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Goodbye Jesus

Fundy Women

Guest danny64

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Guest danny64

i live and work in a small, bible belt community. i have noticed something scary about the wives of the more devout christian men in the community. it is espicially noticible in the women that belong to one of the more conservative fundy churches that has a dominant, alpha male pastor. these women, most, but not all of them, are so recognizable. their body language is like a fawning dog...one that is constantly showing submission to an abusive master or pack leader. they talk funny too, always apologizing and offering a feined intrest in whatever one says to them. its really sad and strange. what is also interesting is that some of the women in these groups dont have these mannerisms. it is as if the dominance just didnt take in their case. wierd stuff. scary, sad, and weird.

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I remember this kind of thing in the campus "ministry" Maranatha. Before they were disbanded, if you wanted to date someone, you had to first approach the pastor and seek permission. The female would also have to (independently) approach the pastor and explain that she also felt God leading her to date you. If a guy wanted to date a particularly pretty girl, and he wasn't a jock or otherwise in the groove, then he would be rebuked for having lustful thoughts. It took some of my friends a few years to undo the twisted thinking they adopted while under this leadership. It was abuse of power, and abuse of the congregation.


I am trying to become more fluent in planting seeds of doubt in believers. I have seen over the years that when someone can make a conclusion on their own, that it is far more powerful than me trying to overtly convince them. Religion so often is a thinly veiled form of control and abuse in the name of the God of love.

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A lot of xtianity is full of men dominating females. My GF came from one such branch that forced her to wear long hair, long dresses, no make-up, obey the husband as absolute leader etc etc...


It's pretty clear that the bible authors were mostly men lol, they really tried to set it up well so that men stay in total control.


Back when women first started getting rights, like voting and wages etc etc, must have really broke a lot of religious men's hearts hehe

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Guest danny64
I remember this kind of thing in the campus "ministry" Maranatha. Before they were disbanded, if you wanted to date someone, you had to first approach the pastor and seek permission. The female would also have to (independently) approach the pastor and explain that she also felt God leading her to date you. If a guy wanted to date a particularly pretty girl, and he wasn't a jock or otherwise in the groove, then he would be rebuked for having lustful thoughts. It took some of my friends a few years to undo the twisted thinking they adopted while under this leadership. It was abuse of power, and abuse of the congregation.


I am trying to become more fluent in planting seeds of doubt in believers. I have seen over the years that when someone can make a conclusion on their own, that it is far more powerful than me trying to overtly convince them. Religion so often is a thinly veiled form of control and abuse in the name of the God of love.


i have seen situations that are similiar to the one you describe (the pastor's permission) its sick and laughable if not so sad. but a part of what interests and encourages me is that even in those paradigms, some women will simply be the strong i will think for myself thank you person that they are and simply laugh off the controlling little pathetic pastors that try to control them. i like that those women exist, even if they dont leave the faith which would be even better imo, they are not intimidated. and i actually have little pity for the women that are controlled. they choose to be weak. and just becasue they appear humble and victimized, they arent nessasarily nice people and they certainly arent pleasant to be around. twisted.

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Then you have the women that have been counseled by the oft seen pussy whipped pastor that come home exclaiming;


"Paul said that the husband is the head of the wife but that the husband is supposed to put her up on a pedestal....SEE...you are supposed to treat me like royalty, you have to take care of all my needs, at all times, blah blah blah"


That's when you get the "docile 'little' man" syndrome, have you ever seen the guys who speak real low key at all times and ask their wife about every move they make??? They can be heard on their cell phones using the words "Yes honey" repeatedly. And they volunteer themselves to death for everything from little league coach to pie bake sales for jesus.


This is the fruit of the pussy whipped pastor syndrome, just as sickening as the ever apologetic timid house-wife-home-school-mom with the beaten down attitude.


It goes both ways, depending on the disposition of the pastor.

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Suddenly I'm having dirty kinky fantasies about such women.


