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Guest Zenobia

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Guest Zenobia

OK< so I was surfing youtube watching videos about the Apollo astronauts (it was a weird whim I had, don't ask me to explain...) And on almost EVERY interview I came across, all of the people commenting about the videos are claiming the fucking MOONWALK never happened!


UM... OK... so being as most of us are reasonable, logical people here... WTF do you think of this shit??


1. Rare TV Appearance by Neil Armstrong


Comments from Youtube:


Armstrong seems to be really emotional every time he is on TV , something is seriously wrong ..he must have got a big shock on the moon..something that scared the hell out of him and another reason could be Nasa have mind controlled him ..he is like a prisoner maybe

Armstrong and Aldrin are lying pigs!


Gordo and Neill are still my heroes

even though no man has set foot on the moon

try getting your money back aMeriKa


its very obvious we never went to the moon


So my question is HOW THE FUCK do they get "its obvious we never went to the moon" from Armstrong basically saying they paved thr way but lots more remains to be done???!!!??


2. Buzz Aldrin Punches "journalist" in the face http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcoyiJdeWT4...feature=related


OK this supposed "journalist" accuses Buzz of lying about the moon on camera... and Buzz punches him! Yay Buzz! I'da punched that fuckwad too!


Comments from Youtube:


I dont care if Buzz landed on the moon or not. Maybe he did, maybe he didnt. I dont give a fuck. This pussy hid behind a microphone and called a grown man a coward and a liar. He deserved everything he got.


WTF - he takes Buzz's side but still doesn't know if we went to the moon!


3. Idiot with Camera who doesn't believe in Moonwalk interviews Buzz. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiVXd6lRUz0...feature=related


This guy must have tricked Buzz into doing the interview - because the second he started in on his "we never meant to the moon" stuff Aldrin got the hell out of dodge and threatened to sue.


Comments on Youtube:


You can clearly see Aldrin is amazed they have this footage and when he says 'we were just guys going on a flight why don't you talk to the administrators' it shows he is angry at the fact he is being confronted about the hoax that he feels has nothing to do with him, he clearly knows something but is more angered that it's the astronauts being accused


Thanks for another great video, when people have nothing to hide they usually don't act violently or use threatening behaviour because they simply know they are telling the truth and no matter what people say they know the truth can be proven but when people act like this it proves they are guilty, it's clearly anger because of the stakes of being 'found out' and this video is very shocking!


OK this shit is really bizarre to me... lets hear what you all think. Was the moonwalk BULLSHIT? Or are these people who claim it never happened full of BULLSHIT rather like the people who claim the Holocaust never happened??

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Time to link to the great Phil Plait, also known as The Bad Astronomer™, again...


Were the moon landings faked?

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i have my concerns regarding the van allan belts...


but i have been exposed to alot of conspiracy nuts...please do pardon me

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Pulling off a conspiracy of that magnitude for nearly 40 years would be a bigger feat than going to the moon. They went to the moon…

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40 years is a long time. The walk is fading into myth. Heck I'm beginning to think my own birth is a myth.

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Do these people realize that we went and landed on the moon more than once?

6 missions that landed, on 7/20/69, 11/19/69, 2/5/71, 7/30/71, 4/20/72 and 12/11/72. It became so routine that they didn't even broadcast it on TV anymore.


I think that makes a total of almost 18 astronauts who landed, walked, and even drove on the moon. I think a few went more than once, but I forget exactly who.


Here's a great series on the lunar missions that was recently broadcast on the discovery channel:


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That could be a good argument if other countries had not surveyed the moon since the US walked on it. There are so many probes photographing the moon that we would have heard from other countries by now if our presence were not noticed by those probes. It is awful hard to fake foot prints on the lunar surface of the moon. Before long, that will be confirmed when the Chinese send their astronauts to the lunar surface. If they have any doubts, they can check out the landing area from the Apollo missions. This would make one of the greatest propaganda events in history--debunking the American claim to have landed on the moon.


I think people who disbelieve the moon landings fit in with the flat earth crowd as a bunch of kooks.

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Guest Zenobia
Time to link to the great Phil Plait, also known as The Bad Astronomer, again...


Were the moon landings faked?


Excellent article Thurisaz! I'm going to paste the link in the comments of all those Youtube videos. I can't believe people buy into this bullshit!


Crap. You can't post links on Youtube. Bah.

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Of course the moon landing was fake. The moon doesn't even exist. It's just a flat pie-like green-cheese. If it was real, and they really did land, it means science is right, and the Moon is very old, and it means God didn't create the world 6,000 years ago... oops, sorry, wrong hat. :grin:


Well, seriously. The first discover of the mineral armacolite was made on the Apollo 11 trip. It wasn't until years later they found the same kind here on Earth. And later expeditions found more. So if it was an elaborate hoax, they must have known that this mineral would have been discovered on the Moon, and later be retrieved on other trips, and been able with some advanced technology changed the radioactive configuration of the minerals to match how they would have been on the Moon... Basically, they must've gone to the Moon first to know exactly how to fake the moon-rocks for the "fake" trip. So if it was a hoax, it only means they landed on the Moon secretly on a previous mission.

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Guest Zenobia
Basically, they must've gone to the Moon first to know exactly how to fake the moon-rocks for the "fake" trip. So if it was a hoax, it only means they landed on the Moon secretly on a previous mission.


...which sort of puts a dent in the whole conspiracy theory. :lmao:

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Which is why I hate reading comments in general on web sites, 99.9% of them tend to be moronic at best.

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It's a combination of bad science and some bad photograph analysis. For somebody who doesn't know the facts behind it, it's easy to get suckered into believing it, and once you start believing something, it's hard to get out.

