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Freedom Is A Smoking Deal Across The Us


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I do_not_smoke. Never have enjoyed habit, never have done it past experimenting with ciggabutts.


Does piss_me_the_fuck_off_when_our_elected_public_servants_forget_that_they_are_just_

that. Elected to serve the Public.


Time to fight shit like this is long gone. "We've" allowed far too much of this nanny shit to bury what was left of Freedom.


Chains? They must be resting lightly, as folks can't fire up while they drink...






Freedom is a smoking deal across the US

Disloyal Opposition

by JD Tuccille


"There's no ban or edict that any government can stuff down its

subjects throats that some people will not resent and defy. Ample

proof of that comes from Illinois, where The Telegraph reports, '[l]

ike speakeasies during Prohibition, the area now has 'smokeasies.'

Almost every town has a bar or two where people know they can go to

smoke without being told to extinguish it.' Welcome to the resistance,

folks. Similar reports are trickling in from across the United

States." (01/06/09)



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I am not a smoker either. The smoking ban has not hit my town here yet, but it has been implemented in the larger town about 30 miles from here which is the county seat. These "progressive" folks that got it passed in that town are starting to lobby the County Commissioners to make it a County-wide ban from what I understand. I don't know why these folks would give a shit what happens in the other smaller towns in the county. Other than the bible thumpers and local do-gooders, I don't think many will support a County-Wide smoking ban. I imagine our only local bar will ignore it anyway as they do with most of the ordinances such as what time they are supposed to close.




The people that are supposed to be governing have alot more important things to worry about other than if someone lights up in a bar. Seems they have forgotten the difference between ruling and representing.

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The reason why the town is trying to push the ban into the county is actually pretty easy: they're hemorrhaging business to the rest of the county.

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Guest dragonfly310

As a smoker, I do appreciate what you said here, Nivek. It's MY choice whether I kill myself slowly or not. I don't need Big Brother to tell me what I should and should not be doing. I can look it up myself and come to my own conclusions, thank you very much. That said, I have had the studies and what not thrown in my face to know better. Knowing better is one thing, but as with any other addiction, it's not just that simple to put the cancer sticks down. Those same studies even said that too. But, I'm trying. *Sigh.

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I am allergic to cigarettes, however I have long avoided places like bars where smoke is sure to be found.


If you don't like it, don't stay around it.

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I've always thought it ridiculous that America has this "War on Drugs." What the heck to they think cigarettes are? It's okay for the police to beat up and lock up some guy for smoking marijuana, but at the same time the cigarette smoker ought to light up wherever and whenever they want.


The attack on your freedoms was successful a long time ago; you're just seeing a continued erosion that has been on-going. When the tobacco smokers didn't stand up for the marijuana smokers having their rights taken away, they should have known they would be next.

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Guest QuidEstCaritas?

Just one more example of progressives trying to legislate good health.


It's fucking bullshit.


It's one thing to represent the people, it is another to impose your teetotaler ideals on what they can and can't do in a private business or in their own home.



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Just one more example of progressives trying to legislate good health.


It's fucking bullshit.


It's one thing to represent the people, it is another to impose your teetotaler ideals on what they can and can't do in a private business or in their own home.




It's been that way for a long time in the United States of America, which clearly is not the land of the free. I have to wonder, just how much further will the American people allow themselves to be pushed before they enter into an age of revolution? I feel the breaking point is very near.

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It's been that way for a long time in the United States of America, which clearly is not the land of the free. I have to wonder, just how much further will the American people allow themselves to be pushed before they enter into an age of revolution? I feel the breaking point is very near.


I suspect it'll come when their favorite foods get banned in the name of health über alles. I think that time is coming.

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The biggest nanny state, Nebraska, where I live, finally went smoker free. Smoking in public is supposed to harm our health, don'tchaknow? People should be allowed to make their own choices even if the choice is not a healthy one. We do not need any government making laws that make unhealthy choices unlawful. I think it is as stupid as the law that demands overweight people buy two airline seats because of their weight. For being such a free country, we are the most over regulated country that picks and chooses what is best for us when it comes to 'freedom'.

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