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Dogs Understand 'fairness'


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Great study


Dog Unto Others...

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1st: thou shalt not have other Dogs before me.

2nd: do not bark in vain

3nd: keep your paws to yourself



And as ye would that dogs should bark to you, bark ye also to them likewise.

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Sniff unto others butts as you would have sniff unto you.

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Thou shalt not covet that which your neighbor buries in his yard.

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I love science, but I really can't but point out this is yet another example of its barely being clued into something a fair amount of us figured out through simple observation and common sense a long time ago.

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I love science, but I really can't but point out this is yet another example of its barely being clued into something a fair amount of us figured out through simple observation and common sense a long time ago.


Yes, but until you actually put it to a test with a large enough sample, possible double-blind, placebo effect, etc. you are left with anecdote, and anecdotal evidence leads to things like "Every time I pray for someone, God heals them!"


Just sayin'....


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I've always had cats and there can be no doubt that they know good from bad, which doesn't stop them doing bad. They are just more cautious. I find it comical when they are thwarted at something and pretend they are not interested, as in start licking a paw. A cat we had many years ago, I caught it trying to turn on an electric fire one cold morning but it's paws weren't strong enough for the small switch.


Did you check out the article link at the bottom which showed that computers will soon be able to translate dog barks? They may find they are more intelligent than creationists (which isn't saying a lot).

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