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An Atheist In Church At Christmas


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I went to church this year with my stepmom's mom and parents. Naturally I had a number of mixed emotions about it, and it was all I could do to keep from screaming "this is BS!" at the pastor whose entire sermon kept repeating that "zomg Chrisitianity is sooooper speeechul because it's been proven historically true and there were witnesses, and aren't we such spechul Mary Sues that the other religions don't have such historic 'proof' too!!1!1!!" Arrghh, it was such a stinking pile of crap!


I mean seriously, can't a preacher come up with something more relevant to Christmas than that? At least tell people to be charitable, especially in these hard economic times, for crying out loud! Or talk about ending violence in the world and being more peaceful, or something.


Oh, and some woman was wearing strong perfume and my nose kept running the whole time. Why do people feel the need to subject others to strong fragrances?


I did, however, get a kick out of mouthing "Watermelon" during the songs, and even Silent Night. It was childish yes, but also wonderfully therapeutic.

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I did, however, get a kick out of mouthing "Watermelon" during the songs, and even Silent Night. It was childish yes, but also wonderfully therapeutic.


Too funny!!!! :lmao:

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Guest Net Eng
...the pastor whose entire sermon kept repeating that "zomg Chrisitianity is sooooper speeechul because it's been proven historically true and there were witnesses, and aren't we such spechul Mary Sues that the other religions don't have such historic 'proof' too!!1!1!!" Arrghh, it was such a stinking pile of crap!


Perhaps the pastor was trying to convince himself of the crap he was spewing...

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I did, however, get a kick out of mouthing "Watermelon" during the songs, and even Silent Night. It was childish yes, but also wonderfully therapeutic.


Glad you got something good out of it. I'd been thinking of you because I remember from other years that the only way you get to be with family at Christmas is by going to fundy churches with them. I seriously considered asking my landlady if I could go to church with her last night for the carol singing. I went two years ago and she stayed so long to talk with old friends afterward. I wasn't keen on repeating that experience so I stayed home.


I'm a bit ignorant here. What does "Watermelon" stand for? I know most of the carols but I don't know which one sounds like watermelons?

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...the pastor whose entire sermon kept repeating that "zomg Chrisitianity is sooooper speeechul because it's been proven historically true and there were witnesses, and aren't we such spechul Mary Sues that the other religions don't have such historic 'proof' too!!1!1!!" Arrghh, it was such a stinking pile of crap!


Perhaps the pastor was trying to convince himself of the crap he was spewing...

More than fucking likely

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I'm a bit ignorant here. What does "Watermelon" stand for? I know most of the carols but I don't know which one sounds like watermelons?


Watermelon stands for nothing, but if you lip-sync watermelon, it looks like you are singing virtually anything.

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...the pastor whose entire sermon kept repeating that "zomg Chrisitianity is sooooper speeechul because it's been proven historically true and there were witnesses, and aren't we such spechul Mary Sues that the other religions don't have such historic 'proof' too!!1!1!!" Arrghh, it was such a stinking pile of crap!


Perhaps the pastor was trying to convince himself of the crap he was spewing...



this. I've found that when christians say stuff like that, its's often to convince themselves...not other people

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You would think that touting the proofs would not have to be done, with the faithful there.....but he was preaching to the "twice a year Christians" who go for Christmas and Easter (at most). That is too bad, I bet the regular church goers would have liked something more spiritual/emotional than a pep rally.


Your story reminds me to be thankful that none of my family drags me out to their churches.

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A fruity hymn for ya (to the tune of "What a friend we had in Jesus")


Watermelon mango rhubarb,

peaches apples passion-fruit.

Cantaloupe lime lemon oranges

plums blueberries honeydew



Ok, rhubarb isn't a fruit, but it does sound funny.

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Guest QuidEstCaritas?

Ok. I lol'ed hard when you said the part about "Watermelon"




I am glad you got some good emotional release from it.

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I love the watermelon thing. I learned that when I was a teen and enjoyed the hell out of it.


I ended up going to a church thing this year too. But it wasn't a sermon, it was just a musical thing. Of course, there was a little bit here and there where people read verses about it. The funniest part was when they brought up the children's choir for a song. My sister commented, "Ohhh, the children."


"You mean mini-sinners." I replied back.


I do not have a quiet voice. And the church was unusually quiet as I said this. You could hear it echoing around the room. It amused the hell out of me. Other than that it was boring and uneventful.

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I went to my boyfriend's church for the sole reason of watching him play a shepherd/Wise man in the christmas play. I haven't been there in about 5 months, but boy did I make up for lost time! One hour of Sunday school, congregational singing, choir concert, several sermons, the christmas play, lunch at church and gift exchange = 6 hours at church! Lol, the only reason I didn't go crazy is I was with my boyfriend (the things we do for love) and I could barely understand most of it because it was all in Spanish!

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