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The U. S. Is Getting More Secular. Oh Really?


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Over my last holiday at home in Fundyville, Indiana my father who is a preacher rants about how America is getting more secular all the time. Also America reminds him of the verses in Revelations about the destruction of the great Babylon and how all the merchants of the nations are mourning at our downfall. I can see how he would find similarities in the buybull because that is the way I thought too in my former fundified life. I usually just roll my eyes at these observations because I can't really say anything because it would cause undo hate and discontent in my family. My parents are up in years and there is no point to argue about it. I like to refer to them as devotingly deluded. Yet think about it. Is the U.S. becoming more secular? Are we atheists really taking over? I would like to think so yet I see the opposite. It's amazing once you step outside the religious box and look inside to see the insanity of it all! Case in point, on the Fox news (Fundy News Network) this morning they have a couple of stories related to christmas. One was about a church that is supposedly tired of not being able to fully express their joy of saying "merry christmas" to those in their community. So what do they do? The church leaders encourage their membership to conduct their everyday routine dressed up as jesus complete with crown of thorns around their heads! Goddammit, come hell or high water, they are going to witness the "reason for the season" even if they have to dress up as their favorite deity as if it were some glorified costume party! This makes me want to puke in my Post-Toasties! :puke: How stupid is this? Are they going to start hanging themselves on trees at easter now as they do in the Philippines? Actually I hope so, so we can pierce their sides with big pointy spears! American christians are so insane at times.


Another story was about a young girl of about fifteen who has had extreme medical issues since birth. Lo and behold in the hospital the parents took some pictures and discovered in one of the pictures, you guessed it, an angel! An angel sent from god to minister to this girl. The doctors said she would die as a baby yet she still lives. It must be a miracle from god! This picture proves it! The picture to me looked just like a glare on the window or door glass. To them it had the outline of wings! How can you fight this logic? Of course the news anchors are all giddy about it, a christmas miracle. Hey it's great that the girl has recovered from her life threatening medical issues, the human body sometimes has great potential to heal itself. But a miracle? If so, yahweh is pretty sporadic about who he heals and how he reveals himself, as if!


It seems the news networks are more and more pro-religious, stories slanted against the evil atheists and anybody that slights christianity. More secular? I just don't see it. In america you see churches on nearly every street corner. Billboard signs along highways "Got Jesus?" No I don't got jesus, I didn't know he was catching! Huge crosses along roads reminding us of that great sacrifice. Sports heroes giving praise to jesus every time they score a touchdown or win a game. Popular singers giving alms to god because they have a hit record. At least four to five christian channels on your average tv cable system. Christian music cd's advertised on regular secular tv channels. Christian music piped in on the intercom at public resturaunts. At least a half-dozen christian radio channels on your radio dial. Christian people protesting at state capitol buildings with big signs, "Jesus or Hell!" Prop 8 passing in California no less. Christian people waiting for the rapture and the destruction of the rest of us poor bastards left behind! Rick Warren leading the inauguration prayer. Seemingly religious tests for political office. Christian apologists saying that the banana is proof of the existence of god! AAAGGHH! When will it all end? More secular you say? STFU!

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I witnessed the "reason for the season" firsthand. On Sunday my part of the Earth turned to the sun later in the day, and turned away from the Sun earlier in the day than any other day of the year.....the only reason for the season that stands the true test of time, does not even need humans around to occur.

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It seems profoundly dishonest to me to claim that America has been becoming more secular, but instead, I believe that your parents, along with the majority of the fundy population over the age of 25 are deluded about this.


Lately, as I was bombarded by xmas/religious music over the radio, I've been musing over something pretty ironic: I'm not sure of EXACTLY when, but I think it was one xmas somewhere around the mid to late 70s, I was desperately searching the dial for xmas music. It was hard to find, even on xmas day. I KNOW this was the case because I remember made a big effort, repeatedly, feeling exasperated (goofy me), and thinking something like, "This is Crazy! There's NO CHRISTMAS MUSIC to be found even on CHRISTMAS, for Pete's sake!"


I really have to wonder what it would take for fundies to concede that we're NOT getting more secular!? I don't think it is even possible. Maybe if we covered up women from head to toe, and executed people for insulting xianity, and the transition happened quickly enough so that everyone would remember the more moderate days, that's what it would take.


I'm hoping, just hoping, that the pendulum will be turning and that we actually will start getting more secular. I don't know that it is or will, but I hope so.

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I have to agree, it seems as if America is getting more and more pro-religious.


This could be the result of the death throws of religion, but you never know.

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This is exactly how I feel, OP.


I scoff at fundies saying this.


Just because not everyone worships your fairy godfather does not mean that the US is "Becoming secular". :fun:

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Someone here linked to an article saying that people trust authority (including divine authority,) more during times of instability, and less during good times.


I'd say times are ripe for yet another religious revival, if we're not already in one.

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Someone here linked to an article saying that people trust authority (including divine authority,) more during times of instability, and less during good times.


I'd say times are ripe for yet another religious revival, if we're not already in one.


Unfortunately I think you are right about an upcoming religious revival or renewed fervor. Made yet another trip back home for xmas. Again I hear about the "god haters" and how America is going down the tubes. This time though I was literally accosted by my step-brother who I haven't seen in three years. We are at the family dinner, I sit down next to him and ask how he has been. He asks me about what's going on with me and if I am going to church. I cringe when he asks yet I say no I am not. He asks why not and I say I have my reasons and try to leave it at that. My whole family is christian and I'm the only atheist there. Then came the shotgun blast, both barrels! He started spewing the most virulent christian rhetoric I have ever heard from him. Implying I was going to hell for not going to church! What are you going to say when you are before god at the judgement? You know time is short. The rapture could happen at any moment. The battle of gog and magog will happen soon according to the bible. When I go to heaven I want you to be there. To this I say, "Well you won't know if I'm there or not." Then he says, "But you will!" I'm steaming by this point trying to hold a civil tongue. Then he says that I grew up knowing the truth to which I reply that I know the "Truth". Of course he didn't grasp the concept of truth I was talking about. Then he starts talking to his mother about how everyone needs to get right with jesus before time runs out. The battle of gog and magog comes up again, the situation in Israel, the rapture, on and on. She says she doesn't understand why the rapture hasn't happened yet. I say in my mind, duh, because it's all bullshit perhaps? I am so pissed at this point I just want to leave and go back to where I live. Then the prayer comes for the meal. Of course they have to give credit to the sky daddy for all the hard work we humans did to prepare the meal! Usually my dad gives the required prayer. Yet he is not there yet so you guessed it, my fundified step-brother gives it. He literally gives a sermon during the prayer, I'm sure mostly for my benefit. About how he is so thankful that jesus left his heavenly reward to come down to us poor pathetic humans and sacrifice himself for our filthy sins! What utter bullshit! Goddamn! Can't you just prayer for the food? To the nourishment of our bodies and bless the hands that prepared it? Do you really have to preach about John 3:16? I wanted to puke! Of course I can't say anything without causing a bunch of hate and discontent. Yet I felt so disrespected. I have to respect their beliefs, yet they wouldn't even think about respecting mine. Because I'm wrong of course. I just want to sin! I thought about saying something to my sister afterwards, yet what would be the point. She would just end up defending him. Yet I just couldn't believe the things that came out of his mouth. With christians like that who wants to be stuck with that in the mythical heaven? If your god sends people to hell for not going to church and using reasoning and logic, so be it asshole!

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