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Who Threatens You The Most?


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Strike the Root

by Doug Herman


"Some day in the not-too-distant future, someone will pen a book

called Who Wrecked America? If the book is honest, fingers will be

pointed at the crooks and liars in Washington DC and Wall Street, at

lobbyists (pimps) and Congressmen (whores), at bankers and war toy

makers, at AIPAC and PNAC, at presidents, executives and generals.

Doubtful that anyone will conclude that Iran had much to do with the

destruction of America. Although today Iran remains in the gunsights

of the master criminals in DC, that distant land does less damage to

America than a handful of high American officials. Truthfully, I feel

more threatened by Bush and Bolton, by Barack and Barak, by McCain and

Cheney and Pelosi, than anyone in Iran." (07/22/08)



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Strike the Root

by Doug Herman


"Some day in the not-too-distant future, someone will pen a book

called Who Wrecked America? If the book is honest, fingers will be

pointed at the crooks and liars in Washington DC and Wall Street, at

lobbyists (pimps) and Congressmen (whores), at bankers and war toy

makers, at AIPAC and PNAC, at presidents, executives and generals.

Doubtful that anyone will conclude that Iran had much to do with the

destruction of America. Although today Iran remains in the gunsights

of the master criminals in DC, that distant land does less damage to

America than a handful of high American officials. Truthfully, I feel

more threatened by Bush and Bolton, by Barack and Barak, by McCain and

Cheney and Pelosi, than anyone in Iran." (07/22/08)





I absolutely agree. The biggest terrorists and threats to our freedom work in the White House. They have done more to wreck democracy, encourage terrorism, and promote fear more than the supposed terrorists they're trying to convince us they are protecting us from.

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Strike the Root

by Doug Herman


"Some day in the not-too-distant future, someone will pen a book

called Who Wrecked America? If the book is honest, fingers will be

pointed at the crooks and liars in Washington DC and Wall Street, at

lobbyists (pimps) and Congressmen (whores), at bankers and war toy

makers, at AIPAC and PNAC, at presidents, executives and generals.

Doubtful that anyone will conclude that Iran had much to do with the

destruction of America. Although today Iran remains in the gunsights

of the master criminals in DC, that distant land does less damage to

America than a handful of high American officials. Truthfully, I feel

more threatened by Bush and Bolton, by Barack and Barak, by McCain and

Cheney and Pelosi, than anyone in Iran." (07/22/08)





I agree but I also think the apathy of the every day non-political American has a lot to do with it as well.

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I totally agree with the premise. In America, our own government is our most dangerous enemy.


I disagree that the American people are to blame because of apathy.


The reason I say this is because the military-industrial complex began their takeover in the innocent 1950s during the "cold war" with their relentless propaganda foisted on an unsuspecting public.


As the cancer grew, the public became slowly aware of what was happening, but it was already too late. Armed insurrection was out of the question, and the ballot box had lost any significance. An agenda had been set and nothing was going to stop it.


Apathy in Americans is an entirely proper response. We have no power to change the government anymore. The last time the people spoke was to elect a Democratic Congress to reign in the Bush Administration's insane war policies and systematic dismantling of our Constitution. The Democrats turned out to be no different from the Republicans. The President had, and continues to have, his way with us and the world.


Exactly what the fuck are we supposed to do? Vote? For whom? Don't even say Obama, the guy who flip-flopped on the telecom immunity. He's a liar like all the rest. Should we take up arms against the most powerful military in the world? Write letters to the editor and our Congressmen? Refuse to pay taxes and get thrown in jail? What?

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I will agree only to a point. One thing that is avoided is the shared responsibility, that in my opinion was abandoned by the majority of Americans. Our republic was designed on the precept that the individual citizen is sovereign, and that collectively we rule the nation through our elected representatives. Who is ultimately to blame for the massive pork barrel spending, the wild expansion of the federal government and the fiscally irresponsible behavior of our society in general? I would posit that the citizenry of our country abandoned the principles of a democratic republic in exchange for things like safety, wealth and unrestrained behavior. Being a citizen of a republic requires the balancing out of liberty and responsibility. The ironic thing is that as responsibilities were devalued for the sake of "rights", those very rights have come under attack, because no one is powerful enough or willing enough to fight for them.


Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in his book called "Democracy in America", written in 1831, "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."


Unfortunately this bribing of the public has always been prevalent, but really took off after World War Two. Now, after 60 years of being bribed by Congress, we find that only multi-millionaires can get elected, that they are in the pockets of those who can finance them (big business) and that in name of security, our rights are being whittled away. In my opinion, we are doomed as a country, at least in the short-term. The majority of American's are apathetic; s long as the comforts and infotainment are provided, the majority of people could care less. The lessons of history do not provide a pretty picture. Like Rome before us, our republican ideals will be consumed by the greed, apathy and the people will be distracted by fiction (religion, sports, TV, etc.).

