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Goodbye Jesus

Mad At Sky Dad


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I went to the Wal-Mart today, for Solstice gifts. ;) As I was checking out, the cashier wished me a merry christmas, and then added, "as long as that doesn't offend you". I said "Of course not. Wish me happy hanukkah, kwaanza, festivus, whatever. I'm not religious. It doesn't really matter." Her smile faded and she said "Don't be angry with the holy spirit". Whaaaaaa.......?



I'm not. No angrier than I am at the easter bunny or santa. Why do believers want to think that atheists are angry, like a pissed off kid who's run away from his parents? Why can't they accept that I have accepted that the "parents" were never real?








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I have just told a very close christian friend that I no longer believe. She looked at me like I had aliens coming out of my head. I think by her reaction, that she thinks I am just very angry. She is way far from the truth. I am not angry at god, or church or christian friends. I made my decision to walk away with a full rational mind. For once I actually made a decision that was made by my rational mind, not some airy fairy feel good emotion in response to god, or other people or for any other stupid reason. Christians can't believe that you can use your brain, and you don't have to be angry to use it. I have now been relegated to the do not come near box by my christian friend. Maybe I am contagious now? Gee that could happen I guess if you show the world that you can think for the first time in your life. I am a bit disappointed by her response. I thought christians were meant to show love, meh, maybe afterall they are just normal human beings just like us, except they are a bit deluded.

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I am a bit disappointed by her response. I thought christians were meant to show love, meh, maybe afterall they are just normal human beings just like us, except they are a bit deluded.


A great many Christians would like to think they are tolerant and loving, but they soon realize that emotional response runs out quickly when confronted by someone who does not believe or want to believe how they do.


It's a shame, really. Kindness, tolerance, acceptance all go in the toilet when they realize you wont toe the line. :(

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A few weeks ago I read a thread on Catholic Answers forums posted by some guy who asked the question, "Why are atheists so angry?"


I sort of laughed to myself and read through some of the responses. Most of them are indeed convinced that atheists are angry and unhappy. And most of them say that this unhappiness is no surprise because "atheists don't have the Lord in their life".


It is all a load of crap as far as I am concerned. I also think that Christians like to think that atheists are angry because it kind of makes them feel more Christian, kind of like Christ really is making them a better person.


I think one also needs to consider the fact that a lot of Christians are probably actually a lot more unhappy than they allow themselves to show. They are told that they are supposed to accept their cross without complaint. They are expected by other Christians and themselves to radiate joy and peace and love, so I think that they cultivate that image, regardless of how they really feel.

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I also think that Christians like to think that atheists are angry because it kind of makes them feel more Christian, kind of like Christ really is making them a better person.


I think one also needs to consider the fact that a lot of Christians are probably actually a lot more unhappy than they allow themselves to show. They are told that they are supposed to accept their cross without complaint. They are expected by other Christians and themselves to radiate joy and peace and love, so I think that they cultivate that image, regardless of how they really feel.


Religion typically portrays those on the outside as in desperate need of their "answer". Those that are not in the throes of desperation must be in denial and therefore masking it with anger. We who are on the outside know that this is not true, but it makes perfect sense to those on the inside.


I remember talking to two friends of mine from the Nazarene church years ago about the fake smile thing. One felt he had to give an outward appearance of happiness because his real feelings weren't a good advert for Christianity. I told him, "But if it doesn't really make you happy, why would you pretend? That is false advertising."


Another friend was mostly normal until she would give her testimony about her "personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ" along with a pasted on smile. People generally would see right through it and act like they were in the presence of someone demented. As well they should.


I talked to her about it and I think she took it to heart, but that was years ago.

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I noticed dogs also are very angry and unhappy. If you take a stick and poke them, or hit them with a rock, they start growling and try to attack. And I don't know why? Why do dogs hate sticks and rocks so much?

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No one has a similar experience to share?


Oh, yeah...I've heard "you must be angry at god, and why are you angry with god" many times. The source of anger for an exchristian is from believers telling their hypocritical lies! If anyone rejects christianity out of anger towards the sky daddy alone, it would be temporary. Emotions come and go, but intellectual reasons for rejection are here to stay. Once we see beyond the mind games, we enter the road to peace of mind.

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