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Christimas Cards And Tracts


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Received a Christmas Card from my mother yesterday. Of course it was about as religious a Christmas card as you could buy, you know, picture of church in snowy landscape, God did such and such, etc...


Inside the card was a tract "God's Simple Plan of Salvation". It does make me quite angry, but from their point of view their daughter is going to hell and they are not going to stop. In a backhanded sort of way, they care. It also shows that even though I have told my mother I refuse to discuss religion with them, there is no doubt in their minds that I am lost, lost, lost.


You know, parental disapproval still really sucks even when you are middle aged.


Just thought I would open a thread so others can post their parent's or family member's attempts at Christmas to try to reconvert them. Any religious type holiday is an excuse for mine.

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My oldest brother is going to be my biggest issue, I think. He converted around the same time I did, about 30 years ago. But he became very narrow-minded and judgmental both religiously and politically, and I'm thinking that it won't be long until he finds out about my de-conversion. I really don't like to lie or playact for people, but I may do that until I feel ready to take the plunge. Thankfully we live in different states. He still assumes that I am of the same mindset as he, and so I get emails decrying the liberal agenda to ______, and how we need to pray for ________.


How different the world could be if we could all wake up from the feverish nightmare of superstition and conspiracies.

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Yeah, all my relatives send religious cards. Even the ones I'm still in the closet to. I take the photo, read the letter and then throw out the card.

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It's times like these where I wish we had atheist-themed Christmas cards that we can send to our relatives about waking up from dangerous delusional religious beliefs and see how they like it. What happened to people just sending a card that wished you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and just kept the message sweet and simple?

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There is a link to a pdf file you can print and make pamphlets out of. I'm sending one to anybody that dares send me a religious card. Anybody. If your parents have the guts to send you their religious nonsense, then fire some of your own good word right back. The likelihood is that they will just stop sending you religious cards.

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It's going to be hard this year. I just deconverted a few months ago, and no one in RL knows in yet (for reasons I discussed briefly in my exstimony). Somehow, I'll go home and put on a happy face whenever we go to church or play the Jeebus music. Deva, I imagine I'll probably be in a situation very much like yours when I finally can come out to my parents. I'd love be able to deconvert them, but the'ye both die-hard Fundamentalists. Mom especially cannot really be reached by reason; she's too emotionally invested in the church and Christianity. Some people just can't live without the lie.

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