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Great Survey About "coming Out" As Atheist


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My hubby found this and thought there were probably a lot of people here at ex-C who would be interested in participating. It's a sociology study about coming out as an atheist. The questions seem very well thought out and comprehensive. It doesn't take long.


I hope they also publish the results at this site, I'd be very interested to see them. The survey closes Dec. 31st, so go check it out.





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Thank you, Heather. :) I took it just now.

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I just took the survey, too. Interesting... I have been lurking at that site lately and have been considering registering.

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Good survey. It didn't make any of the stupid assumptions that similar surveys posted here have done.

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Good survey. It didn't make any of the stupid assumptions that similar surveys posted here have done.


Exactly what I thought Vigile. It was obviously well thought out, by someone who has deconverted or understands those of us who have. I hope a lot of people take it. It will be interesting.



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