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WHY do religions focus so much on sex? Especially the 3 abrahamic ones? Why do they feel they must control it?

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I think dietary laws and sexual rules address the two most necessary and human drives. The priest class must manipulate the basic conditions of humanity in order to exert control.

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I think they do it because they enjoy it. They enjoy feeling better than others. There was a recent story about a female American journalist in Saudi Arabia (I think) that was cornered in a Starbucks by two religious "enforcers" because she was talking to a man who wasn't her husband. She was dragged to a police station and strip searched (so they could enjoy seeing her naked). It is all about control and elitism. This is also why females in these backwards countries are "circumcised" by cutting off their clitoris. Otherwise they might masturbate and figure out that she doesn't need a man. Again, control to the point of mutilation (and death if they commit the crime of being alone with a man).



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I think dietary laws and sexual rules address the two most necessary and human drives. The priest class must manipulate the basic conditions of humanity in order to exert control.


Amen to this, it is all about control. Plus, making sex taboo encourages gossip about other's perverted sex lifes and everyone (especially those in churches) love a good bit of gossip.

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WHY do religions focus so much on sex? Especially the 3 abrahamic ones? Why do they feel they must control it?


If memory serves, when the Jewish religion was constructed artificially, the designers tried to make it as different from the "rival faiths" as possible. And as the rival faiths back then weren't exactly prude...


...whether the control idea was a reason from the very beginning too I don't know. It would surely be plausible.

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Well,I think it's because abrahamic religions would like people to sublimate sexual desires into worship.

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Well,I think it's because abrahamic religions would like people to sublimate sexual desires into worship.


That's an interesting idea. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength" Do any of you with knowledge of other deities know if this is an unusual approach, say versus fear, mere sacrifice, honor, etc?

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Well,I think it's because abrahamic religions would like people to sublimate sexual desires into worship.


That's an interesting idea. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength" Do any of you with knowledge of other deities know if this is an unusual approach, say versus fear, mere sacrifice, honor, etc?


As far as I know, there were long traditions of "temple prostitutes" and the like, so, no, this would not be unique. On the other extreme, there are those who go in for the complete denial of sexual desires outside of the Abrahamic traditions, as is done in certain varieties of Buddhism and Hinduism, to start.


It's also not an unheard of magical practice, using sex for energy, and that sort of thing.


And lets face it, it's not uncommonly called a "religious experience" for a reason... :wicked:

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I have a theory that may or may not be true as its based on my general understanding of psychology. Take it with a grain of salt:


Think if you were born into a family with near infinite amounts of wealth. You asked your parents for a parade of white elephants for your birthday ? You got it. You wanted a brand new PS3 just for the heck of it ? You got it, along with every video game ever made. You wanted a Pony for Christmas ? Then you received one of the most expensive and rare breed. Your parents gave you 100000$ allowance every week and a limo driver to take you whatever shop you wanted. Basically anything you wanted you got.


Would you know the value of the dollar in that state ? No, of course you wouldn't. You may gain a rudimentary understanding through studying economics but since money essentially does not concern you in that situation you really could never know what its like to live in a family that struggles to make ends meet. Because money doesn't matter chances are you would find other things to worry about. Like your parents being gone all the time, or your lack of real friends due to being in such an elitist family.



Take this and apply it to life. Christians basically believe that life is eternal for them, and because of that I find it hard to think that they are capable of respecting life in the same way an atheist who believes that death is the end can. Because of this it makes sense why Christians care so much about sex and "purity" - since life is infinite to them they have simply found something else to care about. If I honestly believed I was going to live forever, I would probably be a lot more concerned with the status of my soul as well. That's what I think is happening in Abrahamic religions. All three of them show a very poor respect for anything in regards to life and have pathetic histories of bloodshed behind them...but when it comes to individual things such as self control and individual adherence to authority all of a sudden they become obsessive compulsive. Sex is probably their number one target out of all of this since it is basically impossible for a human to live their life without ever having sexual desires, and thus it becomes their greatest fear due to it being their greatest guilt.

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In other words, "Keep the small rules and you break the major ones"?

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More like "Only care about the rules that directly affect you and everyone else can just go fuck themselves"

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