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Goodbye Jesus

Herd Mentality

Guest Hawklord61

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Guest Hawklord61

Hi all

Sorry for starting a new topic but i've been reading the forums for about a week now and it didn't seem right butting in on other debates seeing im a newbie.

Ok ... the dreaded first post...Please take this as an introduction to my views on Religion as a whole, not just Christianity so you can get an idea as to where im coming from.

I see religious people on the whole as having a need to bond to a larger community so they can function as a whole person. Probably because of bad life experiences or low self esteem, maybe even a psychological inferiority complex. Basically just having a "need to belong". There is of course nothing wrong with that its just human nature, its just taken to a higher degree.

When they finaly latch onto Religion at whatever age, the herd mentality is enforced, this implies a fear based reaction to peer pressure. This concept was the basic premise for sigmund freud's "Croud Behaviour theory" ... i.e, People who function as a group will react differently to people who tend to be independant thinkers. The group as a whole would in time conform to a linear thought process and would become less aware of the true nature of their own actions.

Now if you put on top of this a group hierarchy (The Church) who recognise they could manipulate these human traits by putting the fear of Gods wrath into its followers, which would in turn be used as a tool to fill its own coffers and wield unquestioned power over Governments and whole societys you will end up with the biggest mass marketed con in History.

This is in my view "Brainwashing" in its purest form as its been done on sutch a mass scale for thousands of years.


If you have decided to reject God (whichever one that is, theres so many) and your stuck in the "whats the point of it all" scenario you might take comfort in knowing that people like me do still have beliefs. I believe that life is for living now, it's not a trial run this is the real deal. I also believe theres an all powerfull Entity that surrounds us, and that is Mother Nature itself, which has been the real force of Creation since the dawn of time, and its managed to do it all by itself ................. now there's a Miracle.


Thanks for your time.


I seeath the Xbox and i know it is good. :grin:

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  • Super Moderator

Welcome, Hawklord!


I agree with herd mentality being a large component of religion.


I also think if one feels he must have a group identity and join a herd, that person and society would be less harmed if he joined a motorcycle gang instead. They have tattoos, patches, and everything!

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Guest Hawklord61
Welcome, Hawklord!


I agree with herd mentality being a large component of religion.


I also think if one feels he must have a group identity and join a herd, that person and society would be less harmed if he joined a motorcycle gang instead. They have tattoos, patches, and everything!


:lmao: Thanks for the reply, was hoping it didnt come over all fire & brimstone.... seems it didnt!

Chopper Bikes for jesus. However long i decide to stay on this site, theres an image that'll stick with me. lol

I think we'll get along fine.

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Welcome, Hawklord!


I agree with herd mentality being a large component of religion.


I also think if one feels he must have a group identity and join a herd, that person and society would be less harmed if he joined a motorcycle gang instead. They have tattoos, patches, and everything!


It's fair to compare joining a church with a motorcycle group... I'm ok with that. Both have particular world views, values and rules that guide interaction between members. The difference of course from a Sociological point of view, since you brought it up, is that religion is concerned with those aspects of life experience that we give special meaning to, origin of the universe, meaning of life, death, puberty, childbirth, etc. I don't imagine motorcyclists get much beyond the price of gas, the war, the economy and "show me your____".

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Guest Hawklord61

It's fair to compare joining a church with a motorcycle group... I'm ok with that. Both have particular world views, values and rules that guide interaction between members. The difference of course from a Sociological point of view, since you brought it up, is that religion is concerned with those aspects of life experience that we give special meaning to, origin of the universe, meaning of life, death, puberty, childbirth, etc. I don't imagine motorcyclists get much beyond the price of gas, the war, the economy and "show me your____".


This board isnt the place to start a flame war, there are other boards for debate, the point he "brought up" was a light hearted joke. Making a small Pseudo-intellectual rant about it was out of order. Although it is refreshing to see how people like you easily betray their own ignorance.


I honestly think that you do believe "that religion is concerned with those aspects of life experience that we give special meaning to, origin of the universe, meaning of life, death, puberty, childbirth, etc" and im glad your here on this site, because you might find out that most of what you believe is wrong, if you manage to shed that blinkered stereotypical view you have of anybody that doesn't conform to your ideals.


Here endeth the lesson.

Thanks for your time.

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  • Super Moderator
Welcome, Hawklord!


I agree with herd mentality being a large component of religion.


I also think if one feels he must have a group identity and join a herd, that person and society would be less harmed if he joined a motorcycle gang instead. They have tattoos, patches, and everything!


