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Goodbye Jesus

Congratulations, Christians!


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Last night humankind's savior was born!


A child born of man and god to "repair the breach" between God and humanity.


A being as perfect as God his Father. Who is simultaneously, God the Father. A divine being who is perfectly created like Adam – the first man, that somehow in his perfection was easily fooled and tempted to sin.


But never mind that, Jesus is now here. He has come to die for our sins, because God so loved the world he had to send his only begotten son. Of course, instead of sending chattel, God could just forgive – no, blood must be had and be had from the veins of the innocent.


Therefore today, celebrate the birth of the divine-chattel. And in a few months you can celebrate his torture death and rejoice in the blood and torture that is God's love you've come to respect, admire, and uncritically approve of.


And you dare to accuse atheists of arrogance and being ethically inferior?



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Amen. And very well put, I might add.

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Mithras came first! ;)

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Sure, Mithras came first, but Jesus got all the publicity...the glory hog.


Great summary of the holiday belief, BTW.

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