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Getting Busted For Bustin' A Sag...


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I'll be the first to admit, I hate it when people wear their pants like this. I think it looks stupid as hell, but THIS is taking one's opinion a little too far, methinks...



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The cop seems to be exceeding his authority. I hate sagging, and I wish it would go away on its own, but I don't see it as an issue for law enforcement.


The dress code at my school prohibits visible underclothing. I have to police sagging in the performance of my duties. It's a losing battle. The kids who sag, are, by and large, the same kids that have general problems with authority.

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They're still doing that? My college dorm roommate used to do that 20 years ago. You'd think it would have gone out of style by now.


Just as long as they don't start policing the Russian babes:



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I mean really what alot of fuss. My son is nearly 17, I myself do not get the whole saggy pants thing, but ya know, each to their own. Unless we are going out as a family!!!! he has to hitch them up. I have had this discussion with my son. Even though I think it looks rediculous, my initial take is on the practicality of wearing pants like that. I asked my son how the heck can he play basketball or run, if he is hitching his jeans up every 5 seconds. My oldest is now 22, he use to do the same thing but basically grew out of it. Now he is working at a bank and has to wear form fitting clothes.


I think the majority of the kids it is a fashion thing, and they just follow the crowd, maybe for others it is a defiance against authority, they are making some kind of statement.

But it is still not an arrestworthy event. What about plumber's crack, maybe they ought to outlaw that. Watch out Rotorooter!

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Is it just me or what? I had to look and look again. Is that cop's name really Dicks?


If that were me I wouldn't attract world attention to it by arresting sagging-pant wearers illegally in some obscure American city.

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Some boys were wearing their jeans like that more than fifty years ago when I was in high school.


Other boys would sometimes sneak up behind them and pull the jeans down to their ankles.

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My personal opinion (or anyone else's) on sagging is not the point. It is yet another over-controlling breech of personal freedom. I'd like to see the ACLU nail this Dicks guy. Better yet, I'd like to see him back down or resign or something so that the ACLU can use its overstretched resources on another deserving cause.

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