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Intoducing Myself (piracys Lady)


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Hi There,

First of all I wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Churee and I am Nikos' (PiracyOfTheHeads) wife. Let me start off by saying that I have never been on any messege board sites like this one or on any others for that matter. So I appricate, in advance your tolerance in any mistakes I might make while learning how to use this site talk, write and reply to people. I know alot of you know my husband (Piracy). I know that he has found a few kindred spirits on this site that have understood him and helped him through several obstacles that he is dealing with in his life at this time. And for that and that alone, I thank you! Our lives have been almost umimanigable up to this point and even now. I also know that there are a few others of you that know my husband and perhaps have butted horns with him.And even to you I am greatfull. He so needs the time he spends on here looking for answers,debating,confiding and even yes butting heads. I decided to become a member on this site because I have my own issues, things that intrest me, things I am passionate about and things I despretly need advice on. I am also looking for a few kindred spirits.People who know how it feels to be lost, to be alone and scared in the dark and even to the point of begging to die but being so scared of what would happen in eterinity if it actually happened. I am a seeker of truth and answers. I am extremly open minded and I am open to any kind of advice, opinion or wisdom one might be able to supply.I know that my husband has but out a page that basically has (our story) on it. And so far it seems that all who have read through it cant even believe that all of that tragedy could be real to have happened to two people as youg as we are. Soon when I get the hang of this site, I will be writing my own version of (our story) I believe that while Niko's version gives you all the important pertinent hearfelt details, I would like to add what I was feeling and the personal things that I have gone through as he did in his post. Hopefully with both of us having written from the man and woman point of view some of you may understand alittle better certain things about us. I wanted to thank so so much and from the deepest part of heart the 4 members who donated to us. We were so greatfull. We were able to almost get one months worth of the cancer medication. In closing, I am hoping to meet all of you. Even the ones who might have butted horns with my husband. And while I would die for him and stand behind him in most anything. I do often times have differing opinions, and sometimes my interest are completly different then what his would be. I hope to hear from some of you soon.




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Hello Piracy's Lady!

Welcome to the forums. Many of us here have feelings of losing our moorings and these forums are a good place to get honest answers from folks who have or are deconverting from Christianity. I am a recent arrival here as well, and have found some folks that are willing to help out however they can. Some may come across a bit blunt at times, but there is really a cross section of humanity here (no pun intended). I hope you find friends here.

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Hello Piracy's Lady!

Welcome to the forums. Many of us here have feelings of losing our moorings and these forums are a good place to get honest answers from folks who have or are deconverting from Christianity. I am a recent arrival here as well, and have found some folks that are willing to help out however they can. Some may come across a bit blunt at times, but there is really a cross section of humanity here (no pun intended). I hope you find friends here.


Thank you so much for your reply. It was my 1st one. I was really hoping that this would be a place where most of the people would try their best to answer honestly in all areas. As far as what crosses my mind at this particular moment. It's what exactly is the meaning for the season? I mean I use to think I knew. Use to be the lead singer and play the drums with the church band. But now as I am left with that no more I am feeling lost and unsure. Then there is the question of Santa clause. St. Nicholas, which I know was a true figure although not to the extent of what hw was portrayed. So my question to you would be as your thinking of christikas this year, what is your reason for celebrating the season. Hope to hear back from you soon.




I thought it might be easier to put our faces with our names. We are working on getting our family pics on here. Hopefully soon you can put a face with a name.

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Hello Piracy's Lady!

Welcome to the forums. Many of us here have feelings of losing our moorings and these forums are a good place to get honest answers from folks who have or are deconverting from Christianity. I am a recent arrival here as well, and have found some folks that are willing to help out however they can. Some may come across a bit blunt at times, but there is really a cross section of humanity here (no pun intended). I hope you find friends here.

As I said before, I am really new to this. And Now since Nick and I both have an account we are going to have to watch when we replay. I replied back to you under his name on accident. I'm sorry. I'll get beter as times goes on.

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Welcome Churee! What a pretty name. Glad to see you. :grin:

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Welcome! I am sure that you will find many wonderful and helpful people here. I know that many here have been (and continue to be) a help to me.

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  • Super Moderator

Welcome, Churee. Nice name.


My job here apparently is to make Nick stronger through resistance training (!). I'll take it easy on you though, since you're a lady.


I hope things improve for you and yours, and enjoy your stay here at Ex-C.


- Chris

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As far as what crosses my mind at this particular moment. It's what exactly is the meaning for the season? I mean I use to think I knew. Use to be the lead singer and play the drums with the church band. But now as I am left with that no more I am feeling lost and unsure. Then there is the question of Santa clause. St. Nicholas, which I know was a true figure although not to the extent of what hw was portrayed. So my question to you would be as your thinking of christikas this year, what is your reason for celebrating the season. Hope to hear back from you soon.