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Guest Zenobia

I think when that book is finally written... it will bear more than just a passing resemblance to "The Fall of the Roman Empire." In fact, you could read about the fall of Rome and just about predict exactly what will happen to the United States.

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The majority of American's are apathetic; s long as the comforts and infotainment are provided, the majority of people could care less. The lessons of history do not provide a pretty picture. Like Rome before us, our republican ideals will be consumed by the greed, apathy and the people will be distracted by fiction (religion, sports, TV, etc.).


Sounds correct, sadly. And before someone says "Oh right, that German over there can easily claim his country is so much better!"... we're going down that very same road. I think we're not yet that far, but who knows where we'll be in just a few years? :banghead:

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The majority of American's are apathetic; s long as the comforts and infotainment are provided, the majority of people could care less. The lessons of history do not provide a pretty picture. Like Rome before us, our republican ideals will be consumed by the greed, apathy and the people will be distracted by fiction (religion, sports, TV, etc.).


Sounds correct, sadly. And before someone says "Oh right, that German over there can easily claim his country is so much better!"... we're going down that very same road. I think we're not yet that far, but who knows where we'll be in just a few years? :banghead:

Hell, if anything I'd think it grinds even worse for you. Your country has already been there. As if that weren't bad enough, there are people alive today who lived through and could tell about it.


That a great culture could decline and fall twice in nearly as many generations is absolutely baffling to me. And, I'm sure, infuriating to those of you who see what's going on.

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Word brother! :repuke:


I guess at least us and you need a well-planned and well-organized meritocracy. Democracy in both our countries has failed because the people as a whole care shit for politics... thus they aren't qualified at all to make good decisions on who should be in charge. Apathetic and/or ignorant people will even elect their own future dictator in full sight of the facts. :banghead:


Of course at least over here such a plan is automatically illegal as soon as it states openly that it wants to get rid of democracy. :Hmm:

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I'm not so sure who to be threatened by the most because I don't know what's really in the minds of everyone related to politics. I'm not too concerned about Iran, but I wouldn't take my eyes off of them. Hitler at one time was underestimated. I study history, particularly ancient history, a lot and I know the freedoms we enjoy would have baffled the minds of our distant ancestors. Those freedoms need to be closely guarded. Speaking of Iran can anyone imagine being convicted of "Crimes against Chastity?" That could get you hung from a crane.

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I feel more threatened by our own government in Amerika than I do Iran on a day to day basis. Iran is a very real threat and has been since the 1970s. However, Saddam was also a very real threat but like Iran, Saddam had a propaganda machine running to make him look more dangerous than he really was and the Amerikan government used this hype to invade Iraq under false pretenses in the same way our government allows executions by death squads dressed as police during no-knock raids at wrong addresses. This day to day activity really scares the hell out of me, especially when the police plant evidence in order to justify their murder at the wrong address. Down the road, we can deal with Iran if they want a show down. For now, I'm trying to survive the paranoia of my government vs. its own citizens.

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I think when that book is finally written... it will bear more than just a passing resemblance to "The Fall of the Roman Empire." In fact, you could read about the fall of Rome and just about predict exactly what will happen to the United States.


Zen, I think you are spot on with your opinion. I am only about a hundred pages into "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" but already I see a lot of parallels.

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Guest Zenobia
I think when that book is finally written... it will bear more than just a passing resemblance to "The Fall of the Roman Empire." In fact, you could read about the fall of Rome and just about predict exactly what will happen to the United States.


Zen, I think you are spot on with your opinion. I am only about a hundred pages into "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" but already I see a lot of parallels.


Yep... History repeats itself... it seems, whether we study it or not. I've often thought of America as "Rome" not only because of our form of government, but because of our sheer power - Rome was the Superpower of her day too. And our people have such a thirst for bloodshed, much like the Romans. Oh we think we're better than them, since we don't hold live bloodsports or throw people to lions - but in reality I'm sure that if we started having gladiator games with prisoners, or public executions - the mob would be more than pleased to watch.



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I don't know what was in the mind of Bush when he decided we should go after Sadam. Maybe it was revenge for the attempt on his father's life, or maybe it was that so many countries, including our own, thought Sadam had WMD. I'm just glad there's one less evil dictator in this world. I'm sure Iraqis are happy to be rid of him, especially the ones who had loved ones thrown in one of his mass graves. I just wish the war had been handled better. But war is usually messy.


As for police accidently shooting the wrong person, humans do makes mistakes, but investigations should be conducted to make sure there is no corruption involved. There has to be a system of checks and balances.

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