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Goodbye Jesus

Christian Identity No More And The Reason Why!

Guest Moljinir

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Guest Moljinir

I have for a long time subscribed to the Christian Identity belief. There however, has been something personal that I have been wrestling with. You see there is a verse that says "A bastard shall not enter the congregation of the Lord EVEN until the 10th generation" Now it doesn't say after the 10th generation its ok. It says EVEN until the 10th generation. The word used in the original writings for BASTARD was MAMZER and mamzer literally means "One of mixed race". I have always known how racist the bible is but it close to home for me. I have found out fro a FACT that my blonde haired blue eyed wife is 1/4 Indian and that my 2 blonde haired blue eyed children 1/8 Indian. (Native American). This means that these people:











Who I know and love with all my heart - I am supposed to HATE. THe Bible even says so. As a matter of a fact the Bible at one point in the old testament told men to leave their foreign wives and mixed children. Why would God reject these beautiful people? Even if he is real and, now I can't believe it, I choose to worship Thor! (not really but you get the picture)

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Welcome to the forums, Moljinir.


Those beautiful people --- cursed??!!!


Like we're told, God is a jealous God, and now we know who he's jealous of.

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Moljinir - The Hammer of Thor (aka Mjöllnir), I think you'll like Thurisaz, another member here. Welcome!

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Moljinir...also a futuristic Spartan's armor...welcome!


And may I just say that your wife's a total babe... :D

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I have for a long time subscribed to the Christian Identity belief.

May I ask how you ended up with them? After all, they aren't your normal type of christian fundies.


From another forum I know a guy (now banned) who is a follower of Armstrong. Maybe you know him, he is quite active on the internet, David ben Ariel aka David Hoover, the terrorist.



one of the evil Assyrians. :P

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Guest Moljinir

I am very familiar with Armstrong but not the other person. How did I come to be involved in C.I? Well, I understood the Bible for what it was. A tribal document so to speak. I never viewed it as a "God loves everyone" kind of thing because if you read it - you know that the imaginary god in fact DID NOT love everyone the same. I always thought that the jews were gods chosen people and then I was presented with "proof" that jews never = Israelites. I have lots of documentation on that. Nevertheless I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Anyway, based on the belief that I held dear, My wife and Children are MAMZERS and god hates them. I am suppose to turn my back on them but guess what? Not happening! I give up the drivel first. It was hard for me anyway. Seeing all jews as children of satan and seeing black people as nothing more than beast of the field. My religion taught me that. Hard core jews believe that non jews are "goyim" or cattle. Those extremist in Islam think of themselves as gods chosen. Excuse my french but fuck religion. We are all better off without it. Maybe we can find peace without it. No more wars and all that bullshit maybe.




I have for a long time subscribed to the Christian Identity belief.

May I ask how you ended up with them? After all, they aren't your normal type of christian fundies.


From another forum I know a guy (now banned) who is a follower of Armstrong. Maybe you know him, he is quite active on the internet, David ben Ariel aka David Hoover, the terrorist.



one of the evil Assyrians. :P

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Hey Moljinir,


This tribal god can stay where he belongs....with his own twisted people.


Your wife and children are beautiful people, you made the right choice (Obviously).


Welcome to the site.

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Oh, BTW, your wife looks familiar to me...do you and your family live in Southern California by any chance???? I have lived in Orange County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Los Angeles County and Ventura County.


I used to travel a lot on Archaeological business since the age of 8 with my father, then on my own....I get De-ja-vu a lot and sometimes people look very familiar to me and I found out I do in fact know them from somewhere.


Anyways, just wonderin'



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I am very familiar with Armstrong but not the other person.

He trolls a lot of fora and spams them with his articles. You can google him, it gives quite a few hits. He is a (obvioulsy selfhating) gay guy, who was expelled (/sentenced?) from Israel for being part of a plot to try to blow up the Al Aqsa mosque on temple mount.


I always thought that the jews were gods chosen people and then I was presented with "proof" that jews never = Israelites. I have lots of documentation on that. Nevertheless I fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Yeah, that's what I was wondering, because this is such an oposite to the avarage christian teaching.



Excuse my french but fuck religion.


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What a beautiful family.


Cursed? Not ever.


Love them and cherish them is the true command. Forget the rest. Forget the stupid tribal religious ideas which messes up the mind, and become human again. :)

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