I think there have been other postings about this, but basically I see this as a time to be with friends and family, and enjoy the pretty decorations. I still love the glow of a really well decorated tree, it almost seems magical. The only sour notes for me are when someone insists on making dogmatic religious statements intended to reaffirm their own beliefs rather than to bring joy and goodness to others. I don't at all mean the simple "Merry Christmas" that many give, but the more belabored "witnessing" that some try to force out. So I intend to focus on the things that I find magical and enjoyable.

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In the words of Gandolph, 'Not all who wander are lost.' Christians have the idea that if you do not follow their way of living, then you are lost. This is not true. We are raised believing what we believe because we have been taught to think that way since we were young. Some of us on ex-christians were believers after we grew up and some of us are still in the process of deconverting. Give yourself time, lots of time, to adjust. You will do well.

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Guest Aquarius217

Hello to you and welcome! I'm new here as well. I think you'll find many here are more than willing to answer questions, offer advice, and share in great conversation. I think the folks here at Ex-C are respectful in their conversations, which is seriously lacking in other sites.


Again, welcome!

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Hello Churee and welcome!


Yes, your name is so unusual and pretty. Is there a history/meaning behind it? Just curious.


I hope you're feeling better.

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I just read your profile and see where you like to play drums. What kind of drums do you play? I got some congas a couple of years ago. While I'm in NO WAY musically inclined, it sure is fun as hell!

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Welcome, Churee! I'm glad to see you here.




Hi There Loren,


Thank you so much for your welcoming words. It's nice to feel welcomed when you are first starting out trying something new and are alittle scared and nervous about it. So thanks again. I did have one question for you since you seem to know alot about this site and its workings. Where do you think is the best place for someone new like me to start here on the site? Where might I gain the most help? Thanks again, hope to talk to you soon.



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Welcome Churee! What a pretty name. Glad to see you. :grin:

Hi There,


Thank you so much for your friendly welcome. It makes me feel like I might find what I am looking for here at this site, a few kindred spirits and such. Thank you for the compliment on my name. I used to hate my mom for giving it to me, everyone saying it wrong etc. but I have loved it for sometime now, so thanks.I'm trying to get the courage up to start my own thread reguarding some problems and questions I had ith Christianity(while I was there) but I must say I am alittle nervous. Maybe after a few more days of practice. It really sems like people here will be open and honest with their answers, not something I am used to dealing with most Christians latley.Anyway thanks again for the welcome. Hope to talk to you soon.


Churee :grin:

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Welcome! I am sure that you will find many wonderful and helpful people here. I know that many here have been (and continue to be) a help to me.


Thank you very much for your welcome.I found it very encouraging that quite a few people made me feel so welcome. It gives off an atmosphere of understanding and people trying to help each other, and thats great. It seems all ready that there are many wonderful and helpful people here and I am very excited about that. I have alot of issues, dealing with deconversion, feeling lost and trying to realize my life's purpose. That along with hopefully finding some kindred spirits to actually confide my story in would be such a blessing to me. If i can ever be of any help to you please let me know and I would do my very best. I hope to talk to you soon.



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Welcome, Churee. Nice name.


My job here apparently is to make Nick stronger through resistance training (!). I'll take it easy on you though, since you're a lady.


I hope things improve for you and yours, and enjoy your stay here at Ex-C.


- Chris


Hi There Chris,

I must say that out of all the replies I recieved so far I enjoyed reading yours the best. Only because I had heard of you through Piracy. Making Nick strong through resistance training is something I have seen him do on his own but never taken through by anyone else. Your reply made me smile.I appricate the taking it easy on me because I am a lady and such that is nice of you. Nick has spoken highly of you several times and he does not do that with many, so thank you for your discussions with him, the debating and I'm sure the witty banter that comes into play between the two of you. I hope to be able to become stronger through this site as well, maybe you could also help me with that, all though perhaps without the resistance training part. lol. I also really really hope things improve for Nick and myself and our children. Times have been real hard for a long time now. I hope that you and your family are doing well and in good health and spirits. I hope to talk to you again soon. Any sugessions on a good place to start here on the site? I have asked I believe 2 other people that question that have seemed to be on here a long time. Thanks again for your welcome. Talk to you soon. Oh and P.S. thank you also for the compliment on my name. That was very thoughtfull of you.