It's fair to compare joining a church with a motorcycle group... I'm ok with that. Both have particular world views, values and rules that guide interaction between members. The difference of course from a Sociological point of view, since you brought it up, is that religion is concerned with those aspects of life experience that we give special meaning to, origin of the universe, meaning of life, death, puberty, childbirth, etc. I don't imagine motorcyclists get much beyond the price of gas, the war, the economy and "show me your____".



I think with the subject being herd mentality, the comparison is totally in line. The tenets, beliefs and practices of a particular herd are irrelevant to the point that people join groups to enhance their identity by strength of like-minded numbers, and then they tend to think and act in unison regarding the herd's core values. Members of a fundamentalist herd aren't inclined to stray from the belief held by the group that abortion is wrong, while the hardcore bikers aren't likely to dress in dockers and avail themselves of manicurists.

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Again, Hawklord61, I'm moving this thread to "General Theological Issues" because you're expressing views on religion, not telling your story of your life experience with christianity.

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Guest Hawklord61
Again, Hawklord61, I'm moving this thread to "General Theological Issues" because you're expressing views on religion, not telling your story of your life experience with christianity.


Actually as i understand it its not just for telling your story, its also for helping people who are trying to de-convert. That post wasn't "My Views" they're points that are based on fact.

If this is the way its gonna be you can shove it.

you cant do this or that, abide by the rules or else............


Just another power mad moderator. Dont you realise your acting just like the Fundemental Dickheads this site is rebelling against.


you might as well delete this post and the rest 'cos im done with this shit.

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  • Super Moderator

Jeez, Hawklord! WTF?

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Wow Hawklord, you must have had some bad experiences with mods in the past on different sites. Touchy, touchy!

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Unfortunately, mods are unable to put A&D ointment on irritating diaper rash.

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Yeah! The rebellion has started. Rise up against the power mad mods! Soon the underclass will be the ones approving their posts and moving their topics. Take that you fundie overlords!



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Yeah! The rebellion has started. Rise up against the power mad mods! Soon the underclass will be the ones approving their posts and moving their topics. Take that you fundie overlords!





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This board isnt the place to start a flame war, there are other boards for debate, the point he "brought up" was a light hearted joke. Making a small Pseudo-intellectual rant about it was out of order. Although it is refreshing to see how people like you easily betray their own ignorance.


I honestly think that you do believe "that religion is concerned with those aspects of life experience that we give special meaning to, origin of the universe, meaning of life, death, puberty, childbirth, etc" and im glad your here on this site, because you might find out that most of what you believe is wrong, if you manage to shed that blinkered stereotypical view you have of anybody that doesn't conform to your ideals.


Here endeth the lesson.

Thanks for your time.



Gee willikers, thanks.


Perhaps you will pull your head out of your ego long enough to realize that religion has NOTHING to do with any particular set of beliefs... a light hearted joke? What's next, Polack jokes and Blonde jokes? How about a Jewish joke? Got any racial jokes?

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Me thinks there be fundies in the nest?

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Me thinks there be fundies in the nest?


Oh yeah.. I am as fundamentalist as Karl Marx. What hypocrites phony intellectuals are... if someone doesn't agree with them they are "fundies". Why not just use the "heretic" label and get it over with?

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Me thinks there be fundies in the nest?


Oh yeah.. I am as fundamentalist as Karl Marx. What hypocrites phony intellectuals are... if someone doesn't agree with them they are "fundies". Why not just use the "heretic" label and get it over with?

I'm wondering if he meant that towards the person who couldn't stand having his topic moved to the appropriate forum and called us mods a bunch of bad names as he went storming off, slamming the door behind him in protest? Somehow you don't impress me as a fundi. Hardly.


So maybe we should just get rid of the separate forums set up for various reasons, and just have one great big dumping ground of anything goes topics and posts. That way, we won't need any mods, as there won't be anything to do! :wicked:


Of course the site may go to complete hell pretty quickly as it tore itself apart, but who cares! At least we did it with having anyone tell us where we should and shouldn't post things! Freedom! :HaHa:






(I'm kidding of course... unless someone takes this seriously)

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Me thinks there be fundies in the nest?


Oh yeah.. I am as fundamentalist as Karl Marx. What hypocrites phony intellectuals are... if someone doesn't agree with them they are "fundies". Why not just use the "heretic" label and get it over with?

