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Goodbye Jesus

My Lack Of Job


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So, for the past two years, I have been working at a federal agency (let's call it the Service) during the summer and winter breaks. There are two different programs for student employment: STEP and SCEP. (Student temporary employment program and student career employment program, respectively). STEPs are hired for one year, are considered temporary employees, are not eligible for benefits (except sick and annual leave) and can have their position renewed at the end of the year for up to five years. SCEPs are considered permanent employees, receive full benefits, and are guaranteed a job when they graduate. Because my mother is also employed by the Service, she decided that it would be better for me to enter the STEP program because people would be less likely to accuse her of nepotism. I would like to mention at this time that my mother did not consult with me before making this decision (or maybe she gave me her rational, hard to remember exactly).


When I was hired, I knew that I would have to work hard to prevent people from thinking that I got the job because of my mother. To be honest, many people have gotten their SCEP (not STEP, SCEP!) positions as a result of their parents being in the Fish and Wildlife Service, but I actually wasn't one of them. I used to babysit for my supervisor's supervisor who suggested that I apply for the job. Additionally, there were two openings and two applicants. Anyway, the point is that I went into the job determined to prove myself. And I did. By the end of my first summer, one of my co-workers who is extremely opposed to the whole student hiring system and who is also always brutally honest, told me that she hoped I would be coming back. My performance review the both years was a 4 (3 is considered very good).


However, about two months after I was hired, my mother's new supervisor took over. Let's call her Chernobyl. She and my mother did not get along at all. Because my mother has been employed for fifteen years and has always had excellent performance reviews, Chernobyl couldn't just fire her. So she complained to the Assistant Regional Director that there were too many members of my family in the Service. His response was to issue a new memo in early November stating that STEP's would have to go through the re-hiring process every year, complete with a three week recruiting period. His timing was perfect. At a minimum, it takes six weeks to hire a new employee when going through the recruitment process. He gave them seven. Therefore, they could not ask for an exception. So I have no job over winter break. I was counting on that income (my dad says that he and mom will help me out).




And, oh yeah, Mom suggested that I volunteer there over winter break. I know it is a very good idea: it will look good on my resume, they will HAVE to fire me over the summer. And I can say up yours to Chernobyl by walking past her office and saying, "Oh, I'm volunteering here." And I won't have to put in the full forty hours each week. Quite frankly, I could use a break.


But, just to reiterate: Chernobyl fires ME because she hates MY MOM!!!! You know what? I also hate my mom. Bet Chernobyl didn't think of that.

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But, just to reiterate: Chernobyl fires ME because she hates MY MOM!!!! You know what? I also hate my mom. Bet Chernobyl didn't think of that.


That's irony for you eh? Had she realized that she might have gave you a raise instead of the boot!


Hey best of luck to you, you seem very bright, I am sure you won't have any problem getting a new job!

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