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The History Channel Fell Off My Good List


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I live for Discovery, History Channel, Science Channel, etc. The History Channel disappointed me recently.

They decided to do a series on the 7 words you can't say.....no, the seven deadly sins.

I've just been avoiding them but in flipping by the program description, I discovered that they (whoever scripted this crap) not only consider obesity a sin, they lump alcoholism in the same gawd-abominating category. WTF???????

Speaking as an ex-alchoholic (I don't go for the recovering shit, you either drink or you don't) I can firmly state that it has nothing to do with gluttony. I don't know anyone who choses to be alcoholic, addicted, gay, or left handed for that matter. Gawd didn't make me a drunk and he damn sure ain't gonna cure me. I wish I had known it was just a simple sin and if I just curbed my appetite it would have just gone away. It was a damn sight harder than that for most of us. The History Channel can kiss my 3 year sober ass.

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I saw it was on but haven't watched any of them yet.


Are they using Biblical definitions? Gluttony is usually understood to be overindulgence in any activity, or giving in to your taste in excess for one thing or another. Overeating is often not a choice either in the real world. Of course, the Bible didn't get it right (again).

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I saw part of the program on sloth. It was basically saying that depression is sloth, and therefore sin. I got tired of watching it after a while and switched the channel. I am just not into that condemnation stuff anymore since I ceased being a Christian.

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Depression is a mental illness! If you don't get treatment, it will get worse. Lack of energy is not something a depressed person has control over.


I cannot believe they made mentally ill people look evil!




They're on my shit list too now. Not that I get them anyway, I cut back to local channels only to save money.

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I don't think the History Channel was saying that alcoholism was gluttony or that depression was a sin but just following what the religious leaders were saying.

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The history channel is pure garbage; unless one considers soap operas about truckers who drive on ice history. I recently discovered that the Intl History Channel is a whole different network and it rocks.

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The history channel is pure garbage; unless one considers soap operas about truckers who drive on ice history. I recently discovered that the Intl History Channel is a whole different network and it rocks.

Of course programmers here in the you ess of ay know that ours is the only history that actually counts :P

The scenery on those ice roads isn't much so I'm gonna substitute Brother Jeff's collection of cheerleader pics for the HC.

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I'd agree that it's garbage. The bottom line is ratings. Their programming is what appeals to their viewers. I don't blame the History Channel, they are in the business of providing what their viewers want. I blame Americans for demanding crap as history.

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Sensationalist garbage for the most part. I'll stick to PBS thank you very much.

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I live for Discovery, History Channel

With the exception of Mythbusters on the former, both of those channels make me want to curl into a fetal ball and cry myself to sleep. I remember back when I was a kid and they were worth watching. The history channel was actually about history and the Discovery channel had more ed programming and documentaries than one could shake a stick at. It was glorious.


Anymore, I pretty well stick with PBS and books, though I would love to have the Int'l Hist channel.

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I live for Discovery, History Channel

With the exception of Mythbusters on the former, both of those channels make me want to curl into a fetal ball and cry myself to sleep. I remember back when I was a kid and they were worth watching. The history channel was actually about history and the Discovery channel had more ed programming and documentaries than one could shake a stick at. It was glorious.


Anymore, I pretty well stick with PBS and books, though I would love to have the Int'l Hist channel.



I remember, more than 10 years ago, my DH and I had not had cable for forever and had just gotten it again and I was SO looking forward to the Discovery Channel just so there would be day time programing that wasn't either soaps, or The Home Show, god I HATED that show. Got the cable all set up, tuned in and found that discovery channel during the day was all housewife cooking show crap, AHHHHHHHHHHHH !!! So so annoying. I'm back to no cable, no dish, just local, it may be crap, but at least its not crap I'm paying for.

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Yeah, even 10 years back isn't far enough, unfortunately. By the time I was a teenager, Discovery was already going downhill. One needs to go back 15+ years in order to find any substantial amount of quality programming.

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Guest QuidEstCaritas?
I live for Discovery, History Channel

With the exception of Mythbusters on the former, both of those channels make me want to curl into a fetal ball and cry myself to sleep. I remember back when I was a kid and they were worth watching. The history channel was actually about history and the Discovery channel had more ed programming and documentaries than one could shake a stick at. It was glorious.