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Guest Zenobia
It's a combination of bad science and some bad photograph analysis. For somebody who doesn't know the facts behind it, it's easy to get suckered into believing it, and once you start believing something, it's hard to get out.


LOL sounds a lot like christianity!

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the videos are claiming the fucking MOONWALK never happened!

Michael Jackson moonwalked for real!



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Michael Jackson is also the proof that aliens exist... and that they have detachable noses.

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I worked for the US Customs Service for several years back in the mid 90's. During that time, they passed out copies of the Customs declarations the astronauts had to fill out for the moon rocks they brought back from their missions. (It was some dumb "rah rah Customs" thing - I forget what the occasion was.) At any rate, the astronauts really did bring back something that the Customs officials had never seen. Interestingly, for all you Customs geeks out there (and you know who you are), the US Tariff had to be amended because there was no appropriate provision that could be used to classify an article from space. If the astronauts really didn't go to the moon, why in the hell did they deceive all those pencil-pushing civil servants and cause such a fluster about some rocks that didn't have a proper classification? I admit, there could be some comedic value in flustering civil servants, but it seems quite ridiculous to think the astronauts and NASA would have done that.


This is the wording that's in the current (2008) edition of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, as relates to importations of materials harvested from space:


"Subchapter VIII

Importations of the United States Government


U.S. Note


1. With respect to subheading 9808.00.80, goods brought into the customs territory of the United States by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration from space or from a foreign country as part of an international program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration shall not be considered an importation, and an entry of such materials shall not be required."

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Excellent article Thurisaz! I'm going to paste the link in the comments of all those Youtube videos. I can't believe people buy into this bullshit!


*bows thankfully*


I don't remember how I first landed on Mr Plait's website, I think it was a link in one of the hilarious articles on Exit Mundi... but however I came there, I've devoured much of that site more than once. A wonderful resource! :)

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Bah! You're just in on the conspiracy! :HaHa:

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I don't really see what all the fuss is about. They walked on the moon but that in itself isn't all that remarkable. All they did was fly up to the firmament that the moon is placed in and walked around for a little bit and then came back down from the solid sky dome. :grin: I believe Buzz Aldrin said they all saw god walking around up there to, boulder in hand and waiting for someone to scorn him into heaving it at them. :lmao:

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There are so many probes photographing the moon that we would have heard from other countries by now if our presence were not noticed by those probes.

I don't know if any probes have the resolution to see the landers, but I do know that even the Hubble Space Telescope does not have the resolution to see them from Earth orbit.


However, another idea that I thought of is that plenty of other countries do have radar. Especially the USSR. Does anyone really think that the Ruskies weren't tracking the Moon missions? If we didn't go to the moon, I'm sure the Russians would have been happy to tell the world.


But for those of you who like conspiracy theories, here's a small one for you...

NASA and Armstrong have always claimed that his famous line, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," was not scripted. But think about that line for a minute. It doesn't really make any sense. 'Man' and 'Mankind' are basically the same thing.


But if you say, "One small step for A man, one giant leap for mankind," it makes good sense. The theory is that Armstrong fucked up his lines! :Doh:

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But for those of you who like conspiracy theories, here's a small one for you...

NASA and Armstrong have always claimed that his famous line, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," was not scripted. But think about that line for a minute. It doesn't really make any sense. 'Man' and 'Mankind' are basically the same thing.


But if you say, "One small step for A man, one giant leap for mankind," it makes good sense. The theory is that Armstrong fucked up his lines! :Doh:

And, of course, this was all done on the last day of shooting and they didn't feel like doing another take (they'll fix it in post). So they all went home. Why is it that conspiracies seem to rest on the stupidest of things? If *I* were the first man on the moon I sure as shit would try to have a line ready to go in my head. I also would probably fuck it up too. I mean, let's see, I'm trying to say my historic line (and it wouldn't be as good as his was I can assure you, I'd probably say 'Holy shit! I'm on the fucking moon! Eat that you losers! Oh no! Martians! Gahhhhhhhh....'), while hoping my first step onto the moon also wasn't my last step onto the moon.



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(and it wouldn't be as good as his was I can assure you, I'd probably say 'Holy shit! I'm on the fucking moon! Eat that you losers! Oh no! Martians! Gahhhhhhhh....')

HA! Don't sell yourself short, MWC, I think your line is much better! Too bad NASA was such a bunch of tight-asses.


And just to make myself clear, the misspoken line CT is believed even by people who have no doubt that they went to the moon. I just think it's funny that NASA is so concerned with image that they refuse to admit that someone planned this line in advance (to be said as the first words from the moon).

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Guest Zenobia

I've heard about the mispoken line before too... I didn't know it was just a theory, I thought he'd admitted somewhere that he meant to say "One small step for a man..." But either way, IMHO, this is actually proof the moonlandings were NOT faked. If they were faked, then they would have been sure to do another "take" and get it right. You don't often hear actors stutter or fuck up their lines on film. But it happens a lot on live TV.


I think Armstrong either thought his lines up himself or someone gave him the idea - but either way, he knew what he said would be broadcast to millions of people and would be one of the biggest moments in history, so he definately had something memorized for the occasion. And then he was so blown away when that moment came that he botched it up...


Makes perfect sense to me. I'm sure I'd have fucked it up worse!!

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Why is it that conspiracies seem to rest on the stupidest of things?


Good question. I have never seen any conspiracy theorist even try to reasonably answer that.

Indeed all conspiracy theories I've seen so far assume that Them (whoever Them are in that case) are both so mindbogglingly powerful to make the whole world goosestep behind Them... and at the same time so ludicrously incompetent that Them allow that small group of Truthsayers™ to continue to exist, put their Truth™ on the web et cetera ad nauseam.


In one image, these claims are: :lmao:

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