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Goodbye Jesus

It's All About Uncertainty.


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I just need to let off some steam about what I think drives my hatred toward Christianity. It's how so much of it is based on uncertainty. I couldn't complain nearly as much if god was right in my face with the information I needed to be saved or what have you, but it's the fact that god isn't, and I don't even know if he exists. Hell, Christians don't even know if he exists or not, nor do they know if they really are on the right path.


What's even worse is that so much of it is based on the fear of things that you cannot even know for sure are real. A fine example of this is the rapture. It's one of those once it happens, it will be too late kind of deals. God doesn't really say when it's going to happen, but leaves vauge clues in which coincidental events could be interpreted as signs of the 'end times'. It's kind of like a terrorist who says he has a bomb, but no one really knows if it's a real bomb or not and no one has anyway of knowing unless he blows it up. If it doesn't happen, it could still happen, but if it does happen, then you'll no. There's no way to prove it as 100% false so there will always be that 'what if' fear.


And when I think about it, that's how the whole religion works. Christians sometimes argue that since you can't disprove god, then he must be real! And of course, of all the possible god's, it must be their god. Having a kid survive a fire must mean that it was god’s intervention, even though hundreds of other people died. Of course, it was god’s will for them to die! And god spoke to them through some miracle or prayer that was answered, despite the fact that many others have tried to be saved or get in touch with god and got squat in return.


Then they come up with the excuses. It’s not god’s will, it may not be his time, you weren’t sincere enough in your prayers, you can’t tell god what to do! Blah blah blah blah!! The only thing that kept me in the loop was pascals wager and the hope that it will all make sense or come together. Yet I, like many others here, got sick of playing that game. They tell you it’s easy to be saved, then when you do what they say, tell you you’re doing it wrong, you were never saved, it’s not about your works, or any other NONSENSE that makes absolutely no sense to rational people. Basically, they expect you to just pretend it all makes sense when in reality, it does not.


This is what I have seen on my web adventures and continue to see to this day on sites like youtube. When faced with an honest question about their god, they will either ignore it, or lay the blame on you for not being faithful enough, even though it’s not supposed to be about works. They can never even agree among fellow Christians of their own denomination about how to interpret scripture, yet still act like they have the ‘truth’. I know many of you are aware of this by now, but I just had to let off some steam about how much BS Christians spew.

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Dude...get out of my head!!!



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Yeah, what you said!! Here here!



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Word. One of the reasons I left Christianity was because I just couldn't find answers to the questions I had, and knew most of the people around me would rather blame me for having questions in the first place than try to answer them. You can't apply reason or common sense to the Bible; you just can't. That would be "questioning God." And of course, we all know our minds are sinful and fallen and can't be trusted anyway, amiright? I could and still do see Christians around me filled with questions and doubts, but terrified to say anything out of fear of being thought of as "bad" Christians.


Having a kid survive a fire must mean that it was god’s intervention, even though hundreds of other people died. Of course, it was god’s will for them to die! And god spoke to them through some miracle or prayer that was answered, despite the fact that many others have tried to be saved or get in touch with god and got squat in return.


Then they come up with the excuses. It’s not god’s will, it may not be his time, you weren’t sincere enough in your prayers, you can’t tell god what to do! Blah blah blah blah!!


I know. Everytime I sat down to pray, it would always be with the haunting knowledge in the back of my head that I really had no way of knowing whether or not God would decide to humor me today and actually answer my prayers. If what I wanted to happen happened, halelujah, the Lord is at work! If nothing happened, the it's simply "not God's will." When I was about 13, my Dad came home one night and told the family that the wife of his boss, a friend of his, was dying of cancer and asked us to pray for her healing. I faithfully spent many nights of my knees, "praying for her along with my usual concerns. When she died, I was disappointed. Dad said that it must have been God's plan for her to go. I didn't question him at the time, but now I think the "God's timing" excuse is one of the most pathetic excuses Christians have for the obvious question of why prayer just doesn't work.

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Word. One of the reasons I left Christianity was because I just couldn't find answers to the questions I had, and knew most of the people around me would rather blame me for having questions in the first place than try to answer them. You can't apply reason or common sense to the Bible; you just can't. That would be "questioning God." And of course, we all know our minds are sinful and fallen and can't be trusted anyway, amiright? I could and still do see Christians around me filled with questions and doubts, but terrified to say anything out of fear of being thought of as "bad" Christians.


Having a kid survive a fire must mean that it was god’s intervention, even though hundreds of other people died. Of course, it was god’s will for them to die! And god spoke to them through some miracle or prayer that was answered, despite the fact that many others have tried to be saved or get in touch with god and got squat in return.


