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Goodbye Jesus

Yahweh The Tribal God


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Doesn't it just set you all off to reflect on the fact that this supposedly righteous and just God only chose to reveal himself to one particular group of people (and in fact one person, Abraham). Considering all the different peoples of the world 3,000 years ago, its just this one group that can know him. What is up with that? Can anyone explain why Abraham had this singular honor?


Think of all the people in China, India, the native Americans, Russians, Australian aborigines, on and on, who get no opportunity to ever know their creator? How terrible is this?


This Christmas season seems to be bringing out afresh all the issues I have had with this stupid religion. The disconnect between the "Little Drummer Boy" and other such Christmas songs and the reality of what this God is really supposed to be.


In the tribulation/end times scenario of the Baptist church, the Jewish people get a second chance to accept Christ because God had a special covenant with them that supposedly can never be broken.


Almost seems I can feel my blood pressure rising as I am typing this.. its a terrible religion.

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Doesn't it just set you all off to reflect on the fact that this supposedly righteous and just God only chose to reveal himself to one particular group of people (and in fact one person, Abraham). Considering all the different peoples of the world 3,000 years ago, its just this one group that can know him. What is up with that? Can anyone explain why Abraham had this singular honor?

It almost sounds like they created the story to bolster their image of themselves to themselves. Funny how God would choose to do something that could so easily be understood to be just that. Maybe he's trying to hide himself behind the appearance of tribal mythology to test our faith to believe anyway despite the obvious; that believing in the face of this is the true test of faith? God can be rather peculiar that way sometimes I guess. :shrug:

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All the primitive peoples had their own god and the Jewish one made it as the christian god. "The Bible Unearthed" shows how the Jews rewrote their own history around the seventh century BC and wrote much of the old testament at the same time from Genesis onwards. A few hundred years earlier, they were maybe 100,000 people, living in many hill tribe communities in a land no one wanted and beaten by all. The same people who created Superman created their own victories under their own god. They lied and lied.

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