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Goodbye Jesus

A Message From A "christian Identity" Brother!

Guest Moljinir

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Guest Moljinir

If you are reading this and don't know. I left the C.I. Faith. My wife's Grandfather is 100% Indian (Native American) so of course her and my children have Native American blood. I had to walk away because I love them dearly. Here the message I got:


"You've decided to turn your back on Yahweh to hug you mongrel children. That's your choice but don't call yourself believing Israelite anymore. You mongrelized the white race and instead of showing humility and obedience begging Yahweh for forgiveness you are now claiming that those creatures are more important to you than Him. Yikes!"




"Here's the answer to your picking your children over God.


Matthew 10:37


He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."


I now want to feed some Christians to lions!



Anyone have myspace feel free to send me an invite. I have decided to be a born again Pagan. No I don't believe in men in the sky but its a way to vent and say F.U.!!!!




I even have rejected my Christian name of John and have adopted the Roman name of Sextus Sextius Scipio

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Wow. Just ... wow. That is insane, rude and just plain wrong! What was the relation of the person that sent this to you? This is extreme prejudice and ... just wow.


Sorry for my ignorance, but what is the "C.I. Faith"?




OK! I figured it out from your title: Christian Identity. Here is a portion of a Wikipedia entry (for anyone, like myself, who may not be familiar with C.I.):


Christian Identity is a label applied to a wide variety of loosely affiliated believers and churches with a racialized theology. Many promote a Eurocentric interpretation of Christianity.


The Christian Identity movement holds that non-Caucasian peoples have no souls, and can therefore never earn God's favor or be saved.[1] Believers of the theology affirm that Jesus Christ paid only for the sins of the House of Israel and the House of Judah and that salvation must be received through both redemption and race.





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Welcome, Moljinir. I sure hope your decision doesn't come back on you or your family in the form of threats or mayhem from your former "brothers." I'm glad to see you made a decision to be on the side of love, integrity and honor instead of fear, insularity and hate. Coming from your background in particular, that takes courage.


Years ago, I worked at an events center, and one of the folks who came through was a speaker who was a former member of a white supremacist group. I don't recall if it was one of the overtly religious ones, but his breaking point with them was over their eugenics policies when he and his wife had a baby born with some defect or other. I think it may have been Down's syndrome, but can't recall for sure. Anyway, he spoke of how much he loved his non-normal child and how much richness his kid had brought to their lives and how he just couldn't go on with a group that taught that it would have been better for the white gene pool to have killed the child.


I hope you get what you need here and are able to give what others need. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact any of the mods.



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Guest Moljinir

The relation was we were part of the same belief system. I just cant go on that way anymore. I feel kind of....normal now! lol



Wow. Just ... wow. That is insane, rude and just plain wrong! What was the relation of the person that sent this to you? This is extreme prejudice and ... just wow.


Sorry for my ignorance, but what is the "C.I. Faith"?




OK! I figured it out from your title: Christian Identity. Here is a portion of a Wikipedia entry (for anyone, like myself, who may not be familiar with C.I.):


Christian Identity is a label applied to a wide variety of loosely affiliated believers and churches with a racialized theology. Many promote a Eurocentric interpretation of Christianity.


The Christian Identity movement holds that non-Caucasian peoples have no souls, and can therefore never earn God's favor or be saved.[1] Believers of the theology affirm that Jesus Christ paid only for the sins of the House of Israel and the House of Judah and that salvation must be received through both redemption and race.





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Guest Moljinir

Thank you for the kind words. Yes, this organization is one that is harder to leave than other Christian faiths. I do worry about repercussions.




Welcome, Moljinir. I sure hope your decision doesn't come back on you or your family in the form of threats or mayhem from your former "brothers." I'm glad to see you made a decision to be on the side of love, integrity and honor instead of fear, insularity and hate. Coming from your background in particular, that takes courage.


Years ago, I worked at an events center, and one of the folks who came through was a speaker who was a former member of a white supremacist group. I don't recall if it was one of the overtly religious ones, but his breaking point with them was over their eugenics policies when he and his wife had a baby born with some defect or other. I think it may have been Down's syndrome, but can't recall for sure. Anyway, he spoke of how much he loved his non-normal child and how much richness his kid had brought to their lives and how he just couldn't go on with a group that taught that it would have been better for the white gene pool to have killed the child.


I hope you get what you need here and are able to give what others need. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact any of the mods.



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"Here's the answer to your picking your children over God.


Matthew 10:37


He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."

Any douche bag that demands this isn't worthy of you. You made the right choice choosing your own children. You're proving to be a better role model for them than this religion or this "loving father god" could ever be.



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Man, I saw your other thread too, but it is now that it hits me how truly appalling your former sect was.


I'm glad you escaped that sick, twisted church and instead found/built such a beautiful, wonderful family.

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  • Super Moderator

Welcome, Sextus Sextius Scipio!


Wow, what a story. Mongrel children indeed! That's got to be the sickest, most twisted version of Christianity I've heard of.


I hope you can escape unscathed and find peace in a normal life. Enjoy your stay here.

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