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Goodbye Jesus

The Message Of Fear


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I believe it was florduh who suggested a "Zen ride" to me earlier this week, and by golly, I took one this afternoon. It was hotter than two rats fighting in a wool sock outside, but I was loving the ride anyway. I'm cruising along on the outskirts of town and I see the sign of one of the local churches. We all know the stupid shit they put up on those things. The little snippet that was posted seemed innocent enough, but a few seconds after reading it, I realized the intent of it. It read:




It wasn't a message of encouragement or a reminder to do unto others as you would have them do unto you or even something as mundane as the pastor's name and the times for service. It was preying on the fear of death and it made me sick. More importantly, it pissed me the hell off. In nine words they managed to say, "You know you're going to die someday, right? Are you ready? Well, if you're not, stop in and pay us a visit because we're all ready. We know just what to do. Yes, you can drive right on by and ignore this little message, but you're still going to die and when you do, you'll be headed straight for hell. Have a nice day."


Ah, yes... but I was on a Zen ride. And though I'm well aware that I'm gonna take a dirt nap one fine day, I wasn't worried about anything past that. I damn sure wasn't going to give the "special journey" or the "passport" another thought because I'm through buying into their religion of fear. I smiled as I felt the wind in my face, breathed in the delicious aroma of someone's supper cooking on their grill, rolled back the throttle a bit...


...and I kept riding.

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Christinity, master exploiter of fear and crowd control.



I have a better one.


Is You Sunloation Strong Enough For The Sandy Beaches of Hell?


Gives the Christian message and what Christianity thinks all in 11 words.



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A church in the next city over once posted "Evolution: Science or Sci-Fi? Find out here!" on their sign.


I was riding with my sister and I got quite upset... :vent: stupid people, they can't even pass tenth grade biology.


Another church in the same city (there are like 40 churches in this city, I'm not lying) that also happens to be the first church I went after moving back to the USA posted "You think it's hot now? Beat the heat with Jesus!"



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I was riding with my sister and I got quite upset... :vent: stupid people, they can't even pass tenth grade biology.


Well we all know that if there's one perfect inoculation against morontheism it's called education. Stop morontheists from being able to brainwash their offspring, provide a decent education to said offspring, and I hardly see any single one of them falling for the evil cults anymore. :fdevil:


That said, I'd really love to get even one single reply from a morontheist to my persistent question "so you say the scientists who studied years after years to become somewhat educated in their fields of expertise are all totally wrong and you know that because you read one book (or even maybe half a dozen)? What exactly do you think those scientists do and learn in all those years of studies? I don't ask whether you think they study truth or fallacy, but I want to know what you think they fill all those days of study with. Do you honestly believe that for some five years at least all they strive to learn is that tired old "we came from a rock"? "...


...not that I expect to ever get a reply, but sometimes I daydream about getting one... :lmao:

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