I'm wondering if he meant that towards the person who couldn't stand having his topic moved to the appropriate forum and called us mods a bunch of bad names as he went storming off, slamming the door behind him in protest? Somehow you don't impress me as a fundi. Hardly.


So maybe we should just get rid of the separate forums set up for various reasons, and just have one great big dumping ground of anything goes topics and posts. That way, we won't need any mods, as there won't be anything to do! :wicked:


Of course the site may go to complete hell pretty quickly as it tore itself apart, but who cares! At least we did it with having anyone tell us where we should and shouldn't post things! Freedom! :HaHa:






(I'm kidding of course... unless someone takes this seriously)


In that case I apologize. Just call the Mod a heretic and get it over with.

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In that case I apologize. Just call the Mod a heretic and get it over with.

Hey, we're friendly mods. :)

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Guest Hawklord61

This board isnt the place to start a flame war, there are other boards for debate, the point he "brought up" was a light hearted joke. Making a small Pseudo-intellectual rant about it was out of order. Although it is refreshing to see how people like you easily betray their own ignorance.


I honestly think that you do believe "that religion is concerned with those aspects of life experience that we give special meaning to, origin of the universe, meaning of life, death, puberty, childbirth, etc" and im glad your here on this site, because you might find out that most of what you believe is wrong, if you manage to shed that blinkered stereotypical view you have of anybody that doesn't conform to your ideals.


Here endeth the lesson.

Thanks for your time.



Gee willikers, thanks.


Perhaps you will pull your head out of your ego long enough to realize that religion has NOTHING to do with any particular set of beliefs... a light hearted joke? What's next, Polack jokes and Blonde jokes? How about a Jewish joke? Got any racial jokes?



Just a couple of things....

Seeing as im being rounded on ny Mod Central, you all just proved to me that the original post on "Herd Mentality" seems pretty accurate. Thanks for that.

Also dont even attempt to label me as a racist, in fact i didn't even make the joke in question in the first place AND............... apart from "power mad mod" i dont think you'll find anywhere where i called anybody bad names or used bad language. I came onto this "Friendly" site to offer encouragement and advice to people who needed it.



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Hawklord, you're more than welcome to offer encouragement. Offering encouragement to Ex-Christians is the "mission" of this site. On all fora. It's just that sometimes we do it newsy, or funny, or debate-y, or theologically, or etc., depending on what a member is in the mood for. It's why we have separate fora. It's why the forum where people tell their stories about what they've personally been through is a forum where people can participate who want to encourage people who are telling their stories about what they've personally been through.


If you don't like the way we've developed our fora, you're welcome to start a thread about it in... oh... say... the "Totally Off Topic" forum :goodjob: !! There! See how it works?!

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Just a couple of things....

Seeing as im being rounded on ny Mod Central, you all just proved to me that the original post on "Herd Mentality" seems pretty accurate. Thanks for that.

Huh? You're saying that me supporting Pitchu's decision to move this topic out of in inappropriate forum for it, to an appropriate one is a herd mentality? WTF? I just happened to agree with her decision. So what the hell is your problem that you would object to the moderators of this site doing their job that the Webmaster, the owner of this site, wishes for them to do?


I wasn't saying anything as a moderator to you, but I will now kid. This is what it says about the role and expectations of moderators on this site as posted by the webmaster: http://www.ex-christian.net/index.php?act=boardrules

The Open Forums of ExChristian.Net are open to all with the stipulations that they not be used for a spam medium or a place to verbally abuse Ex-Christians.


This forum exists for the express purpose of encouraging those who have decided to leave religion behind. It is not an open challenge to Christians to avenge what they perceive as an offense against their invisible friend.


Having said that, all people are welcome to join the Open Forums and post their ideas, thoughts, or even well thought out arguments. Discussions are permitted even if they occasionally become heated. Registration is required to post in the forums.


All forums are moderated.
If a topic degenerates into mindless name calling, the moderators may step in. Posters can expect to have all of their posts deleted if they simply copy and paste the same basic message repeatedly on multiple pages.


Spammers and those who regularly post acidic, angry rhetoric may be banned from posting to the board.


New members have a warn bar on their profile, which will disappear eventually.


Posters agree not to use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.


Ex-Christian.Net strongly believes in freedom of speech. We believe everybody should have the freedom to post whatever they like on their own websites, within the boundaries of the law.
Anyone who finds the moderation policies of this site too constraining is free to create another website tailored to fit his or her personal preferences


There was absolutely no abuse of mod powers directed towards you, and you sound more like a little child crying who can't stand to be corrected for his own screw ups. Your accusations of us are unintelligent and baseless. If you don't want to follow the rules, then leave.

