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We all have heard preachers saying that the lord layed this message on their heart and wanted him to preach it to the congregation this sunday morning and all that. But something happened around where i live this morning that got me to thinking. Many churches were closed this morning due to ice on the roads. I'm sure many preachers had sermons that they had ready for this morning and that they were all given to them by the good lord to preach this morning. So, what then? God didn't even have the foresight to see that inclimate weather would cause church to be postponed and gave the preacher a sermon for a specific time and winds up not being able to preach it. I just found that kind of funny, and damning to members of the faith. Also, i'm sure we all have heard preachers saying that they had a sermon for this morning, but the lord layed something else on their heart just then to preach. WTF? Does god have a clue what he wants preached? Seems to me he doesn't when he can't even get what sermon he wants preached right the first time.

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I assume the Lard laid a message on the hearts of many preachers that morning, but with the proviso, "weather permitting."


Conclusion: The Lard has no control over the weather.

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Preachers will come up with all kinds of excuses. I know. I was one. One thing we might conclude is that the lord did indeed lay the message on my heart, but it was not for the congregation, but for me personally. The weather would be a means of causing the preacher to stay away from the congregation and, thus, reflect on the message for personal reasons.


This is a line of crap, of course, but some would go in this direction. Thinking like this would also mean that every other preacher in the area had to also deal with some issues and had to reflect on whatever message god supposedly gave them as well.


I actually know a missionary from South Africa that believed god had given him a message to preach in a small town where he was trying to minister. He set up his tent, all the chairs and the pulpit. He prayed and was doubly convinced he needed to preach his message. The meeting was to start at 7:30. At 7:35 NO ONE came! The place was empty. Do you know what this man did? According to his testimony, he PREACHED HIS MESSAGE even though no one was there! His point was being "obedient" to god. God had given him the message to preach and he was to preach it even if no one was there to hear it ;) .

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According to his testimony, he PREACHED HIS MESSAGE even though no one was there! His point was being "obedient" to god. God had given him the message to preach and he was to preach it even if no one was there to hear it.


That is priceless!

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I actually know a missionary from South Africa that believed god had given him a message to preach in a small town where he was trying to minister. He set up his tent, all the chairs and the pulpit. He prayed and was doubly convinced he needed to preach his message. The meeting was to start at 7:30. At 7:35 NO ONE came! The place was empty. Do you know what this man did? According to his testimony, he PREACHED HIS MESSAGE even though no one was there! His point was being "obedient" to god. God had given him the message to preach and he was to preach it even if no one was there to hear it ;) .


That's kinda...insane. :(


I find that sad, actually.

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That's kinda...insane. :(


I find that sad, actually.


I agree. He even went so far as to state that he sang the hymns he had picked out (lead them like there was a congregation in front of him) and even read the announcements. At the time, being deep into Christianity myself, I thought that this man was awesome! What faith!


His name is Keith Daniel and he still serves in Cape Town, South Africa. It is pretty easy to find him on the Internet via a Google search.

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We all have heard preachers saying that the lord layed this message on their heart and wanted him to preach it to the congregation this sunday morning and all that. But something happened around where i live this morning that got me to thinking. Many churches were closed this morning due to ice on the roads.


The ice on the roads was due to the evil force that gets blamed for every calamity like this.

It was Mother Nature that did it.

All the good Christian weathermen on the local TV stations always attribute bad weather, tornado events, hail, earthquakes, etc, on Mother Nature.

Father God gets all the credit for good things that happen and Mother Nature gets the blame.

For example, some poor victim of a hurricane will often praise the Lard that they survived and this is proof that the Lard exists and works miracles.

The TV stations will put these types of stories, complete with religious claims, on the news in a heartbeat because it reinforces Christian propaganda about "God".

Everything is geared to keep the dogma firmly in place.

They're lunatics residing in a fluffy dream world of contrived good and evil.

Mother Nature shares whipping boy time with Satan, the other evil force that God can't seem to control.

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The pastor at my CoG had about 2 dozen sermons, and he rotated in a pretty regular fashion. By age 10, I could quote his sermons as he was preaching. I made a game of it. Points for pre-quoting him, deducting for misses. I usually came out ahead. :P

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God never laid any message on my heart when I was preaching. I would have settled for him laying them on the paper, but nooo I had to do it myself.


By the way, having listened to many preachers, there is nothing quite so boring as a message laid on a preacher's heart. I would have thought God a better speaker than he usually turns out to be.


IMHO when a preacher gets a message laid upon his heart it usually means he hasn't troubled to lay one on paper. And I suspect that a "good" laid upon the heart message was laid upon paper earlier.

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God never laid any message on my heart when I was preaching. I would have settled for him laying them on the paper, but nooo I had to do it myself.


