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Which Would You Prefer?


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Well I was a liberal Catholic and it wasn't that bad. I don't think I could deal with the irrationality of the born again position, and I definitely would make a poor evangelizer (is that a word). And Lord of the Rings is WAY better than Narnia. ;)

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I'd rather be Catholic than born-again. If you get lucky, your church might be the type who let you go to mass only twice a year at Christmas and Easter and then skip the rest of the time. Whereas with born again Christianity you have to go to church three times a week and participate in every single church-related activity or go to hell, but going to a born again church would be hell on Earth to me.

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This was supposed to be a poll. Either I am unable to make one or too dumb to it figure out ha. But anyway.


This is totally hypothetical, of course, but if you HAD to choose, would you rather lead the life of a Born Again Evangelical or a Conservative Catholic?




Pros- Get to commit any sin you want, including divorce, but still be sure you are going to heaven. Can look down on others. Don't need to do any charity work or help anyone in any real way, just evangelize.


Cons- Still have to appear to be trying to stop sinning, so other Christians won't question your "true"ness. Have to deal with the thought of your non-Born again friends going to hell, thus you probably won't have many non-Christian (aka interesting) friends. Have to deal with undesirable facts like evolution and alot of other science. Many will find you annoying for evangelizing. 'The Chronicles of Narnia' sucks.




Pros- Can at least think that some of your Jewish friends and other non-catholics are going to heaven, if they're good enough. Can feel you have a part in your own salvation by doing good works. The Vatican endorses evolution, so you don't have to hurt your brain by fighting it. Your kid can get a good Jesuit education and grow up to be like Tim Russert. Lord of the Rings is way better than Chronicles of Narnia.


Cons- Mortal sins have to be confessed before you die, including using birth control, so its either have tons of kids or limit your sex life, even after you've waited for marraige. Have to pay to get divorced (called anullment). Have to believe the each pope is infallible even though they often change something. Priests can't marry.


I haven't decided yet. What do you guys think?


Another pro on the catholic side, in my opinion, are that in general the churches are better looking. The poor eveangelical churches have run down just awful places of worship and the HUGE ones, at least here in Cali are building big boxlike monstrosities. Some catholic churches can be a bit over done, but all in all, they still have more style.

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Yep, they may be equally ridiculous, but forced into a choice, I'd pick catholic, and I've done my stint as both. Well, actually the OP did say CONSERVATIVE, catholic, and the catholic portion of my upbringing was just not so over the top, damagingly militant as the fundygelical portion of my upbringing was. Yet that's part of the equation: mind fucking ultra-militant catholic loonies DO exist, but they're A LOT less common than their mind fucking ultra-militant born again fundygelical protestant counterparts.

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Hit my head with a rock or a hammer? ... tough choice...

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Hit my head with a rock or a hammer? ... tough choice...

Get plastic surgery to look like Hans or Antlerman? Tough choice.



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If you're keeping tabs, chalk up another one for Catholic. (is that the rock or the hammer?)

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If I was to return, it would be as a Christian.


More freedom to actually live a good and prosperous life without judgment from most.



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Possible offensiveness following this line











Think about this people. We gotta remember that if you choose catholic, you could get stuck with some of the luckiest pedophiles in the world! I think I choose born again because of that.

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But fundies have molesters, too. I've lost track of how many times I've seen an article here about some fundie pastor raping somebody. And most Catholics at least don't go around beating up gay people or shooting people at Unitarian Universalist churches.

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I'd rather hang out with the Pope than John Hagee. The Pope is much more of an intellectual heavyweight (he used to publicly debate Jurgen Habermas) and that's one hell of a name-drop!

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side bet- Who would you rather hang out with, the pope of John Hagee?


Dang! That question would have been so much easier to answer when John Paul II was alive. The current one is only a few steps above Hagee, so I guess the choice would be picking the lesser of two evils.


Speaking of lesser of two evils, I suppose I'd rather be catholic than fundy (but just by a slight margin). But I'd rather be an ex-fundy than an ex-catholic because it would mean that I had overcome a greater degree of brainwashing and irrationality so it would be a greater accomplishment.

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Even the hard-line catholics don't 'walk the walk' most of the time. Plus, they'll pretty much mind their own beeswax and not rat each other out to the clergy, since they confess on their own. The music is better and I'd rather play a little bingo than go to some gawd awful xtian rock "concert" at a fundie protestant denom.


So, yeah. Still picking catholic.

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