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Guest Hawklord61
Just a couple of things....

Seeing as im being rounded on ny Mod Central, you all just proved to me that the original post on "Herd Mentality" seems pretty accurate. Thanks for that.

Huh? You're saying that me supporting Pitchu's decision to move this topic out of in inappropriate forum for it, to an appropriate one is a herd mentality? WTF? I just happened to agree with her decision. So what the hell is your problem that you would object to the moderators of this site doing their job that the Webmaster, the owner of this site, wishes for them to do?


I wasn't saying anything as a moderator to you, but I will now kid. This is what it says about the role and expectations of moderators on this site as posted by the webmaster: http://www.ex-christian.net/index.php?act=boardrules

The Open Forums of ExChristian.Net are open to all with the stipulations that they not be used for a spam medium or a place to verbally abuse Ex-Christians.


This forum exists for the express purpose of encouraging those who have decided to leave religion behind. It is not an open challenge to Christians to avenge what they perceive as an offense against their invisible friend.


Having said that, all people are welcome to join the Open Forums and post their ideas, thoughts, or even well thought out arguments. Discussions are permitted even if they occasionally become heated. Registration is required to post in the forums.


All forums are moderated.
If a topic degenerates into mindless name calling, the moderators may step in. Posters can expect to have all of their posts deleted if they simply copy and paste the same basic message repeatedly on multiple pages.


Spammers and those who regularly post acidic, angry rhetoric may be banned from posting to the board.


New members have a warn bar on their profile, which will disappear eventually.


Posters agree not to use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.


Ex-Christian.Net strongly believes in freedom of speech. We believe everybody should have the freedom to post whatever they like on their own websites, within the boundaries of the law.
Anyone who finds the moderation policies of this site too constraining is free to create another website tailored to fit his or her personal preferences


There was absolutely no abuse of mod powers directed towards you, and you sound more like a little child crying who can't stand to be corrected for his own screw ups. Your accusations of us are unintelligent and baseless. If you don't want to follow the rules, then leave.


Ok i've taken all that into account, Now here's my reasons as to why i thought it was a wrong decision to move my post......

Many people who were/are posting on there are still unsure if they are doing the right thing "Deconverting" and I believe its because of the way religion has been ingrained into them on a psychological level. Thus my post on Herd Mentality was an attempt to explain up to a point why they feel like they do.

Would it have been moved if it was just a reply to one individual?, of course not. But what if somebody could have gained some re-assurance from it missed that particular post? ........... Thats why i posted it as a new topic on that particular thread. There are you happy with that?

I gave Pitchu another post and the follow up reply was polite (as was mine) so i thought it was all done and dusted until you showed up again.


The Herd Mentality thing your on about was NOT because you moved my post, and wasn't even wrote maliciously, it was soley because a few decided to have a rant. What did you expect me to do? just keep quiet?... well i dont do post & runs, especially when im accused falsely of name calling etc. (By you)

So now i regard your last post as uncalled for seeing as it was all after the fact so to speak.


If you wanna read any of my other posts you will find that i dont slag off other people or argue or SHOUT. In fact i dont have a problem with anybody but you "Kid".


none of this is meant as a rant (or an apology) although you'll probably percieve it as such, but thats up to you.

If you want to post a follow up to this please do but i wont be drawn into an argument because frankly it's getting boring.



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Ok i've taken all that into account, Now here's my reasons as to why i thought it was a wrong decision to move my post......

Many people who were/are posting on there are still unsure if they are doing the right thing "Deconverting" and I believe its because of the way religion has been ingrained into them on a psychological level. Thus my post on Herd Mentality was an attempt to explain up to a point why they feel like they do.

First of all, I didn't move any of your topics or posts. I simply interjected here in this thread when I saw a misunderstanding brewing between two other members and was hoping to clarify that so it didn't escalate. I wasn't happy about seeing spit venom about Pitchu doing her job. Sometime it is appropriate to move a topic to the correct forum. She deemed it necessary and I support her. I had nothing to do with any of your topics.


Would it have been moved if it was just a reply to one individual?, of course not.

Sometimes other members notify mods for various things, like a topic in the wrong area, threatening posts, etc. Sometimes a mod just make a decision alone on something that see needs to be cleaned up, or moved, etc, like seeing double posts and whatnot - or topics started in the Testimonies area that are about general discussion topics and not some individuals story.


