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So I'm on a forum. There's a massive debate going on about religion in schools, which I am vehemently against. Another poster came up with this gem.



Our country and forefathers founded this country on christian principles/faith. That's WHY it's on the currency, that's why it's on the oath to office. Personally, as a Christian I have no problem with this.


Those that take a different perrogative on it, may not agree and I see your perspective as well.


To each their own with this stuff. JMO.


To which I reply:


No. The country was NOT founded on Christianity. Read the Treaty of Tripoli and research the founding fathers' beliefs.


And as for the In God we Trust thing, it wasn't on our currency until the Civil War and god wasn't in our pledge until the time of McCarthyism when people were going apeshit about communism.

Then she said:

To each their own with this stuff is what I said previously. Did you catch that?


The OP posted something she found sad. You don't find it sad. Okay.


Again, To each their own with this stuff. I'm not going to debate you. Thank you. Everyone is entitled to an opionon, has different perception(s) and view(s).

But what you stated wasn't a matter of opinion. You said something that was not true, and I corrected you on it.


Not true. Your not correct, but again I'm not debating you.


I then proceeded to post several articles after a huge -facedesk- and several history majors and even other Christians posted that I was right. She hasn't replied to the topic since.


Sorry if this is an inappropriate post. Just needed to rant.

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Augh. I've heard that gem of a "fact" a million times. Culturally the Founding Fathers were immersed in a Judeo-Christian tradition, but that's it really. They were outspoken about their adversion to religious influence in politics.

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Faced with facts, Christians say to each his own....but when stating opinions, Christians state, "That's a fact."

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Faced with facts, Christians say to each his own....but when stating opinions, Christians state, "That's a fact."



Why is that, do you think?

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Faced with facts, Christians say to each his own....but when stating opinions, Christians state, "That's a fact."



Why is that, do you think?

They know deep down everything about religion is opinion and interpretation, but they want to believe so badly in something bigger than the natural world (out of fear of death, for the most part) that they need to lower all facts to the level of their opinions, because their opinions are no longer held as the facts they once were.


Funny how science only accepts the most recent discoveries as the most accurate, while religion tends to say the most ancient ideas are the only true ones.

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Faced with facts, Christians say to each his own....but when stating opinions, Christians state, "That's a fact."



Why is that, do you think?

Why is that?

Because most people are too fucking wimpy to take responsibility, admit they are flawed, and own up to their humanity.

They'd rather just chalk it up to outside forces.

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The OP posted something she found sad. You don't find it sad. Okay.


Again, To each their own with this stuff. I'm not going to debate you. Thank you. Everyone is entitled to an opionon, has different perception(s) and view(s).


But what you stated wasn't a matter of opinion. You said something that was not true, and I corrected you on it.


Not true. Your not correct, but again I'm not debating you.

This person is willfully ignorant. Nothing more. Nothing less. They are accusing you of acting in a similar fashion when you reject their (flawed) information. You cannot educate someone who refuses to be educated (and I'm sure they're thinking the same about you/us). This is simply their way of dismissing you.



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Post a photo of Americas original currency, front & back, and have them point out where "In God We Trust" is on it. Can't dispute that.

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That bugs me too. The sad thing is, I used to be right along there with them.


Last semester I took this class called Evolution and Christianity. It was pretty interesting, and there were several fairly serious Christians in there. One day, we got started talking about the country being founded on Christianity, and they were quite unhappy. I giggled on the inside.

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