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Question About A Particular Church (independent Baptist)


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Hi guys.


I have a question for everyone on this forum. The admin, mods, members, everyone.


The question is: Is there anyone here who has heard of, dealt with someone from there

or been a member of a Church called the "Longview Baptist Temple". They are an Independent

Baptist group, out of Longview, Texas. I have noticed a few postings from former IFBers on here and was

wondering as large as this forum is, is there a chance that there is anyone on here that has been

a member there or that knows someone who has. Or, am I the only one. I grew up in the IFB movement

and somehow, ended up in Longview. The IFB movement itself is VERY cultlike and dangerous, but

"LBT" as they say, is in a class by itself.


If you are from there, please post a little about your experiences there. It would be great to

hear some of your stories. I have quite an interesting tale from there, as well.


In my opinion, they are one of the most dangerous groups in America today.


Thanks for sharing your experiences. Hearing them helps me heal.

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I'm curious: What makes them more cult-like than other Independent Baptist Churches? I also came from a church that was an Independent Baptist Church with very strong cult-like tendencies.

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You're right, they are simliar. But LBT "leads the pack".



Examples: Women can wear no make-up. NONE. (I'm not kidding).


Pastoral staff searching college students dorms and HOMES, for contraband.

(Not drugs or things like that, but anything "Worldly"). Wordly is deinfed by

whatever the Pastor says is Worldly.


A Gastapo-like atmosphere, in which everyone is constantly running around trying

to get everyone else "in trouble". i.e. telling on them when they discover "sin"

in their life, (like going to Blockbuster or, heaven FORBID, the Mall).


Women are pretty much the property of the Husband and what he says GOES. (Unless

of course it goes against something that the Pastor has said).



I could go on and on, as there are many more, but I hope this explains their extremism a little more.

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You're right, they are simliar. But LBT "leads the pack".



Examples: Women can wear no make-up. NONE. (I'm not kidding).


Pastoral staff searching college students dorms and HOMES, for contraband.

(Not drugs or things like that, but anything "Worldly"). Wordly is deinfed by

whatever the Pastor says is Worldly.


A Gastapo-like atmosphere, in which everyone is constantly running around trying

to get everyone else "in trouble". i.e. telling on them when they discover "sin"

in their life, (like going to Blockbuster or, heaven FORBID, the Mall).


Women are pretty much the property of the Husband and what he says GOES. (Unless

of course it goes against something that the Pastor has said).


I could go on and on, as there are many more, but I hope this explains their extremism a little more.


You ever been in an Orthodox Christian church???


This could be interesting, name like....10 cult-like things and we will compare lists, I am interested in seeing how cult-like others' cults are.


Although I dont know the group you are speaking of, I think it would be fun to pass the time comparing and getting to know each others ideas of exteme cult behavior...I used to be in Church until 2, so I am still an hour to go wating my time before i actually do anythign productive today.

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You're right, they are simliar. But LBT "leads the pack".



Examples: Women can wear no make-up. NONE. (I'm not kidding).


Pastoral staff searching college students dorms and HOMES, for contraband.

(Not drugs or things like that, but anything "Worldly"). Wordly is deinfed by

whatever the Pastor says is Worldly.


A Gastapo-like atmosphere, in which everyone is constantly running around trying

to get everyone else "in trouble". i.e. telling on them when they discover "sin"

in their life, (like going to Blockbuster or, heaven FORBID, the Mall).


Women are pretty much the property of the Husband and what he says GOES. (Unless

of course it goes against something that the Pastor has said).



I could go on and on, as there are many more, but I hope this explains their extremism a little more.


It has been my experience that many Independent Baptist Churches are heading in this direction. It may not be a majority, but it could be heading in that direction.

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Piracy, "Orthodox Christian"; is that like the ones I hear about in the

news, "Greek Orthodox", etc? What do they believe? I know very little

about them.





Also, love your idea on comparing the "cultlike" behaviors! Maybe we can get

a dialogue going on this.


Any takers, guys??

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