Please try to support how we organize around here. You're posts or topics don't get deleted, just maybe moved to a more appropriate area of discussion. Besides, it will probably get better response if in the appropriate areas, so that is to your advantage.


But what if somebody could have gained some re-assurance from it missed that particular post? ........... Thats why i posted it as a new topic on that particular thread. There are you happy with that?

It's great you want to contribute. We'd like you to contribute. However as I said, it's probably to your advantage to have those with years of experience moderating this site move it to a better area where it will get the best exposure, plus preserve the integrity of a particular topic forum like the Testimonies, because frankly if people go in there to read testimonies and start reading unrelated topics, it degrades that forum and it looses it's foucus. Think of it like driving to a Mexican restaurant to eat Mexican food, and when you get there they have Chinese food, Middle Eastern food, American food, French food, and a few small dishes of re-fried beans and tacos.


That's the reason it gets monitored for content. It is in fact specifically the Testimonies forum and that's what belongs in there. It there for others, both to post their testimonies in, and to go read others. We move things out of there that aren't testimonies because they don't belong there. We do it for those who use the site.


I gave Pitchu another post and the follow up reply was polite (as was mine) so i thought it was all done and dusted until you showed up again.

What do you mean until I showed up again? Like I said, I wasn't here to moderate anything you were doing until you accused me of ganging up on you on top of having accused Pitchu of being a power mad moderator. Your sticking your finger in the air to the moderators of this site, of which I am one, threatens the board. At that point I will look on you as a moderator and crush you if attack mods. To attack mods for doing their job, is to disrespect the desire of the Webmaster who chooses his moderation team as he sees appropriate to the task of keep his site functioning.


It's find to disagree with a decision, and take it up with that mod. But you're accusing her of being power mad in open forums, when in fact Pitchu is anything but that. Then you accuse another mod, me, of abusing his powers by remarking about this is response. Now at this point you've invited a move towards getting a warning tick, which I haven't done yet.


You're welcome to post in the appropriate forums, but you start spitting on the mods the Webmaster has selected to keep his forum function, and you'll be on the losing end of that deal right quick. You don't have a right to post here, its a privilege, and we're happy to keep things together enough so you can. You have to play by the rules like everyone else.


The Herd Mentality thing your on about was NOT because you moved my post, and wasn't even wrote maliciously, it was soley because a few decided to have a rant. What did you expect me to do? just keep quiet?... well i dont do post & runs, especially when im accused falsely of name calling etc. (By you)

So now i regard your last post as uncalled for seeing as it was all after the fact so to speak.


If you wanna read any of my other posts you will find that i dont slag off other people or argue or SHOUT. In fact i dont have a problem with anybody but you "Kid".


none of this is meant as a rant (or an apology) although you'll probably percieve it as such, but thats up to you.

If you want to post a follow up to this please do but i wont be drawn into an argument because frankly it's getting boring.



Again, I've never moved or deleted any of your topics or posts. What my last post was was in response to you going after me as a moderator, just like you did with Pitchu. Repeating what you said to her:

If this is the way its gonna be you can shove it.

you cant do this or that, abide by the rules or else............


Just another power mad moderator. Dont you realise your acting just like the Fundemental Dickheads this site is rebelling against.


you might as well delete this post and the rest 'cos im done with this shit.

Pitchu can do as she sees fit. I don't care if you dispute or challenge us as members, but what I do care about is you sticking your finger in the air to moderators when they are doing their jobs. At which point, then I'll speak as moderator and act as I see fit. You keep this up and you're posts will go onto mod preview, meaning they wont see the light of day without mod approval first. All the mods on this site are fair, and patient, and intelligent. I don't care for what you've said to her and now to me. I see a pattern developing that isn't acceptable.

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Bottom line is: The mods here have a fine line to walk, and we all think we do a fairly good job of it.


We don't like to see one another verbally assaulted just because some member may think he or she "has a better idea." PM your better idea to a mod or start a thread about it in an appropriate forum. We're pretty inclusive and open when not hit up-side the head with a ball-peen hammer.


Antlerman explained why he thought it was a "better idea" to give your posts exposure in this forum. I thought/think so, too, in addition to oh-so-cleverly recognizing that the thread you started was not your testimony.


We usually don't do much more here than to try to grease the wheels, so why don't you pass us the oil can instead of using the mace can?


(Besides which, Antlerman knows how to jettison your contrary ass if you don't... :twitch: So play nice and have a good time here and continue with your goal to support ex-christians and we'll all sing and hold hands as we go down to the beach for volleyball, okay?)

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