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Goodbye Jesus

Suing for wrongful Death

Disco Stu

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Why would a Christian sue for wrongful death? Since God has a plan for everyone and "he" is the only one who knows when someone is going to die, how can there be any wrongful death. It is hypocritical for a christian to sue for wrongful death becuase when someone dies it isgod's plan to bring that person to heaven. Even if the person's skull was bashed in with a hammer or hit by a drunk driver, that was god's plan for that person right?? In retrospective, why would a christian sue for anything. All actions are part of god's plan. By suing wouldn't that anger god becuase a person is challenging his plan??

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Disco Stu,


You got a very strong argument there.


Next time I talk to someone suing, and being Christian, I will tell them that these things happens for a reason, and that God intended the problems to happen, so they shouldn't sue. And also refer to the Bible...


The wouldn't the tort system in US be the evidence then that it's not built on a Christian foundation?

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Oh the hippocracy of christians is all quite evident. I know more christians that sue, divorce, lie, kill, cheat, and whatever than any other group of people. Are'nt all those things against their beliefs? :Hmm: ::sigh::

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