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Africa, AIDS and Apologetics


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Africa, AIDS and Apologetics


Right now, millions all over the continent of Africa are suffering from the fatal AIDS epidemic sweeping the land. The Catholic Church, helping human beings because Christ told them to, has seen fit to send many missionaries to Africa, and to, allegedly, help the people living there. What is the true purpose for the missions in Africa? To spread the Catholic faith, of course. That has been well-covered in the previous excerpt from the Catechism. What is going on in Africa?


Let's start by reviewing the Catholic Church's catasrophically-unpopular stance on birth control. We all know what it is: Condoms, the pill, and any other forms of "artificial" birth control are morally-wrong, because of the Church's other catastrophically-unpopular opinion, that one regarding sex. All the refutations to the "sex is beautiful" and "sex should be saved for marriage" reasoning is contained in the Sex and Homosexuality page, so I won't go into it, here.


The point is that the Church's missionaries in Africa are trying to "help" the inhabitants, by telling them that AIDS is a sexually-transmitted disease, and that they shouldn't have sex, if they don't want to get it. They never mention condoms, which are a method of preventing the spread of AIDS. It doesn't matter if Africans don't share the Catholic belief that birth control is wrong. The Church says "abstinence or nothing" to the people of Africa, and leaves it at that. In other words, the Church doesn't believe that they have a right to know about methods that will allow them to have sex, but not transmit AIDS. What the Church is doing in Africa is wholly and reprehensibly evil. They are putting their beliefs over the potential lives of the people in Africa. Face it. If two people want to have sex, they'll have sex. The Catholic Church can't force them not to. Instead of giving these people the information necessary to retain their health and their sexual lives, the Church simply sits back and lets a nation die thousands of deaths that could have been prevented with the use of condoms. This is a modern religious crusade against condoms, where the lives of millions are expendable to purport a belief which has no solid, moral grounding. I say again, what the Church is doing in Africa is evil.

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Goodbye Jesus

I agree, but I don't think the Catholic leaders will change their minds. The leaders don't want to admit they are wrong because it might make people think.

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Compare with this page of Mr Michael Wong's great site "www.creationtheory.org"...


(For those who don't know it, it's not what it sounds like - it's an anti-fundie and predominantly anti-cretinism/IDiocy site ;) )

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vargo, its a well known fact that sex is a sick, twisted, perverted act that God, in his infinite wisdom, instilled an intense desire for in all of us humans. Hell, sex is slightly more evil than murder.


The catholic church simply wants to explain to the Africans how evil and depraved their world is, and inform them that completely abstaining from sex is the only way to make thier country a wonderful, happy place. Because, as we all know, premarital sex is the root of all the worlds problems.

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