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Atheism = Extreme


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I've recently been going to a couple psychologists. It's not serious.


I just wanted to rant because it surprises me how atheism is viewed among otherwise tolerant and open-minded people. Professionals, no less.


It's nothing huge or overt, but twice I've been asked to look into other religions. Another time I was asked why I chose such an extreme position. Call me sensitive, and I know they mean well, but it's hard for me to not want to (verbally) throttle them. I know what I wanted say, but I know that they are taking careful notes. Also, we have less than an hour to get things done, so it would be a shame to waste it on something as esoteric as religion.


So here's my little rant:


It's not exactly a choice for me! I have looked into other religions, how do you think I got to this point!? And why is it that because a religious perspective is in a minority, that it gets to be labeled as extreme?! First read through the Bible, or the Koran. Then we can talk about extremism.




That's all.


Thanks for listening. :thanks:

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I don't blame you for being pissed off. That is a very unprofessional position for them to take. Atheism isn't a choice, but a thoughtful conclusion drawn from study.


Perhaps you could mention to them that there are a few fellow atheists who are famous scientists, authors and maybe even their favorite celebrity.


Atheists are the last unprotected minority.

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Almost sounds like my situation where my counsellors telling me I should go back home now that my parents told her they will accept me. What a load of bullshit.


It would be nice if some people would be a bit more considerate and understanding?

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Hello, babysealclubber! Do your psychologists think that your atheism has something to do with your condition? And are they informed enough to label your position extreme?


I have sought help from psychologists several times and oddly enough at one point in my life, I felt that I could not get the support I needed unless I found a Christian psychologist. I didn’t think the non-Christian that I was seeing could understand why I chose to remain in my marriage


Thinking about this leads me to wonder if you have considered seeking the help of a non-religious psychologist. It does not seem as if it should matter, but perhaps it does. Anyway, good luck with your condition! Reading through your previous post, it sounds like you have come a long way and I hope you continue to improve!!!

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What's so strange is that I had just finished explaining, briefly anyways, how much trouble I had gone through to get where I am. I can't blame the comments on ignorance, at least not entirely.


But I really should stress that on the whole, it's been a very positive experience.




Counsellors/therapists, like we've both found out, don't always know what's best. I don't know your story, but if there is good reason for you to stay away from home, don't let yourself be intimidated or rushed into anything. Work out what your options are with someone you trust, and take some time to think.

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Hey noob!


I'm fine, I don't think I need a new psychologist. I hadn't really thought about atheism being a symptom of anything. But I suppose that makes sense. Bipolar, or some sort of social deviance thing. I don't know.

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Hey noob!


I'm fine, I don't think I need a new psychologist. I hadn't really thought about atheism being a symptom of anything. But I suppose that makes sense. Bipolar, or some sort of social deviance thing. I don't know.


I'm sure you are fine! I think I am just a little sensitive right now about how atheists are perceived. I've just recently let myself acknowledge that I do not believe in the bible god, and quite frankly, it freaks me out a little bit. Since I always thought atheists were pretty scary creatures, :grin: it's been tough for me to admit that I am one! As long as you are having a good experience and don't feel as if the psychologist's perception of you is based on your atheism, but instead on your actual condition, I'm sure you are getting the help you need. Again, I wish you lots of luck! And, if it helps you in any way, keep us posted on how things progress.

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Atheism is an extreme position just as religious fundamentalism is. They are on opposite poles of the religious spectrum. My former doctor decided that she couldn't see me anymore because my former "Christianity is Bullshit" site disturbed her. That hurt, and I was moved against my will to a different provider. Discrimination sucks.

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I simply don't get it?? How is atheism extreme? I simply don't believe in a god. I don't preach about it, I don't even think about it most of the time. It sits there with my non-belief in lots of other imaginary things. What am I missing here?


They want you to say what? Maybe there is a spiritual path you have not explored yet? Keep an open mind? Would that take the edge off the extremism?


This stuff is such reactionary bullshit. Not believing is not extreme... everyone does it every day!



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It's nothing huge or overt, but twice I've been asked to look into other religions. Another time I was asked why I chose such an extreme position. Call me sensitive, and I know they mean well, but it's hard for me to not want to (verbally) throttle them. I know what I wanted say, but I know that they are taking careful notes. Also, we have less than an hour to get things done, so it would be a shame to waste it on something as esoteric as religion.

Patient: Doctor, smoking made me miserable.

Doctor: Well, why didn't you try a different brand?

Patient: I did. I don't smoke at all anymore.

Doctor: I see. That's a bit excessive. You could always chew.




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I simply don't get it?? How is atheism extreme? I simply don't believe in a god. I don't preach about it, I don't even think about it most of the time. It sits there with my non-belief in lots of other imaginary things. What am I missing here?


They want you to say what? Maybe there is a spiritual path you have not explored yet? Keep an open mind? Would that take the edge off the extremism?


This stuff is such reactionary bullshit. Not believing is not extreme... everyone does it every day!




That's exactly my thought... How can not accepting extreme stuff, like angels afterlife, unicorns, giants, demons... how can choosing to use common sense and not believe be extreme in any way???

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if not believing in a god is extreme then so is not believing in santa or the easter bunny or the tooth fairy

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Patient: Doctor, smoking made me miserable.

Doctor: Well, why didn't you try a different brand?

Patient: I did. I don't smoke at all anymore.

Doctor: I see. That's a bit excessive. You could always chew.





Brilliant mwc... you captured it exactly!!!



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