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Human Evolution


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I'm a little confused about this Common Anscestor thing.


The earliest genus of the Human species is known as Sahelanthropus. So far that's all we know. Also, it is known that we did not evolve from, but are related to apes. It is a common myth that we evolved from apes.


But my question is this: What did we evolve from? What do scientists think this common anscestor was?

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We did not evolve from modern apes, but we did evolve from an ape-like ancestor. "Ape" isn't really a useful when dealing with taxonomy because it is so imprecise, much like every other common term. Wiki seems to do a good job of explaining the difficulties.

As for the common ancestor, there isn't really a way to know if a particular species (specimen) was the common ancestor, but the findings can give us an idea of what our common ancestor may have looked like.

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And what would that be?

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And what would that be?
Unicellular life.
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I'm curious to know what the chain of events are surmised to be? For instance, what animals and plant life do scientists think evolved first (from said one celled organisms).

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I'm going to have to look this up. I don't know what fossil links all the primates together.

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And what would that be?

Couldn't tell ya. Being a misanthrope, I've never really cared for anthropology. I was just giving a general answer. Our closest living relatives are chimps, you should probably start there (I'm way too lazy to do much research for you). I did find an interesting article on LiveScience, though.

As for the branching of the rest of the plants and animals, an interesting book you could check out is The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins. In the book he traces the major points of divergence starting with humans and working back towards single-celled organisms.

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Thanks! I'll check it out.

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We are related to a lemur. I used to think it was lemmings.

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I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it. I like... move it



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We are related to a lemur. I used to think it was lemmings.


Yes, Lemurs are part of the Primate Order. They are so freaking cute, too. I loved Sasha Cohen as a Lemur. :P

Mort the Mouse Lemur: King Julian! What are they?

Mort the Mouse Lemur: What are they?

Julian: They are... aliens! Savage aliens! From the savage future!

Maurice: They've come to kill us! And take our women! And our precious metals!

Mort the Mouse Lemur: [begins weeping]

Julian: Get up Mort! Do not be near the King's feet, okay!

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