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The Single Most Foolish Christian Doctrine


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It occurred to me this morning just how foolish some of these Christian doctrines appear now that I am almost ten years deconverted. So in the big fraud/con game of Christianity, which to you is the one now that you say OMG :Doh: I can't believe that I once believed that?


My vote goes to the rapture. Hands down the most ridiculous thing I ever heard.

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I chose "other."


Like potato chips I can't choose just one. Once I start it's all crazy.



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I put end times etc. But rapture is part of that too. I cannot believe how much of my life I spent being afraid because of all those fairy stories.


I was home visiting my family recently and I almost blew my closeted atheist cover when my sister started ranting about how the banks are all going to collapse and our money will be worthless and the tribulation is upon us. I just couldn't listen to her without making fun of her. She was not impressed. But it was all so ludicrous.



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I choose all of the above. I can't settle on just one either. The basic premise of the perfect creator creating imperfect creatures (and having foreknowledge of what they will do) is just insane. The flood, rapture, Hell, all of it is nonsense whether taken as a whole or examined point by point.


(How could I have suspended rational thought for so long?)

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I'd say the Trinity, because it's a hidden way of making Christianity some hybrid between a monotheism and yet a polytheism, without them admitting it.


Actually, there's one more which isn't on the list: "It's not a religion, it's a relationship." That must be one of the most stupid things anyone have come up with.

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This is hard for me to pick becasue everything I use belive makes me cring now. I voted for the whole angel vs. demon stuff maily becuase that nealy drove me in to madness. Acrouse I could of voted for the devil, hell, end of times and other things.

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It was hard to think up all the absurdities that a person is required to believe to be Christian. Later I did think of the "relationship with Christ" thing, but too late to include it.


I guess I could have put an option "all of the above, its all equally absurd" but, I wanted to find out among the group here if there was any particular thing that just drove you nuts.


Yes, the rapture is also part of the end times stuff, but to me personally it was so absurd it required its own separate category.


Hey I see that I have now reached 2,000 posts! Calls for some kind of celebration :woohoo::party:

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Hey I see that I have now reached 2,000 posts! Calls for some kind of celebration :woohoo::party:




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I agree with Han - when it comes to foolish I don't think anything can top the Trinity (although I agree with what others have said as well - the rapture and a few others are not far behind). Most Christians themselves can't even articulate what the trinity is. I've heard it compared to everything from an egg to a two-tentacled octopus :lol: to a family to a three-layered cake :lol:. Why can't they just admit that it's a completely illogical concept with absolutely no basis in reality? :shrug:

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I went with the End Times, but one that really gets me is the whole doctrine of substitution for sins (Christ and all that rot). I don't think even the most devout Christian really sees sense in that, I certainly don't. Though I suppose that can go under original sin.

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I went with the End Times, but one that really gets me is the whole doctrine of substitution for sins (Christ and all that rot). I don't think even the most devout Christian really sees sense in that, I certainly don't. Though I suppose that can go under original sin.


That's the atonement- somehow meant to get it in there, and didn't -- again, just so many.

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There's no choice available but I nominate the entire wholly babble. Genesis and Revalation are imo the most fucked up fairytales, so it's a hodge-podge of crap wrapped up in two turds. I'll make myself more clear if necessary. :P

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It’s impossible to choose one thing although I’m leaning toward the trinity… well, maybe the virgin birth… no it has to be the stories… Oh, hell. I agree with Par – it’s the entire wholly babble! :shrug:

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I couldn't settle on one either. I chose the Trinity. That has got to be the biggest load of shit ever. "three parts to one God" wtf? I'd never even heard of the Holy Spirit/Ghost/Spook before I'd learned about the Trinity.

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I couldn't decide for a few minutes and ended up choosing "original sin" just because it's so ridiculous to sum up all of human nature into the idea that we got this way from eating a stupid piece of magic fruit.


It all starts with that and snowballs. It was one of the things that pushed me towards deconversion; when I realized that (from that point of view) God was the one who created evil, sin, and death.

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It occurred to me this morning just how foolish some of these Christian doctrines appear now that I am almost ten years deconverted. So in the big fraud/con game of Christianity, which to you is the one now that you say OMG :Doh: I can't believe that I once believed that?


My vote goes to the rapture. Hands down the most ridiculous thing I ever heard.


