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The Answer - split from the thread "Why Do Xians


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I could have posted this explanation on the original thread topic, but I was afraid it would get buried and many wouldn't notice. And I wanted everyone who has been involved to see it. That's why I started a new thread.


Feel free to continue fooling around on the other one, as it is essentially the same topic. (Although, a moderator might want to look into locking down the other thread, thus avoiding confusion? Who knows.) Anyway, here we go...




I KNEW when I first posted the original thread that I would be opening a can of worms. Yet it was a question that had been plaguing me, and I wanted some personal issues settled if I were going to be able to effectively deal with Xians. So I went ahead with the plan. (Thankfully it didn’t get derailed and drawn out over weeks of mudslinging.)


I’d like to thank everyone, (Yes, even the Xians.) for their honest replies. It was your DEMEANOR more than your words that I was attempting to ascertain. Not an easy trick to do using words alone, but I think I managed it OK.


Anyway, enough with the preamble, let’s get on with the gist of the gibe.


So…Why DO Xians come here to debate us non-Xians? The answer is four-fold and must be broken down into four distinct categories, each with their own REASONS for being here. (Plus a suggested course of action for dealing with each. :grin: )


Category One – The Evangelist

This person has a “messiah complex”. (Most probably a Fundie.) S/he has come here for one purpose only: to succeed where others have failed! To win the heathens to the Lord. They plan to accomplish what everyone else could not—present the “gospel of Christ” clearly, so our eyes will be opened and we will finally repent and be saved! “Hallelujah!”


(Suggested actions?: The Category One Xian is the most despised of its kind, and once spotted s/he MUST be verbally abused and humiliated with extreme prejudice. Show no mercy.)


Category Two – The Insecure Believer

This person absolutely REFUSES to believe that we EX-Xians were actually True Xians. This person’s goal is to gain information for him/herself to prove that our faith was never “real”. Their motive is purely selfish in that it frightens them to believe that THEY TOO are at risk to lose faith. Therefore they MUST, at all cost to reason, find some way to disavow our “anti-testimony”. You can usually spot this type of Xian by his/her constant refrain of “just seeking information”, coupled with the arrogant implication of “you were probably never saved to begin with”.


(Note: The Category One and Two Xian are often a combined hybrid.)


(Suggested actions?: Same as for the Category One. Issue directions to the nearest beach, a sledge hammer and tell him/her to pound sand up their ass!)


Category Three – The Introspective Inquisitor

Also known lovingly as “the Nice Xian”. This person has come here with legitimate questions, and even doubts about their own faith. They are not necessarily seeking to abandon their faith, but they have concerns, questions and doubts that cannot safely be asked within their church circles. (IMHO) Coming HERE is a way to discuss, and maybe even strengthen their non-orthodox beliefs, without being “outed” as a heretic or an apostate by their narrow-minded brethren, simply for asking a lousy question! And since we’ve “been there, done that”, they can discuss here without risk of weakening someone else’s faith. (No danger of that HERE! We ain’t got none!) With this Xian you will more likely be able to exchange dialogue without the attendant condescension and platitudes. (I said “likely”, not “never”!)


(Suggested actions?: Treat with all possible kindness and cordiality, as befits another member of the human race. However, if they mutate into Category One or Two, then all bets are off! Let the verbal onslaught commence!)


Category Four – The Platypus

This final person is a strange duck. Neither fish nor fowl. Not really fitting into any of the above categories. S/he comes to these forums, seemingly, with no other agenda than to have conversation. Typically the topics they engage in could be easily discussed by anyone, anywhere. They have no interest in specifically changing or challenging our anti-theistic views. This person CLAIMS they are not trying to evangelize. S/he is secure in his/her faith, nor is s/he seeking information due to doubts, nor to bolster his/her arguments. This category is MOST difficult to deal with, as they often in mid-stride will mutate and display characteristics found in the other Xian types, thus making conversation convoluted and threads disjointed.


(Suggested actions?: Handle with extreme care. Be nice at first, but be ready to switch tactics at a moment’s notice. Don’t be afraid to tell this person to go piss up a rope, if you discern that you are being played for a sucker.)



So that is that. The four types of Xians who come here, and the reasons I believe they do so. Each Xian has their own motivation for posting here.


You may well find that there are OTHER types existent. If so, add to the list. (Keep in mind that what you find MAY just be a subset of what is already listed.) And if you find you disagree with my assessment, well and good. This is, after all, ONLY MY OPINION. It’s not like I’m an accredited expert on Xian types, or something! Go nuts. Come up with your own. (Or don’t.) Improve upon mine. (Or don’t). It doesn’t matter.


And I fully expect the Xians to cry, "foul!" "Who are YOU to pontificate on who WE are?"


Who am I? Nobody, really. Just a man with an opinion, who is free to express it. Just like YOU. That's all the qualification I need. :grin:


(Hey! I'm beginning to LIKE this "debate forum" stuff!)


What matters for me, is that I understand that Xians come in different packages and can NOT be lumped together, nor dealt with with the same broad brush strokes. (Not even "Fundies" and "Liberals".)


Applying these categories will hopefully keep me balanced in my approach in dealing with Xians as INDIVIDUALS.


So allow me to usher in the new era in my “Tolerance for Xian Debate” platform:


COME ON IN! THE WATER’S FINE! (Just try and ignore the sharks. Heh heh!)



Now…who wants Chocolate?! The IPU is buying!



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Well said. I liked it so much I saved it to a file on my desktop. Thx TK.

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Well said. I liked it so much I saved it to a file on my desktop. Thx TK.


Thank you, Han. That means a lot to me, coming from you, as I greatly respect your wisdom and opinions.


Now, back to smearing myself in chocolate. :grin:

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Well said. I liked it so much I saved it to a file on my desktop. Thx TK.


That was very good indeed. I think I'm going to have to save it as a reference myself. :)

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Thank you, Han.  That means a lot to me, coming from you, as I greatly respect your wisdom and opinions.


Now, back to smearing myself in chocolate.  :grin:

Ooh, thanks.


You boosted my pride several degrees there.


I hope I won't be overcooked now... :grin:

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Category Two – The Insecure Believer


My fundy cube mate would definitely fall into this category.


P.S. When I saw your topic title, I was 99% certain that the answer would be 42. :grin:

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My fundy cube mate would definitely fall into this category.


P.S.  When I saw your topic title, I was 99% certain that the answer would be 42.  :grin:


Darn! NOW you give me the clever Doug Adams answer! Oh, well. Maybe next time. :grin:

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