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Goodbye Jesus

A Perfect Opportunity Blown!


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Jesus blew a perfect opportunity to witness to the whole world for the glory of the father at the superbowl last night! God let the Steelers win! Kurt Warner and the Cardinals weren't praying hard enough! They didn't point their fingers up to the sky enough in reverence to the magical sky daddy after a good play! I did see it once after the Cardinals scored a touchdown and took the lead. Yet that wasn't recognition enough for sky daddy and he got pissed! :angry: As most of you know much ado is given about Kurt Warner's faith and how he is very outspoken about it. Always giving credit to jesus and god and all that crap when talking about his life and where he came from and what he has attained in the football world. Hmmm... maybe it's because of your athletic talent and hard work? No, it's jesus. :jesus: To be honest, I was kind of dreading the " I'd like to thank my lord and saviour jesus christ" speech at the end of the game. It just pisses me off to no end when people give credit to their own hard work and perserverance to an non-existent deity! So at the end of the game, hallyfuckingluyah I didn't hear one mention of sky daddy being given credit. Unless you count the Pittsburgh coach saying he was blessed. But that could mean anything these days. Even Rothlesburger (sp?) who is reported to be a christian, although probably a little less rabid than Warner, didn't blurt out any mention of god. So suck it jesus! :blowjob: You blew it!

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Great post. I want to see someone blame Jesus for a loss on day. Like this, "We were going to score the winning touchdown til Jesus made me drop the damn ball!"

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Jesus blew a perfect opportunity to witness to the whole world for the glory of the father at the superbowl last night! God let the Steelers win! Kurt Warner and the Cardinals weren't praying hard enough! They didn't point their fingers up to the sky enough in reverence to the magical sky daddy after a good play! I did see it once after the Cardinals scored a touchdown and took the lead. Yet that wasn't recognition enough for sky daddy and he got pissed! :angry: As most of you know much ado is given about Kurt Warner's faith and how he is very outspoken about it. Always giving credit to jesus and god and all that crap when talking about his life and where he came from and what he has attained in the football world. Hmmm... maybe it's because of your athletic talent and hard work? No, it's jesus. :jesus: To be honest, I was kind of dreading the " I'd like to thank my lord and saviour jesus christ" speech at the end of the game. It just pisses me off to no end when people give credit to their own hard work and perserverance to an non-existent deity! So at the end of the game, hallyfuckingluyah I didn't hear one mention of sky daddy being given credit. Unless you count the Pittsburgh coach saying he was blessed. But that could mean anything these days. Even Rothlesburger (sp?) who is reported to be a christian, although probably a little less rabid than Warner, didn't blurt out any mention of god. So suck it jesus! :blowjob: You blew it!


The problem was whatever atheist was showing the replays didn't like showing the one that showed Pittsburg's last touchdown was actually incomplete. The receiver's right foot was never on the ground. It was on top of his left foot as the one angle from the field into the endzone showed. But the replay guy just kept showing the two views from the side lines that were inconclusive...


damn Jesus haters....


That's two Superbowls Pittsburg has bought and paid for. (Probably Rush Limbaugh's fault) I couldn't believe some of the penalties... "running over the holder"????? Has that EVER been called in the history of the NFL?

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I forgot to mention that when they interviewed Kurt Warner after the game he didn't give credit to god for the loss like saying it was all in god's plan. Or god is still on the throne, praise god! We are still blessed even though we lost! No, it was conspicuously absent. Hmmmm.... :scratch:

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Thanks Gobbler for reiterating one of my pet peeves. All that practice and talent don't mean shit if gawd ain't got a bundle on your team.

I keep getting told how blessed I was to survive heart surgery. Bullshit. I had a fantastic surgeon, well trained OR staff, and a top notch hospital, all who were well paid for their "miracle." :P

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Thanks Gobbler for reiterating one of my pet peeves. All that practice and talent don't mean shit if gawd ain't got a bundle on your team.

I keep getting told how blessed I was to survive heart surgery. Bullshit. I had a fantastic surgeon, well trained OR staff, and a top notch hospital, all who were well paid for their "miracle." :P


I know how you feel! It boils my peanuts too! Yea, it has nothing to do with the years the surgeon spent in medical school, residency, endless hours of research/training and experience doing open heart surgery. No it has nothing to do with that!


Christian: I was healed by jesus of my cancer! PTL! :clap:


Sane person: Oh really? How did that happen?


Christian: Well my global network of prayer partners and I prayed to jesus for a miracle. Afterall, the bible promises "By his stripes we were healed!" :crucified:


Sane person: Well yes I suppose it says that. But how did jesus really heal you? :rolleyes:


Christian: Well god worked through my primary care physician who ran some tests when I came in complaining of some pain. He suspected cancer so he referred me, bless god, to one of the best oncologists in the state.


Sane person: Wow, that's amazing! :wacko: Then what happened?


Christian: Well my oncologist said I didn't need surgery, praise god, and that based on previous experience with other patients who had the same type of cancer I had, he would place me on chemotherapy alone. Praise jesus, lord! :god:


Sane person: So your oncologist placed you on chemo and now you are in remission? How long were you on chemo? :Hmm:


Christian: Well, praise god, I was on chemo for a year, lost my hair, puked my guts out and now after all that jesus healed me! I'm cancer free, thanks be to god! :notworthy:


Sane person: Wow! That jesus is some healer! :puke:


Christian: Don't you know it! I praise him everyday! Prayer really works!


Sane person: Here, take this gun and please shoot me! :banghead:

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