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Life As We Know It Nearly Created In Lab?


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I have often thought that an additional “property of matter" might be to actually ‘discover itself’. Under the right conditions, chemicals combine to form RNA and then DNA and eventually to the wide variety of Life on this Planet and eventually to humans which, in turn, discover how it all started.


To date, we have developed self –repairing nano-structures and now here is a very interesting Link that appears to indicate that scientists have created self -replicating RNA - a key ingredient to all life as we know it.


I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter (no pun intended) :grin:


What say ye? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,479777,00.html

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Jfraysse I think these efforts are interesting for a number of reasons. I think, in part, it’s because they force us to grapple with the question, “What is life?” But I am glad to see that these scientists are reluctant to make the claim that they have, in fact, created life. I know that what constitutes an organism is a highly contested thing among some researchers.

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What say ye?


I say I'm surprised as hell to see it on FOX. Maybe FOX is fair and balanced after all. :lmao:

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What say ye?


I say I'm surprised as hell to see it on FOX. Maybe FOX is fair and balanced after all. :lmao:

Hey Chef: I know! I had another link, but I gave the Fox Link for the “Irony Impact”! :wicked:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think FOX might have mentioned the very similar Miller–Urey experiment of 1952 which had similar results (though 22 amino acids were synthesized in addition to self-replicating RNA). I couldn't tell from the article, but it looked like this was the same experiment, but with updated methodology.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is very difficult to actually define what life is. This comes very close to a definition. When life is finally created in a lab, who needs god any more?

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