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Goodbye Jesus

A Theory On Why The Dinosaurs Went Extinct


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I propose the hyposthesis that the dinosaurs went extinct because the measurements for the ark were too small and Noah could not fit them in. Stupid b@stard.


Tee hee hee.

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I propose the hyposthesis that the dinosaurs went extinct because the measurements for the ark were too small and Noah could not fit them in. Stupid b@stard.


Tee hee hee.


I think it was cause dey had bad breath, and refused to wash dishes...

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I propose that they were on the ark but Noah got drunk there too and cursed them when they saw him naked (though he secretly wanted them to...it made him feel sexy). YHWH killed them because he's not so smart.



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laughing my ass off, great responses - exactly what I need at the moment.


I love this website.

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Noah threw them off because they ate the unicorns.

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Noah threw them off because they ate the unicorns.

That's unicorn propaganda. Pictures of unicorns clearly show them with rainbows which didn't exist until after the flood.



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Noah threw them off because they ate the unicorns.

That's unicorn propaganda. Pictures of unicorns clearly show them with rainbows which didn't exist until after the flood.





laughing my ass off at unicorn propaganda

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God was bored with them and said to himself, "ya know. These behemoths don't care about me. I need someone I can really play around with...wait wait wait...duuude...I think I know what to do..."


The rest is history.

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Dinosaurs went extinct cuz god squeezed the shit out of them to make fuel for his chariot as seen by Ezekial in his vision of the UFO god drives: Eze 1:1-28. According to xtians, everything on earth is a mirror of sorts of what is in heaven. If we are gas hogs on earth, then god must drive the biggest friggin hummer in the universe.

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Dinos didn't "die off".


They "Went Home"!





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Dinos didn't "die off".


They "Went Home"!






Went home? uhm I am home right now, don't see any.. wait...


There is one over there under the coffee tabl

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+100 points for "movie reference" when so noted... :)



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Dinos didn't "die off".


They "Went Home"!






hee hee hee, love this one, so many funny responses.


I love all of the reponses so far, thank for making me laugh - I need it at the moment.

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This is the real reason.



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Nah, here's the real reason.


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