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Goodbye Jesus

What Sect Is This?


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Does anyone know what kind of sect these guys belong to? To me it seems an offshoot of JW's.


There's the pole instead of the cross:

He was never whipped to the point of death or nailed hand and foot to a pole. Yahushua was.



BUT: no "Jehova", instead "Yahuweh"


(FYI, this is Craig Winn's site and I am just curious, since I can't figure it out myself to which sect he belongs.)

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I think it's an off-shoot of the Yawehers or Yeshuaites--the folks of the holy names movement. It is hard to say, everyone is making up names these days. A little Yiddish and some English and presto, another name for Jesus/God pops out ...

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Yep, it is part of the "sacred name movement" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_Name_Movement


Craig Winn was apparently a businessman that was inspired by the 9/11 attack to create some websites exposing the terror and wrongness of Islam. He appears to be a part of the sacred name movement: Here are a couple of quotes:

"Yahweh inspired His name to be written 6868 times in His Scripture. English translators chose to disregard Yahweh's desire to use His name and replaced His name with LORD every time. That alone would make all English translations errant. Worse, Baal, the satanic sun god was called Lord."


"Similarly, God is from Gott, the name of a Germanic pagan spirit. These things are abominations to Yahweh. Yahshua means Yah-Saves. It defines Yahweh's Messianic mission. Our Creator is very angry with us for changing His name and not using His name."


This apparently started in the Seventh Day groups back in the 1920-30s. It is yet another way to build an exclusive group that is worshiping the "right God" the "right way". This is why God's power is so clearly demonstrated by them... *sigh*

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The God Name Generator is great! I tried it just once and got "Vog, Goddess of Terror." This bodes well indeed.

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Thank you guys. :D So they seem so close to the JW's because they have the same roots. The JW's also had their roots in the adventist movement, iirc.


Craig Winn was apparently a businessman that was inspired by the 9/11 attack to create some websites exposing the terror and wrongness of Islam.

Yes, he wrote prophet of doom, which is a well known book amongst islamocritics, especially because he quotes much out of Tabari, which is nowhere to be found online and buying it is very expensive (around 800 $ or so). So his work is a source for getting your hands on some Tabari. I have downloaded it (it's for free), but so far I never had the time to read it. What I have heard though is that there are parts where he promotes Christianity. Now he opened this Yada Yahweh website, which imo pretty much destroys his credibility. I mean, how can one call oneself a critic, if one is having some wacko beliefs oneself?

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