Deva, I had to go for hell because its the most damaging and bullshit one of all times, but the rapture and End times with John Hagee and Chuck Smith are more stupid and foolish....the creationism stuff is pathetic.....You should do another poll but make it like the top 5 with gradations...then make like a chart graph...hehe.


If youre into crafts!!!


Hell is foolish.

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I had a hard time choosing; the whole thing is just all kinds of crazy. But I settled on the End Times stuff because it sounds like the author of Revelations was smoking crack.


Hey I see that I have now reached 2,000 posts! Calls for some kind of celebration


Woot!!! :68:

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Original Sin. The idea that almost every human who ever lived must be punished for all eternity because two of their genetic ancestors ate produce from a certain tree is inexplicable.

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Original sin is pretty crazy, and I almost chose that, but for the sake of creationism/'intelligent' design/theistic evolution I chose "a creator God."


In fact the two are probably on equal par, but it comes down to what I've been concerned with the most recently -- and I've been reading up on evolution lately -- so the fact creationism (et al) can't hold a candle to it swung my vote.


Both of them, however, are utterly, utterly absurd. :rolleyes:

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Tossup between Original sin and hell, as they are both founded on a ridiculously poor understanding of morality.


Original sin basically means that we are responsible for the crimes of our ancestors. If you great great great great great times 20 ancestor was a sinner, then you get to start out as born into the world of sin ! Of course, if you ask a christian who has an older relative in jail if they should also be in jail for the same crime, they will say no. The fact that they honestly try to come up with psuedo logic bullshit reasons to explain how original sin is somehow different is amazing.


Of course, hell has the same problem. Are people responsible for failing to pick the right choice when it was impossible for them to know which one it was ? If I say "I am going to throw this dice in the air, and if you can't guess which side it is going to land on I am going to shoot you." is that fair ? Again, the amount of bullshit circular non-logic Christians try to use to defend such an obviously stupid and stone age ideology is astounding.

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I chose hell because that was my bottom line reason for getting out. The thought of my brother burning forever and ever while I was having a good time sent me running out of Catholicism into the SDA church. SDA's don't believe the bible says we just keep burning and burning and burning. Eventually I got out of SDA because all of it was unbelievable. The final straw was my daughter, who was about 5 or so, thought she was not good enough for god to love her, she knew she was going to hell. It's all crazy to me now.

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I chose the "Garden of Eden" because it's such total bullshit. The idea that we all just naturally do shit that pisses Jesus off because two obviously mythical people listened to a lying talking snake and ate some forbidden magical fruit is just ludicrous. And yet I used to believe it. Gawd, how embarrassing! I cringe now when I hear Christians talking seriously about such an absurd and ridiculous story. It's so goddamn idiotic that it actually pisses me off to hear supposedly intelligent people actually taking such obvious bullshit seriously! Glory!

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Hello all -

I have lurked here for over 2 years while de converting. The first doctrine that brought on my skepticism was the rapture. As time went on, all the others on the list continued to deepen my doubt. For me however, the clincher has been a result of seeing the whole issue of animal and then the ultimate human sacrifice in all its mind numbing and heart wrenching idiocy.


I am very greatful for this and other sites and all who have shared their stories. I think I might have totally lost my mind in the process of losing my faith without you.


Still working on recovering my mind :eek:

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Welcome to the Boards OneLifetoLive. I lurked myself for a year before I started to post. Keep working on the mind recovery, it will come. This site has helped me a lot. We would be interested in hearing your story if sometime you would like to post it in the "Testimonies" section. It is really great to find that others can understand because they have also been there.


Brother Jeff: The Garden of Eden was my second choice for most foolish after the rapture. I misspelled "perfect world" in my description but the notion that there was ever a perfect world like the Garden of Eden is so foolish to me now that it defies description.

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I picked the Garden of Eden.


I debated between that and original sin. I guess I picked the Garden of Eden because I felt it sort of encompassed the part about original sin.


These two things are the most important to me because right now, the argument against Christianity that I feel is the strongest is this one:


Suppose God is all loving and all knowing.

Since God is all knowing, he knew before he created us that some of us would choose to rebel against him and thus send ourselves to hell.

We cannot send ourselves to hell if we do not exist.

If God is all knowing, the he created beings he knew would choose hell. To me, this means that he sent them to hell by the act of creating them.

But if God was all loving, he would not create creatures he knew would choose hell. Because this would mean that he sent them to hell which is certainly not loving.

So we conclude God cannot be both all loving and all knowing.

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