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Thoughts On A "god" And The Universe.


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I love reading on Quantum Mechanics as it leave open so many possibilities.


So the other day, I was thinking on the Big Bang Theory and on the atoms, matter, etc that came together to make the Big Bang.

I was thinking about where the matter came from? was it always there? can something come from nothing? So I am thinking that something can't come from nothing, so something always had to be there..


So with that thought in mind, I wondered if an energy that could create planets, life, and so on, could have always existed? since there has always been something.


Now I am not talking about a "god" person like they talk about in the bible or other religions, but some sort of energy that did create and along with it came our morality thoughts, such as love, kindness, justice etc.


It has no reason to show itself because there is no doom and gloom or hell stuff associated with this energy, so it just there as we figure things out for ourselves as a humanity...


So anyway, that is what has been on my mind, I wanted to get it out there so I could get your thoughts..

I know it sounds crazy, but I guess I was wondering if my mind was the only one thinking such thoughts?


Happy Holidays


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I'm a QM fan too, at least to the extent that my 3 live brain cells can fathom.

What you're describing is called Deism.

I personally don't believe in any gods, but thats just me. I think science can either prove or provide a good theory on most of the universe, no supernatural events needed.

The Big Bang is called a theory because thats what it is. A theory is just a possible explanation for what is observed. The math and theories work down to micro-seconds before the event, but since it happen billions of years ago, science can't be sure.

The singularity involved is widely assumed to be infinitely dense and majorly hot, so who knows. As we begin to understand time not as a constant but as malleable and possibly circular many more possibilities open up.

Great stuff to ponder when there's nothing else to do.:P

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I'm a QM fan too, at least to the extent that my 3 live brain cells can fathom.

What you're describing is called Deism.

I personally don't believe in any gods, but thats just me. I think science can either prove or provide a good theory on most of the universe, no supernatural events needed.

The Big Bang is called a theory because thats what it is. A theory is just a possible explanation for what is observed. The math and theories work down to micro-seconds before the event, but since it happen billions of years ago, science can't be sure.

The singularity involved is widely assumed to be infinitely dense and majorly hot, so who knows. As we begin to understand time not as a constant but as malleable and possibly circular many more possibilities open up.

Great stuff to ponder when there's nothing else to do.:P


I hear ya...By the way, love your avatar.. I am a big Alice Cooper fan.."Welcome to my Nightmare"..lol


I often wondered if time is only for our living realm?

Is now, yesterday and tomorrow all happening at the same time outside of our reality? :eek:




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I often wondered if time is only for our living realm?

Is now, yesterday and tomorrow all happening at the same time outside of our reality?



Quantum connectiveness and the double slit experiments suggest that future conditions affect present events at the quantum level.

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I often wondered if time is only for our living realm?

Is now, yesterday and tomorrow all happening at the same time outside of our reality?



Quantum connectiveness and the double slit experiments suggest that future conditions affect present events at the quantum level.


This is true, experiments have also shown that you can have one thing in two different places, as they did with a pencil..


QM also shows that your eyes are not the best judge of physical reality, as what you think you see, isn't necessarily what is real..

Mind blowing stuff which in a way ties to my original question, as our 5 senses isn't totally reliable in what is going on in our universe...




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It's funny how two (probably completely) different people can have the same thought and same conclusion time and miles apart. Welcome to Deism then, sure it's kinda pointless but it's a fun way of looking at things ;)

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So the other day, I was thinking on the Big Bang Theory and on the atoms, matter, etc that came together to make the Big Bang.


You kind of have it backwards there. Matter didn't form until after the big bang. The pre-Big Bang conditions were too dense and hot to have matter. It wasn't until after the period of inflation did the universe consist of quark-gluon plasma and all other elementary particles.


I was thinking about where the matter came from? was it always there? can something come from nothing? So I am thinking that something can't come from nothing, so something always had to be there..


All elementary particles formed after the inflationary period of the Big Bang, so they weren't - for this region anyways - always there. They didn't come from nothing, as they formed from the cooling energy of the pre-big bang state.


Why are you thinking that something cannot come from nothing?


So with that thought in mind, I wondered if an energy that could create planets, life, and so on, could have always existed? since there has always been something.


There might have always been something, that is the popular mindset among a great many scientists (Tegmark, Venezeano). There are a number of different ideas, each with their own merit.


Now I am not talking about a "god" person like they talk about in the bible or other religions, but some sort of energy that did create and along with it came our morality thoughts, such as love, kindness, justice etc.


That would be talking about a God person. A being who creates and gives morality, love, kindness and justice is a God. Just because something has always existed doesn't mean that ONE thing has always existed. An infinite number of finite things each existing for a set period of time along an infinite timeline is just as likely.


It has no reason to show itself because there is no doom and gloom or hell stuff associated with this energy, so it just there as we figure things out for ourselves as a humanity...


Yet it gave us morality, love, kindness and justice...?

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So the other day, I was thinking on the Big Bang Theory and on the atoms, matter, etc that came together to make the Big Bang.


You kind of have it backwards there. Matter didn't form until after the big bang. The pre-Big Bang conditions were too dense and hot to have matter. It wasn't until after the period of inflation did the universe consist of quark-gluon plasma and all other elementary particles.


I was thinking about where the matter came from? was it always there? can something come from nothing? So I am thinking that something can't come from nothing, so something always had to be there..


All elementary particles formed after the inflationary period of the Big Bang, so they weren't - for this region anyways - always there. They didn't come from nothing, as they formed from the cooling energy of the pre-big bang state.


Why are you thinking that something cannot come from nothing?


So with that thought in mind, I wondered if an energy that could create planets, life, and so on, could have always existed? since there has always been something.


There might have always been something, that is the popular mindset among a great many scientists (Tegmark, Venezeano). There are a number of different ideas, each with their own merit.


Now I am not talking about a "god" person like they talk about in the bible or other religions, but some sort of energy that did create and along with it came our morality thoughts, such as love, kindness, justice etc.


That would be talking about a God person. A being who creates and gives morality, love, kindness and justice is a God. Just because something has always existed doesn't mean that ONE thing has always existed. An infinite number of finite things each existing for a set period of time along an infinite timeline is just as likely.


It has no reason to show itself because there is no doom and gloom or hell stuff associated with this energy, so it just there as we figure things out for ourselves as a humanity...


Yet it gave us morality, love, kindness and justice...?



Like I said, these are just thoughts that were running through my head, as in all honesty, I do not know if it is something I agree with or not.


Many of my post are thoughts of mine, and the best way for me to see if they are out in left field or hold any water is to put it out on the forum, and see if anyone can clear them up for me..


I come to this forum because I feel a kind of kinship with you folk here because we have came out of Christianity.


For me, it was my whole life so I am still going through withdraws even after being out for almost 10 years..


I ask myself if I really think there is a type of god out there because of my upbringing? as I have thoughts that just because we can't know about a god with our 5 senses doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.


For the most part I am cool with the thoughts of no god, afterlife and the like. But, my son is a Christian, so in our conversations he brings up his faith and my need for god, so then it's get's me going again :ugh:


The deal is that he is going for his Masters at his Christian college, so he is way more educated in this area than I am, so I do not know how to refute his claims?


I also see that at this time of his life he would be devastated if I showed him the errors of his way, and I am glad he is happy and I do not want to take that away from him, hence the conversation continues!


So anyway, when you see my thoughts here on this forum, you will understand why I put them out there...




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