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As far as what crosses my mind at this particular moment. It's what exactly is the meaning for the season? I mean I use to think I knew. Use to be the lead singer and play the drums with the church band. But now as I am left with that no more I am feeling lost and unsure. Then there is the question of Santa clause. St. Nicholas, which I know was a true figure although not to the extent of what hw was portrayed. So my question to you would be as your thinking of christikas this year, what is your reason for celebrating the season. Hope to hear back from you soon.




I think there have been other postings about this, but basically I see this as a time to be with friends and family, and enjoy the pretty decorations. I still love the glow of a really well decorated tree, it almost seems magical. The only sour notes for me are when someone insists on making dogmatic religious statements intended to reaffirm their own beliefs rather than to bring joy and goodness to others. I don't at all mean the simple "Merry Christmas" that many give, but the more belabored "witnessing" that some try to force out. So I intend to focus on the things that I find magical and enjoyable.


I think you are right about there hac=ving been other postings about the wuestion I had asked you but to be honest I have not figured out how to completley navigate the site yet to get to the certain areas, so I appricae you answering my question. I also see this time of year asa time to be with friends and exspecially family. And I also love the beautiful decorations. I love driving arounfd with the kids and going down all the streets that have the best lights. to se them smile like that, just brings me such joy and I guess could actually be the reason for my season.I would have to agree with you about the glow of a really well decorated Christmas tree as far as it being almost magical. We got a new one this year that was donated and it is so big. We have never had one so nice. I turn on all the lights the second it gets dark to be able to enjoy it. I hope that didnt sound to terribly dorky. I am in complete agreement with you on the sour notes and just plain bad feelings it brings when someone insists on making their dogmatic religious statements that are completley intended to reaffirm their own beliefs rather than bring any type og joy or happiness or even good cheer to any fellow human being. That saddens me. The "Merry Christmas" does not bother me either to be completly honest but its the wittnessing that seems to be being tried to be shoved down my throat in every mall or even in every parking lot. That I do not take well at all. I will try to niclely decline but if necesaary it has become not so nice. Those kind of people just really need to know when to quit with certain people. Im not shoving my belief system down their throats and I would hope for the same respect. I think I will for the most part focus in on what is still magical to me and the memories I have of the things that made me happy at xmas as a child. Like the silly, "you'll shoot your eye out movie", or the peanuts special, the beautifullights and trees and just my childrens smiles. Thier smiles are all the magic I need this year. (well lets hope so) I hope you aredoing well and I hope I can talk to you again soon. Have a great day.



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I just read your profile and see where you like to play drums. What kind of drums do you play? I got some congas a couple of years ago. While I'm in NO WAY musically inclined, it sure is fun as hell!


Hi There,


So you read my profile and saw that I loved to play the drums. Yes that is absolutly true. I started playing them at age 5 and of course I wasnt any good at that time, just good enough to drive my mother crazy. But by the time I got to be 8 I actually had the whole set almost mastered. At that time I had an 8 piece set.I can actually now that I'm 32 and have had alot of practice through college and such play just about any kind of drum. I have even at times played in the minor orchestras in the area I live in. It has been awhile unfournatlay with all of the illnessness we are going through but it never leaves me without a smile and I cant it to be able to stat back up again. You wrote that you had gotten some congas, now is that because you are in to that type of music, the Spanish latin kind or just because you like to party in a conga line. lol. And you are right it is fun as hell! And hey the more you do it the more musically inclined you will become. Thank you for your messege. I hope to talk to you soon.



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Hello to you and welcome! I'm new here as well. I think you'll find many here are more than willing to answer questions, offer advice, and share in great conversation. I think the folks here at Ex-C are respectful in their conversations, which is seriously lacking in other sites.


Again, welcome!

Hi There to You and welcome to you as well since you mentioned that you were knew as well. Nice to meet you. It does seem that there are many people on this site that are more then willing to answer questions, offer advice and share in great conversation. I am starting with practing in the great conversation area first and trying to navigate and learn my way around. But I hope by the end of a few days to post my 1st serious thread and ask some of my 1st serious questions.I am looking forward to the advice and answers I will get. It seems there are alot of diverse opinions here and thats just great. So far everyone has been extremly respectfull and that is one major reason I decided to join. I would not be comfortable on a site twhere people were just bashing other people all the time. A heated debate is fine but the bashing i can do with out. Well thank you again so much for your welcome. I hope we can talk again soon.



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Hello Churee and welcome!


Yes, your name is so unusual and pretty. Is there a history/meaning behind it? Just curious.


I hope you're feeling better.