By the way, having listened to many preachers, there is nothing quite so boring as a message laid on a preacher's heart. I would have thought God a better speaker than he usually turns out to be.


IMHO when a preacher gets a message laid upon his heart it usually means he hasn't troubled to lay one on paper. And I suspect that a "good" laid upon the heart message was laid upon paper earlier.



What "layed on their heart" translates too is just an idea that crept into their mind. I write poetry from time to time and sometimes an idea just hits me for one. Is this from the lord? Of course not. If i suddenly get the urge to play some Led Zeppelin, is that from god? Possibly, as long as you don't play 'Stairway To Heaven' backwards. :grin:


I also think it is yet another example of christians not taking any credit for themselves. They think they, with all humanity, are vile, despicable people who are nothing without god. So, it is only natural that they attribute these ideas to god and not themselves.

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We all have heard preachers saying that the lord layed this message on their heart and wanted him to preach it to the congregation this sunday morning and all that. But something happened around where i live this morning that got me to thinking. Many churches were closed this morning due to ice on the roads.


The ice on the roads was due to the evil force that gets blamed for every calamity like this.

It was Mother Nature that did it.

All the good Christian weathermen on the local TV stations always attribute bad weather, tornado events, hail, earthquakes, etc, on Mother Nature.

Father God gets all the credit for good things that happen and Mother Nature gets the blame.

For example, some poor victim of a hurricane will often praise the Lard that they survived and this is proof that the Lard exists and works miracles.

The TV stations will put these types of stories, complete with religious claims, on the news in a heartbeat because it reinforces Christian propaganda about "God".

Everything is geared to keep the dogma firmly in place.

They're lunatics residing in a fluffy dream world of contrived good and evil.

Mother Nature shares whipping boy time with Satan, the other evil force that God can't seem to control.


It was the devil that made the roads icy. He didn't want people to hear the Good News, so he made the roads icy to block them from hearing it. Praise Satan for his almighty works! :17:

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Hey, not all xtians attribute horrific weather events to Mother Nature. In my mother's delusional world, the acts of weather are indeed acts of God! See, God is angry right now because so many people just don't buy into fundamentalist thinking. God's pissed, therefore every natural disaster isn't. It's God's anger. Boy, he really needs some anger management, as we all know.


If there really was a God, I'd spit in his ever loving face.

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Gawd's having a little hissy fit in Charlotte tonight in the form of a couple inc;hes of snow. Enough to send the locals into a panic and the transplanted yankees into fits of laughter watching them try to drive. Jolly good sport, rush hour will be. :lmao:

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People will invent inane reasons to support any delusional belief they may have, which is part of why I rarely if ever argue with christians anymore. The main problem is I just got so used to watching them twist logic with every fallacy in the book it got to the point where I already knew what they were going to say in response. Thats what I get from this: A preacher will come up with all kinds of reasons no matter how nonsense it is: "God wants it for next week", "God wanted the message to only be for me", "God wanted me to build character by preparing a message even if it wasn't to be preached" or the all-time one size fits all cop out "The Lard works in mysterious ways". Of course, like L4A stated, these are all bullocks because it would mean that every other preacher in the area happened to encounter the same circumstances...but that doesn't really mean much.


The thing with delusional beliefs is that unless the believer is completely 100% stumped for an answer, they will cling to any piece of evidence or excuse they can get their hands on even if it has a 0.00000000001% chance of being correct - In other words, these pastors most likely DO make themselves believe that every other pastor that was hindered in the area by God for the same reason and they will assume that that is the case no matter how improbable because they know that no reason could possibly exist against their faith since they know that their delusional beliefs are right, and they know their delusional beliefs are right because they have never encountered a reason against their faith. In the end it will always come down to circular reasoning.

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God apparently loves my little NC town, because there's no snow here and we were due for 6 inches.


He apparently hates Chesapeake though, because they've got flurries, and a small town south of mine, which apparently has like 3 inches...


And my town, right between them, is drier than a bone <_<

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We got about 3 inches in Union Co., Vendy. I'm thinking he's sort of luke-warm on us.......Probably aimed for the sin city (Charlotte) and missed slightly. :P

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Charlotte is Sin City?


Well shit... we here in Vegas have been mistaken all along. :lmao:

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I thought it was Mount Pilot.

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With all the excitement over snow in SC, I think it sounds more like God rewarded us with a full inch! Haha, I love snow.

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I thought it was Mount Pilot.

Isn't that what Mrs. Pilot does?



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God apparently loves my little NC town, because there's no snow here and we were due for 6 inches.


He apparently hates Chesapeake though, because they've got flurries, and a small town south of mine, which apparently has like 3 inches...


And my town, right between them, is drier than a bone <_<


That is because there is one righteous person in town, you.

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