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Goodbye Jesus

Why Serving Isn't Really Serving


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I just finished watching "The Lords Boot Camp." If the children hadn't been speaking English, I would have honestly mistaken that for indoctrination in North Korea or something.


What a huge extortion of children.


Anyways, back to my point.


Billy Graham's grandson said: We're not here to feed people and build houses. We should still do that, but we're here to lead these people to god.


That disgusted me beyond all reason, and I nearly chucked my computer across the room.


Why would you give food to someone who is hungry and expect them to serve your god?


I understand that Jebus said it, but my issue with it is, no one hardly does, and those that do, do it with an agenda, and some are only "serving others" to get a reward in heaven, which to me, proves an underlying selfishness, kwim?


I was appalled that only ONE of those teenagers was there to help the kids. The others just wanted to fill the quota of how many people they could save.

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I was appalled that only ONE of those teenagers was there to help the kids. The others just wanted to fill the quota of how many people they could save.


Xian do-gooder proselytizers are used car salesmen but with a far worse product to sell.

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Guest Princess Bitch
I was appalled that only ONE of those teenagers was there to help the kids. The others just wanted to fill the quota of how many people they could save.


Xian do-gooder proselytizers are used car salesmen but with a far worse product to sell.


Too bad there's no lemon laws that cover this sort of thing. :HaHa:

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Why would you give food to someone who is hungry and expect them to serve your god?


It's called a bribe.


Plus it's easier to convert people when they're in a desperate state.


Plus Christian love is conditional.

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Isn't that what religion is all about though? I mean you bribe god by trying to obey all of his rules so you can get into heaven and serve him/her some more

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gwenmead succinctly stated an obvious truth - Christian love is conditional. Real love is unconditional.


Aside from the Christian perspective, I think all acts are selfish. Those who make a habit of doing good do so because they themselves benefit from the act.

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Xian do-gooder proselytizers are used car salesmen but with a far worse product to sell.


A product? It's more like an insurance policy that never ever has to pay out.

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