Question: would a good adulterous pelvic pounding help any of them? I ask that with only the most selfless, altrustic of motives. :sex:

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i live and work in a small, bible belt community. i have noticed something scary about the wives of the more devout christian men in the community. it is espicially noticible in the women that belong to one of the more conservative fundy churches that has a dominant, alpha male pastor. these women, most, but not all of them, are so recognizable. their body language is like a fawning dog...one that is constantly showing submission to an abusive master or pack leader. they talk funny too, always apologizing and offering a feined intrest in whatever one says to them. its really sad and strange. what is also interesting is that some of the women in these groups dont have these mannerisms. it is as if the dominance just didnt take in their case. wierd stuff. scary, sad, and weird.

i have/had a friend that seems like this. apologizes for everything, has nominal religious beliefs, and so does husband, keeps hair extremely long, a terrible sense of self-esteem and looks, a background of spousal abuse. the church that she says she likes going to is, some pentecostal church. my background with pentecostal churches makes me worried that she's getting into this type of thing. and now? she never calls me anymore. we were just plutonic friends and i don't know what happened to our friendship.


i've pleaded with her to go and get help, to talk to her husband about going to get help. she blows off the fact that he has yelled, and screamed at her, kicked down the door, and then tells me she has an eye infection the same day that her and husband had a huge fight.


i do worry about her, but then again, everyone chooses what they receive, so my theory is, if someone chooses abuse, that's what they deserve until they reason themselves and get help and get out of it. everybody has a mind to think and rationalize things, and people give up their ability to think for whatever reason they justify it with, so if they receive negativity from it, hate to say this but oh well. its sad though but life isn't always pretty always, so live and let live i suppose.

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I once attended a mormon service for some laughs.


Never seen so many stepford wives gathered at one place in my life.


Sad thing religion does to women it is :P

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There is a baptist minister in my city.


He's televised locally. The church is huge, and during christmas....visible to commercial planes at 20,000 feet. Their Dec electric bill could probably feed a small country for three weeks.


Anywhoo.... saw this guy with his harem a few years back. Big hair and condescending boot-lick fawning from the 6 women around him. He's sitting there in his expensive tailored suit and gold watch visible at 30 paces.


The really amusing thing? These women were looking around at everyone else in the room as though everyone wished they could be them...sitting close to the pastor. Not funny yet? It is when I tell you this was at Taco Bell.



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Guest danny64
There is a baptist minister in my city.


He's televised locally. The church is huge, and during christmas....visible to commercial planes at 20,000 feet. Their Dec electric bill could probably feed a small country for three weeks.


Anywhoo.... saw this guy with his harem a few years back. Big hair and condescending boot-lick fawning from the 6 women around him. He's sitting there in his expensive tailored suit and gold watch visible at 30 paces.


The really amusing thing? These women were looking around at everyone else in the room as though everyone wished they could be them...sitting close to the pastor. Not funny yet? It is when I tell you this was at Taco Bell.



that is messed up. but i think they all get something out of it. some more than others.

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Fundy women tend to be the Stepford wives. Very few work outside the home, and when they do work it's always with the church, with another church or typical "women" jobs like substitute teaching. They all know how to knit/sew (typo: sex :wacko: )/make little crafts. They all appear to shop at the same place too.


The fundiest of the fundy women tend to be in the in-crowd at church too, they're always either close to the pastor or close to his wife. (in my last church it was always his wife). My parents spent a brief time in the in-crowd of this church... my parents didn't fit in at all. My dad had been divorced twice before he'd met my mom, and my mom has strong opinions, very strongly feminist, and works for the government. They let us read Harry Potter and listen to Linkin Park (which most 12 year olds do anyway) and wear two-piece bathing suits...


Anyway... I don't recall the women ever apologizing a lot, but they did often seem to act like the "Southern belle". Maybe it's because we're all in the South... I don't know. they tended to organize EVERYTHING though.

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Many christians do seem to be below par on the education scale and the more religious they are, the lower down the mental ladder they are. Weak minds, easily swayed.

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