Thank you so much for the compliment on my name. That was very nice of you. It is kind of unusual. I never seem to be called it the way my mother mant for it to be pronounced. It is pronounced Sure-ee. Usually I get everything but that. As far as history behind it when my mom was a child her favorite dolls name was Churee and when she becameolder she didnt want me to be called sheri so she put the CH in the front. But later I did find out that it is exactly the correct French spelling of my name and it sounds just the way its meant to. Now what about you? What is your name and is there any special meaning behind it? Hope to talk to you soon. Have a great day.



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  • Super Moderator

Thanks for your good wishes. It hasn't been the best of times for me lately either, but nothing like your situation.


Regarding where to start on the site, I guess it depends on your tastes and mood. The spirituality section is a protected place to discuss the spooky stuff, but the Lion's Den can have some exciting squabbles. Sometimes News and Current Events has stuff you just can't make up.


Have fun.

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In the words of Gandolph, 'Not all who wander are lost.' Christians have the idea that if you do not follow their way of living, then you are lost. This is not true. We are raised believing what we believe because we have been taught to think that way since we were young. Some of us on ex-christians were believers after we grew up and some of us are still in the process of deconverting. Give yourself time, lots of time, to adjust. You will do well.

I love it that you started your post off with in the wods of Gandolph. Lord Of The Rings are one of our all time favorite movies. There can be so much taken form those movies. So many great Life lessons and such.I have known for awhile now that the Christians think if you do not follow their way of thinking then a person is lost. I have also known for awhile at least on that subject they are completly wrong. It has seemed to me of late that they appear to be the ones livinglost lives. Following teachings with none or hardly any proof. I was defiantly in the catagory of being raised believing all of the christian teachings since i was even so young I cant remember. Now as an adult I see where I was lead down so many wrong paths and given so much bad advice. Im sure there must have been at least a handfull of people in those groups that genuinely cared. I just wish it would have ben based on something real. I do plan on giving myself time to adjust completly, and I do hope that i will do well as you said. Its an odd feeling now to search for what is right to believe in. I thank you again for your welcome. I hope to talk to you soon.



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Thanks for your good wishes. It hasn't been the best of times for me lately either, but nothing like your situation.


Regarding where to start on the site, I guess it depends on your tastes and mood. The spirituality section is a protected place to discuss the spooky stuff, but the Lion's Den can have some exciting squabbles. Sometimes News and Current Events has stuff you just can't make up.


Have fun.

I'm so sorry to hear that it hasnt ben the best of times for you either latley. If there is anything i can do to ease your suffering please let me know and i will try my best. Yeah, our situation has been more than i can even handle to be honest and yet more SHIT just keps washing our way. I just dont understand it. We try not to get to down on things, but I must tell you it is so hard. I think maybe my next step is going to be to write the thread about whats happened in my life. The terrors, abuses and tragidies. It seems like that might be a good way to start. Then not only could I get if off my chest and maybe feel alittle better but hopefully get some good sincere caring advice. It is hard to be completly honest with someone in person but on this site I think I could be and other than Piracy I have never told anyone my whole story not even my family. I just hope people wouldnt think badly of me.I do like to discuss the spooky stuff. I'm into that for sure. I heard Nick say he had forwarded you some of our pics. WHat did you think? He also is telling me that your calling yourself Scully???Is that right? I think I will check there alittle later today. I may venture out into the lions den when I am alittle more braver. Have a great day.Hope to talk to you soon



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I think you are right about there hac=ving been other postings about the wuestion I had asked you but to be honest I have not figured out how to completley navigate the site yet to get to the certain areas, so I appricae you answering my question. I also see this time of year asa time to be with friends and exspecially family. And I also love the beautiful decorations. I love driving arounfd with the kids and going down all the streets that have the best lights. to se them smile like that, just brings me such joy and I guess could actually be the reason for my season.I would have to agree with you about the glow of a really well decorated Christmas tree as far as it being almost magical. We got a new one this year that was donated and it is so big. We have never had one so nice. I turn on all the lights the second it gets dark to be able to enjoy it. I hope that didnt sound to terribly dorky. I am in complete agreement with you on the sour notes and just plain bad feelings it brings when someone insists on making their dogmatic religious statements that are completley intended to reaffirm their own beliefs rather than bring any type og joy or happiness or even good cheer to any fellow human being. That saddens me. The "Merry Christmas" does not bother me either to be completly honest but its the wittnessing that seems to be being tried to be shoved down my throat in every mall or even in every parking lot. That I do not take well at all. I will try to niclely decline but if necesaary it has become not so nice. Those kind of people just really need to know when to quit with certain people. Im not shoving my belief system down their throats and I would hope for the same respect. I think I will for the most part focus in on what is still magical to me and the memories I have of the things that made me happy a xmas as a child. Like the silly, "you'll shoot your eye out movie", or the peanuts special, the beautifullights and trees and just my childrens smiles. Thier smiles are all the magic I need this year. (well lets hope so) I hope you aredoing well and I hope I can talk to you again soon. Have a great day.