Anymore, I pretty well stick with PBS and books, though I would love to have the Int'l Hist channel.



Good 'ole Dereg, market media rating ftw!

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Ive suspected that the American History channel broadcast was basically patriotic and religious masturbation for its viewers for the past few months myself. Stick to the science channel or international version, it has some questionable Global warming stuff on it but for the most part is far superior.

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Now that I think about it, I do find myself watching more of the History International channel over the plain History channel. All of those channels (TLC, Discovery, History, History International, Science, ID, Animal Planet, A&E, Biography, National Geographic) are all lumped together so I just click through the channels to find something interesting that doesn't involve a house of children. Mythbusters is a must.

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I don't spend a lot of time watching the History channel, but the other night my wife was watching some show on Nostradamus.


I poked my head in a few times, but at least from the times I peeked in it really looked like they were treating him like a serious prognosticator with valuable insights rather than the charlatan he was whose vague quatrains could be construed to fit nearly any history.


I would have stayed and watched some if it didn't look like pure garbage.

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Oh yeah, they definitely have a Nostradamus fetish. I've seen several shows (with usually the same "experts") that state his prognosticational prowess as fact, with no hint of an opposing view. Occasionally, there is a rebuttal within a show, but not usually.


Hauntings, UFOs, Armageddon, Bible codes and impending natural disasters draw in viewers (after Jerry Springer and Pro Wrestling are over, of course). Still, it's kind of fun; like picking up a National Enquirer once in a while.

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I read a mailing list with actual experts (they have Ph.D's and do field work) in these sorts of things and they recently brought up a similar topic. They don't like to do these shows because they've learned that it does them no good. The producers will often interview them for an hour an then cut it to reflect some predetermined view (so now they demand an uncut version of the interview simply to defend themselves among their peers) or if the producers are honest the executives at the networks often demand changes to suit their demographic. So since the experts are becoming more and more camera shy that leaves more and more fringe types with their agendas to take up the slack (which is why you see more sensationalist conspiracy theory type things...which also seems to holds more appeal to the general public). Why risk your reputation on some silly television show when it's just going to be edited later on? They know this and refuse. There's too much to lose and too little to gain. Some still participate when the channel is going to fund a major portion of their work but they still don't care for it (some still like the BBC, CBC and the German one I can't remember but not the commercial channels).


Anyhow, it's a sad state of affairs because the channels have created a situation where they have ran off the actual reasonable scholars in their search for the sensational or controversial (or in some instances to avoid the controversial by saying certain religions, for instance, have some basis in reality even though no real scholars can back that statement up).



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The International History Channel? First time hearing about it, but DO WANT.


Really, I've lost hope with that channel having anything other than soap operas, Armageddon/bible type shows, and WW2 crap (not that the latter is so bad, just the fact that it's ALWAYS WW2). The Discovery Channel is just as bad most of the time. I'll watch Mythbusters, Universe, and occasionally How It's Made/How Stuff Works, but otherwise I go right to National Geographic. Then again, that's being overrun by the Dog Whisperer (like the show, but not every freaking night for five hours) and gangs/drug trafficking.


And don't even get me started on Discovery Health. Every show is either about losing weight or pregnancy. Neither of which I really care to watch on TV.


Then there's Animal Planet, which has been reduced to Animal Cops and that stupid show about wild encounters or something like that.


I only have regular cable, so I don't get the Science Channel or anything like that - is it worth it, by any chance? I'll beg for digital cable if it means I can actually watch something vaguely mentally stimulating every once in a while.

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I only have regular cable, so I don't get the Science Channel or anything like that - is it worth it, by any chance? I'll beg for digital cable if it means I can actually watch something vaguely mentally stimulating every once in a while.


The lineup right now is, Fearless Planet, Survivorman, World's Worst Venom. As for History International, The Naked Archeologist is on, then it will be Bloodlines: The Dracula Family Tree.

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I think the international history channel would be worthwhile, considering I could afford premium cable again.

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