be like them and conform to their piss-poor book's black-and-white no variants loving god that'll roast your ass in an instant image of the Universe, and in their minds it seems that if they don't see Atheists or gay people or whatever other group they've decided to hate that day, then we either don't exist, or we've conformed.


And I won't have it. I've come too far and struggled for too long and cried far too many tears to let barbaric savages shove me back into a closet.


LOL I have the same thought, xeguar! I just add more and more stickers, and fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.


Here are some of mine:












**PS though, in the future please try not to compare christians to neanderthals... that's an insult to neanderthals everywhere :P

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Guest Zenobia

I love that one Monolith! It would make a great tattoo!! What a cool idea. If you get it done - will you post a pic?

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I love that one Monolith! It would make a great tattoo!! What a cool idea. If you get it done - will you post a pic?



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