I have to say I agree with everything you've written there---including wondering if I sound dorky when I go on and on and on about how much I love the xmas lights! LOL Seriously, I am truly the biggest sucker in town when it comes to the decorations. I live in the Richmond, VA area and a local radio station has sponsored a Tacky Lights Tour for, oh probably 20 years now. I wouldn't miss it -- not even for a blizzard! Some of the more (in)famous houses have been shown on HGTV. If you get a chance, the book by Bruce Littlefield, Merry Chistmas, America! Megawatt Displays Across the USA has some great pictures--including ones from the Richmond Tacky Tour. Looking at the pictures in that book always makes me smile....even in the hot and muggy August days we have around here. And there's not many movies funnier than "A Christmas Story" or "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation"!



So you read my profile and saw that I loved to play the drums. Yes that is absolutly true. I started playing them at age 5 and of course I wasnt any good at that time, just good enough to drive my mother crazy. But by the time I got to be 8 I actually had the whole set almost mastered. At that time I had an 8 piece set.I can actually now that I'm 32 and have had alot of practice through college and such play just about any kind of drum. I have even at times played in the minor orchestras in the area I live in. It has been awhile unfournatlay with all of the illnessness we are going through but it never leaves me without a smile and I cant it to be able to stat back up again. You wrote that you had gotten some congas, now is that because you are in to that type of music, the Spanish latin kind or just because you like to party in a conga line. lol. And you are right it is fun as hell! And hey the more you do it the more musically inclined you will become. Thank you for your messege. I hope to talk to you soon


That is so cool that you've played the drums since you were 5! I so hope you'll be feeling up to playing the drums again really soon. I got the congas because there was never a time I could remember NOT wanting to play the drums, but for various reasons, just never did. I figured I'd start out with something that wouldn't disturb my husband too much! I love tropical/Caribbean music and the congas just seemed a perfect fit. As far as the conga line, hey I like that too!


Thank you so much for the compliment on my name. That was very nice of you. It is kind of unusual. I never seem to be called it the way my mother mant for it to be pronounced. It is pronounced Sure-ee. Usually I get everything but that. As far as history behind it when my mom was a child her favorite dolls name was Churee and when she becameolder she didnt want me to be called sheri so she put the CH in the front. But later I did find out that it is exactly the correct French spelling of my name and it sounds just the way its meant to. Now what about you? What is your name and is there any special meaning behind it? Hope to talk to you soon. Have a great day.


The way your mom chose your name is so nice. I chose "buffetphan" as my username because I love Jimmy Buffett music. My real name is Debbie. I'm a product of the 1950's, when Debbie Reynolds was a big star. So I grew up with lots of other "Debbie's." When I was a kid, I went through a stage when I really hated my way-too-common name -- I wanted something unique. So for a while, I insisted upon being called "Deborah." funny.


Yeah, our situation has been more than i can even handle to be honest and yet more SHIT just keps washing our way. I just dont understand it. We try not to get to down on things, but I must tell you it is so hard. I think maybe my next step is going to be to write the thread about whats happened in my life. The terrors, abuses and tragidies. It seems like that might be a good way to start. Then not only could I get if off my chest and maybe feel alittle better but hopefully get some good sincere caring advice. It is hard to be completly honest with someone in person but on this site I think I could be and other than Piracy I have never told anyone my whole story not even my family. I just hope people wouldnt think badly of me.


Yes, you guys have had so much shit to handle -- more than anyone should have to handle. So if telling your story here helps you, then do it--at whatever pace you're comfortable with! Please, please don't worry about people thinking badly of you. The members here are quite supportive and caring. (Just ignore the idiot fundies who drive by trying to re-convert you. Don't let them get you down. Even better--LAUGH at them and/or pity them for their ignorance.) Personally, I like the "Testimonies" section of the forum the best. To me, that section makes me realize there are lots of us like-minded people around and I find that encouraging. I also find that reading people's profiles can give a bit of insight into some of their posts. One section I always check out is the Humor and Satire. Some days, you've just gotta laugh to keep from crying.



It's also so obvious from Nick's posts how much he loves you and is totally devoted to you. That is such a treasure. I admire you both and hope things improve soon. Heck, for you guys, I'd even "pray" if I thought it would do any good. :Hmm:



Just for fun, here's a cool xmas house not too far from me. Hope you enjoy it.


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