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Damn...I tried to comment on the vid (said that Lucifer was framed and brought us freewill)...comment pending approval.


Fucking Xians can't take a damn joke or face any kind of criticism...

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Damn...I tried to comment on the vid (said that Lucifer was framed and brought us freewill)...comment pending approval.


Fucking Xians can't take a damn joke or face any kind of criticism...



On the Greek Orthodoxy controversy over my old monastery, some guy has made a series of vids criticizing and professing his all knowing bullshit aimed at this one guy that had a beef with the monastery and supported the families of some of the novices and monks...so anyways he makes these fucking videos all attacking this ONE GUY but hes got his comments blocked, hes got thousands of views and no comments. Hmmm.


He can tear somebody with a legitimate grievance down over the net for all to see but he has to screen his fucking comments???


So I got into dialog with him, brick wall man. and he pushed some of my comments through but not all, so you dont get like the gist of the whole argument but its the ones he felt he made a better counter point to.


Xtians are weenies for the most part. it pisses me off....


Try writing XVenomFangX, that fucker. He had like 500,000 views on someting and like 65 comments praising him, I realized the ones that were not in his favor were missing, I then realized out of all the people that must have commented, only like 1 in 3000 said something positive.


Xtians are full of crap thats why they cant take it.


Sorry to ramble on, you just reminded me of all these Xtians I am waiting on to step up....Caroline and Jeff, VenomFangX, GreekOrthodoxy....I dount they will.

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I've noticed that Christians who are critical of other religions or people with a lack of religion (on youtube) immediately disable comments for the video. They just don't want to feel uncomfortable with the knowledge that there are good people out there that have different opinions.

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I made a comment to on the day I made this link. I read threw the comments and found the guy who posted this video said to some one that nothing perdates the bible. I simply told him if you take history class in college they will tell you Hinduism and buddhism are some oldest relgion on the planet, both perdating Christianty. Also there paganism and zorasterism to consider. That was it, no insults, no cusing, just a reply but my commet was never allowed to be posted.

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I've noticed that Christians who are critical of other religions or people with a lack of religion (on youtube) immediately disable comments for the video. They just don't want to feel uncomfortable with the knowledge that there are good people out there that have different opinions.



I remember awhile back I made a link to this video. When I Fist made the link we all made a comments.


But after all the commets that followed were negatvie look what is now missing from the bottom of this video.

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