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Christian Ministry Solicited At Our Door Today


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During the late morning I was finishing up making a pot of homemade marinara sauce to simmer all day, just fed my toddler lunch and my husband is vacuuming when the doorbell rings. I thought nothing of it and opened it. Standing there is a teenager, dressed very preppie with his new balance shoes and clean cut hair and clothes. He said hi maam I am from ______________ (insert ministry name). He then tells me that he is an ex drug user that was taken in by this ministry that saved his life and that he has been clean for four months now. He then says "my drug of choice was heroin, and I used since i was...uh..er... 13 and have been clean 4 months". We are going door to door to collect money for this faith based drug ministry and he hands me a brochure. I had my 2 year old son standing there with me and food cooking on the stove so I said "I am sorry but this is a bad time and I will have to look at your website and talk to my husband". He said "oh... well if you have any money to give now that would be best". I said no sorry it is a bad time to do this right now. Then he leaves. I look at the brochure and all seems legitimate and it tells the story of god's love blah blah healing teen's lives.


Later I went for a run in our neighborhood at least a hour later. I went down the street and there I see this kid again and an older gentleman sitting on the curb eating fast food and they have a glass donation jar sitting on a mailbox. They both have on t-shirts from their ministry also. I am thinking WTF?? First of all our community has a sign when you enter it that says no soliciting allowed put there by our HOA. Guess they cannot read. I also got this weird feeling like this kid was not himself ever an addict. I could be wrong but really he was hooked up until 4 months ago? He was a good weight no tracks on his arms (I looked) no sores on his face, perfect teeth and hair. Odd. I was pissed I guess that a so called Christian ministry would send kids out who were supposedly just hooked on heroin or crack asking for money. What what this about? I felt like saying to the kid and that man that Christianity is not the answer and will only cause more turmoil in their lives. The false promise of a loving forgiving god who healed them to later figure out they can never win and will never find true peace. Ughhh makes me sick.

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Sounds like a hoax to me. I, personally, don't like police. But in this case I'd give them a heads up.

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I would also give the cops a heads up, too many charity scams these days. Surely they have a web site where you can send in tips anonymously.

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Real or fake, just quote 'em Mark 16:17-18 and ask 'em which way they'd rather prove their belief. Never fails. :P

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They very may not have been from a ministry but looking for some free money.

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They very may not have been from a ministry but looking for some free money.


I think that's the reason for par4dcourse's post:


Real or fake, just quote 'em Mark 16:17-18 and ask 'em which way they'd rather prove their belief.


I looked it up. Here it is:

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

So, if they won't drink poison or handle rattle snakes or touch a person with small pox, and if they can't heal epilepsy or schizophrenia, surely they can "speak in tongues." That shouldn't be so difficult.


par adds:


Never fails. :P


Hmmm. What poor feeble faith they must have.

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Thanks for the input everybody...


Weird I know. My husband was ready to report it to our HOA and stupid me accidentally threw away their stinkin brochure ...arggghh. I did not see them today. If they dare to come back and knock on our door.. oh boy.

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