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I have an account there, but so far never posted. Registered there, because they quote a lot of stuff from there on FSTDT.

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I posted there about 2 years ago under this same username...look me up...i left because during the time in which i was going through all my doubts Matt and Dianne were real dicks to me about it and as far as I can see lack all sense of compassion or empathy for those trying to work through their doubts.


CARM was one of my more major resources when i was doing Christian Apologetics

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I did some posting there a while ago, until I got the first warning based on their standard morontheist "you're not allowed to do what we do because we are Troo Kristchens™ and you're not nyah nyah!!!11!!!!" crap.

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What is it? Where is it?

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It's a Christian forums. I forget the real name. I think I have an account there and I think I did some posting once upon a time...


Okay, I looked it up just now. I'm having problems logging on so maybe I don't have an account--or maybe I used some weird username that I can't think of. Anyway, the letters stand for Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry and it's here.

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I did some posting there a while ago, until I got the first warning based on their standard morontheist "you're not allowed to do what we do because we are Troo Kristchens™ and you're not nyah nyah!!!11!!!!" crap.


Oh dear me! Thurisaz is not a Troo Kristchen. What is this world coming to! :lmao:

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OMG!!! I just came from there and the spin make me dizzy. I almost threw up.

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I have an account there, but I never post. I find it impossible to spend more than 5 minutes there before the stupid begins to melt my face off

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Ugh...this is in their "Answers for Seekers" section (emphasis mine):


Don't become a Christian if...


Some people try to become Christians for the wrong reasons. You do not become a Christian because you want to give Jesus a try, or because you want to see if your life gets better, or if you want to experiment with religion, or you want your life to improve, or you just want to see what happens. If you "tried" Christianity for any of these reasons, then you're probably not a Christian to begin with unless you came to a true understanding of what it is.

Become a Christian because you know that you are a sinner and that God will punish all who have sinned and you want to find salvation, the deliverance from the righteous judgment of God. The result of this salvation is that the Lord then lives in you and the result of that is your life will improve.

Don't become a Christian for the wrong reasons. Become one for the right reason, to have your sins forgiven so you can escape the damnation that will come upon all who fail to trust in Christ.


Yes, that's right!


Become a fucking Xian because you're SCARED of being burned for eternity by the one, true™, LOVING God.


There it is. Proof that Xianity is nothing but a religion of selfish preservation.

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I see no reason to post at Christian sites unless you're doing it for entertainment.


Still...they are too messed up for me.

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I have never heard of it until now. I probably would have found it if I were looking for Bible answers and didn't have the education channels that give biblical history.

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They are entertaining.


You can find them at carm.org. Add the www.

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How many of you post at CARM?

i never heard of CARM until this thread, and a friend of mine from another forum that has now come here told me about it. so i went to look it up.


i'm actually shocked because i've never heard a Christian put it this way, here's the link and full quote:



Don't become a Christian if...


Some people try to become Christians for the wrong reasons. You do not become a Christian because you want to give Jesus a try, or because you want to see if your life gets better, or if you want to experiment with religion, or you want your life to improve, or you just want to see what happens. If you "tried" Christianity for any of these reasons, then you're probably not a Christian to begin with unless you came to a true understanding of what it is.


Become a Christian because you know that you are a sinner and that God will punish all who have sinned and you want to find salvation, the deliverance from the righteous judgment of God. The result of this salvation is that the Lord then lives in you and the result of that is your life will improve.


Don't become a Christian for the wrong reasons. Become one for the right reason, to have your sins forgiven so you can escape the damnation that will come upon all who fail to trust in Christ.

all i can say is, wow.


so i just signed up and made 2 posts to start discussion.

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How many of you post at CARM?



When I was a neophyte I emailed Matt Slick a couple times....he was not that helpful and seemed annoyed to be 'questioned', so I never joined the site.

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When I was a neophyte I emailed Matt Slick a couple times....he was not that helpful and seemed annoyed to be 'questioned', so I never joined the site.


I once was part of a church where the pastor was famous for writing books to help other pastors. He was in a sense, a pastor of pastors. One morning after his sermon I asked him a question about a scripture he used (which had the exact opposite meaning that he ascribed to it). He looked at me like I was a bug, had his underling take my name and number and never got back to me. That was typical of the leadership there. They expected obedience and smiling submission, period. Anything else and you'd hear "you would probably be happier elsewhere", meaning they'd be happier with you elsewhere. So I made them happier.

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I think they are radical fascist fundamentalists... I get suspended so often and have called every possible name by the "Christian" posters there from Arminian to Atheist, from Hyper-Preterist to liberal satan worshiper. They are a joke. Go read their rules page... MAtt writes about himself in third person and has established himself as lord of the realm


Just for fun, here is part of an ad from CF.. "Where Would Jesus Shop????" and then it goes on to promote one of those online pyramid marketing scams. I complained that I thought it was blasphemous and I was told basically to go stuff it. CF is ALL ABOUT the advertising. You guys should advertise there!

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