Then they come up with the excuses. It’s not god’s will, it may not be his time, you weren’t sincere enough in your prayers, you can’t tell god what to do! Blah blah blah blah!!


I know. Everytime I sat down to pray, it would always be with the haunting knowledge in the back of my head that I really had no way of knowing whether or not God would decide to humor me today and actually answer my prayers. If what I wanted to happen happened, halelujah, the Lord is at work! If nothing happened, the it's simply "not God's will." When I was about 13, my Dad came home one night and told the family that the wife of his boss, a friend of his, was dying of cancer and asked us to pray for her healing. I faithfully spent many nights of my knees, "praying for her along with my usual concerns. When she died, I was disappointed. Dad said that it must have been God's plan for her to go. I didn't question him at the time, but now I think the "God's timing" excuse is one of the most pathetic excuses Christians have for the obvious question of why prayer just doesn't work.

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Yes, it's definitely based on uncertainty and preys on peoples' fears regarding death. It gives them a comfort blanket to pretend there is something after death, to be able to say that when your loved ones die, you WILL see them again. Even though it's a lie, people buy into it because they want it to be true. It's probably one of the most bought-into lies in the past two thousand years.


The "God's plan" excuse is lame and basically says that god is capable of murdering people on a whim, when he could in fact have saved them. Not only that, but all the non-Christians who die from his hand (even the ones who harmed nothing larger than a mosquito during their lives) are being tortured supposedly forever as well, for what amounts to thought crimes, while he doesn't lift a finger to help them, and does the equivalent of sitting around eating popcorn watching them get tortured. So the Christian deity is sadistic as well as a mass murderer, and yet people are still expected to literally bow down and worship him out of the fear that if they do not, they will be tortured and/or just outright killed (if you believe in the "liberal" version of hell).


How can people worship a being who is supposedly a divine being of love who also murders on a whim, and not only that but sends people to be eternally tortured for nothing more than thinking the "wrong" things? Those are NOT the actions of a divine being of love, they are the actions of a sadistic, cruel monster! It's completely insane to worship such a being! Lifelong brainwashing is the only way anyone believes in Christianity literally still.

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Yes, it's definitely based on uncertainty and preys on peoples' fears regarding death. It gives them a comfort blanket to pretend there is something after death, to be able to say that when your loved ones die, you WILL see them again. Even though it's a lie, people buy into it because they want it to be true. It's probably one of the most bought-into lies in the past two thousand years.


The "God's plan" excuse is lame and basically says that god is capable of murdering people on a whim, when he could in fact have saved them. Not only that, but all the non-Christians who die from his hand (even the ones who harmed nothing larger than a mosquito during their lives) are being tortured supposedly forever as well, for what amounts to thought crimes, while he doesn't lift a finger to help them, and does the equivalent of sitting around eating popcorn watching them get tortured. So the Christian deity is sadistic as well as a mass murderer, and yet people are still expected to literally bow down and worship him out of the fear that if they do not, they will be tortured and/or just outright killed (if you believe in the "liberal" version of hell).


How can people worship a being who is supposedly a divine being of love who also murders on a whim, and not only that but sends people to be eternally tortured for nothing more than thinking the "wrong" things? Those are NOT the actions of a divine being of love, they are the actions of a sadistic, cruel monster! It's completely insane to worship such a being! Lifelong brainwashing is the only way anyone believes in Christianity literally still.


Exactly. Do not get me started on the 'thought sins' BS. Free will my ass! When thoughts condemn you to eternal punishment, that's not free will! That's another paradox on it's own. Why would god want people to be given free will if he's going to be so fucking offended over tiny mistakes that hurt no one? He doesn't want robots, yet at the same time, demands that we be perfect and the only solution is not only believing in something without evidence, but betting your life on it. No matter which way dumbass Christians defend it, that's what it will always come down to.

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I think that xians like to pretend certainty is not only possible, but required, when it is actually impossible.


This was one of the issues that really made me leave, because I could not get past it. How were we ever supposed to be sure we were saved? In all the years I spend in xianity there was no way of determining this, yet people would pretend they were absolutely sure they were saved. Talk about deceiving yourself! There was no way I could live like that with all the pretending.

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  • Super Moderator

Preach it, Brother!

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Free will my ass!

As a poster in another forum said, everything has been decided for us. All we have to choose from is a wonderful bright shiny live forever good and glorius savior, and a dirty slimy cheating hateful wicked torture forever devil. But it's your decision! Free will my ass.

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