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Goodbye Jesus

If I Had No Morals...


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Yes, I'd become an Evangelist and live off the money that people gave to my ministry.


I could do it too. I have the ability and some of the necessary charm and charisma. When I was a Xian people always told me I should be teaching and/or leading ministry.


Wouldn't it be easy? I know all the ins and outs, the lingo. Here I am, an ex-Christian, an Atheist, now recommitted and reborn into the fold.


I could say how I was never really saved the first time around and how my life spiraled down to alcohol, sex, and rock and roll during my current time of rebellion.


And then I saw the light and pulled myself out of the hopeless pit of despair that the world really is. I looked up to heaven and saw the face of my loving savior and he welcomed me back with open arms.


Oh yes...it would be so easy...


Oh to be a sociopath and have no conscience or regrets about misleading the multitudes... *sigh*

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I love that post, may I call you Marjoe?


I couldn't do it, I have the charisma of coarse sandpaper and the persona of a cinder block.


If I had no morals, I probably would overdose on sleeping pills.

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...may I call you Marjoe?


:lmao: Now there's an abused kid who turned into a decent human being (as far as I know)...

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I've actually thought of this myself. Back when I used to debate Christianity I was becoming an expert on Christian apologetics without even realizing it. If I was evil, I probably would at the very least try to write a book for the sheeple to swallow. After noticing this I thought "shit, what if someone who IS a sociopath is already doing this ?" and thats when I realized that some people out there probably are. I would not be surprised in the slightest if Kent Hovind was one of them, or even Tektonics. Its frighteningly easy money once you think about it.

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RE: Robert Tilton -


"Primetime Live's original investigation and subsequent updates included interviews with several former Tilton employees and acquaintances. In the original investigation, one of Tilton's former prayer hotline operators claimed that the ministry cared little for desperate followers who called for prayer, saying that Tilton had a computer installed in July 1989 to make sure the phone operators were off the line by seven minutes. Also in the original report, a former friend of Tilton's from college (who remained anonymous and was shown in silhouette) claimed that both he and Tilton would go to tent revival meetings as a sport and would claim to be anointed and healed at the meetings, adding that the two had often discussed the notion that after graduation, they would set up their own roving revival ministry "and drive around the country and get rich.""


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LOL! Great post! I couldn't do it either, primarily because I just too damned lazy...

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I can't do it because the Lord has called me to other work.



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RE: Robert Tilton -


"Primetime Live's original investigation and subsequent updates included interviews with several former Tilton employees and acquaintances. In the original investigation, one of Tilton's former prayer hotline operators claimed that the ministry cared little for desperate followers who called for prayer, saying that Tilton had a computer installed in July 1989 to make sure the phone operators were off the line by seven minutes. Also in the original report, a former friend of Tilton's from college (who remained anonymous and was shown in silhouette) claimed that both he and Tilton would go to tent revival meetings as a sport and would claim to be anointed and healed at the meetings, adding that the two had often discussed the notion that after graduation, they would set up their own roving revival ministry "and drive around the country and get rich.""



He's such an ass. My family had attended his church a few times when I was a kid. I grew up just outside of Ft. Worth. I was even on one of his televised programs, I think I was 8 or 10, can't remember exactly. My mom currently attends Kenneth Copeland's church called Eagle Mountain, I went a couple times with my mom when I would visit because it was expected that I would go.

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I've had the same thought. It's something I could do, but if I did, I couldn't live with myself. I'm also morally unable to play the role of a legitimate psychic, thought I have the ability to do cold readings and seances. I recognize both the preacher and psychic as entertainers, whether they are sincere or not.


I have an uncle who made his living as an itinerant preacher. He had no formal training but found plenty of work in the hick churches of Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia. He can't go back to Kentucky because of a child molestation charge. I wonder if child molesters are attracted to preaching or if preaching causes child molestation!


Better stay away from the preaching, GG.

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Reminds me of the time I learned how to "Levitate." It's a magic trick that depends entirely on angles; your "Audience" needs to be small (one person is best), and I practiced in front of a mirror for weeks to get that perfect angle down pat.


When I showed my brother-in-law, he immediately concluded that I must be "Evil" and have evil powers, even after I told him it was a simple illusion.


Oh, the things I could do; the money I could make. So many fools in the world so eager to part with their money for empty promises. Imagine; to have been an atheist, then to be "Gifted" with these "Powers" from god to believe again. Heck, I even know how to turn water into wine; I could be the second coming of Christ!


Alas, I could not live with myself; to become that which I hate.

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Now that I think about it, it IS easy money. :huh: I don't think I could live with myself, though....

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  • Super Moderator
Reminds me of the time I learned how to "Levitate." It's a magic trick that depends entirely on angles; your "Audience" needs to be small (one person is best), and I practiced in front of a mirror for weeks to get that perfect angle down pat.


David Blaine is weeping . . .

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Did you see the Steve Martin movie "Leap of Faith"? This is exactly what he was doing, along with his road crew. But they weren't nearly as careful as Marjoe was in making his documentary, because as much as these hucksters can get away with a ton of crap many Xians can pick up on immorality, smoking, and other gotchas for the evangelist crowd.

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Me too, me too.

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